49 research outputs found

    Role of tyrosine 238 in the active site of Rhodotorula gracilis D-amino acid oxidase - A site-directed mutagenesis study

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    Y238, one of the very few conserved residues in the active site of d-amino acid oxidases (DAAO), was mutated to phenylalanine and serine in the enzyme from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis. The mutated proteins are catalytically competent thus eliminating Tyr238 as an active-site acid/base catalyst. Y238F and Y238S mutants exhibit a threefold slower turnover on d-alanine as substrate, which can be attributed to a slower rate of product release relative to the wild-type enzyme (a change of the rate constants for substrate binding was also evident). The Y238 DAAO mutants have spectral properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme but the degree of stabilization of the flavin semiquinone and the redox properties in the free form of Y238S are different. The binding of the carboxylic acid competitive inhibitors and the substrate d-alanine are changed only slightly, suggesting that the overall substrate binding pocket remains intact. In agreement with data from the pH dependence of ligand binding and with the protein crystal structure, site-directed mutagenesis results emphasize the importance of residue Y238 in controlling access to the active site instead of a role in the substrate/ligand interaction

    Engineering the substrate specificity of D-amino-acid oxidase

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    The high resolution crystal structure of D-amino-acid oxidase (DAAO) from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis provided us with the tool to engineer the substrate specificity of this flavo-oxidase. DAAO catalyzes the oxidative deamination of D-amino acids, with the exception of D-aspartate and D-glutamate (which are oxidized by D-aspartate oxidase, DASPO). Following sequence homology, molecular modeling, and simulated annealing docking analyses, the active site residue Met-213 was mutated to arginine. The mutant enzyme showed properties close to those of DASPO (e.g. the oxidation of D-aspartate and the binding of l-tartrate), and it was still active on D-alanine. The presence of an additional guanidinium group in the active site of the DAAO mutant allowed the binding (and thus the oxidation) of D-aspartate, but it was also responsible for a lower catalytic activity on D-alanine. Similar results were also obtained when two additional arginines were simultaneously introduced in the active site of DAAO (M213R/Y238R mutant, yielding an architecture of the active site more similar to that obtained for the DASPO model), but the double mutant showed very low stability in solution. The decrease in maximal activity observed with these DAAO mutants could be due to alterations in the precise orbital alignment required for efficient catalysis, although even the change in the redox properties (more evident in the DAAO-benzoate complex) could play a role. The rational design approach was successful in producing an enzymatic activity with a new, broader substrate specificity, and this approach could also be used to develop DAAO variants suitable for use in biotechnological applications

    pLG72 modulates intracellular D-serine levels through its interaction with D-amino acid oxidase - Effect on schizophrenia susceptibility

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    Human genes coding for pLG72 and d-amino acid oxidase have recently been linked to the onset of schizophrenia. pLG72 was proposed as an activator of the human FAD-containing flavoprotein d-amino acid oxidase (hDAAO). In the brain this oxidizes d-serine, a potent activator of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. We have investigated the mechanistic regulation of hDAAO by pLG72. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that hDAAO and pLG72 are both expressed in astrocytes of the human cortex, where they most likely interact, considering their partial overlapping subcellular distribution and their coimmunoprecipitation. We demonstrated that the specific in vitro interaction of the two proteins yields a complex composed of 2 hDAAO homodimers and 2 pLG72 molecules. Binding of pLG72 did not affect the kinetic properties and FAD binding ability of hDAAO; instead, a time-dependent loss of hDAAO activity in the presence of an excess of pLG72 was found. The binding affects the tertiary structure of hDAAO, altering the amount of the active form. We finally demonstrated that overexpression of hDAAO in glioblastoma cells decreases the levels of d-serine, an effect that is null when pLG72 is coexpressed. These data indicate that pLG72 acts as a negative effector of hDAAO. Therefore, a decrease in the synaptic concentration of d-serine as the result of an anomalous increase in hDAAO activity related to hypoexpression of pLG72 may represent a molecular mechanism by which hDAAO and pLG72 are involved in schizophrenia susceptibility

    Overexpression in Escherichia coli of a recombinant chimeric Rhodotorula gracilis d-amino acid oxidase

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    This paper reports a novel expression system constructed to maximize the production in Escherichia coli of d-amino acid oxidase from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis (RgDAAO). We produced a recombinant plasmid by the insertion of the cDNA encoding for the RgDAAO into the multiple cloning site of the expression vector pT7.7 (pT7-DAAO), downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase binding site. The pT7-DAAO, which encodes a fully active fusion protein with six additional residues at the N-terminus of DAAO, was used to transform the BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS E. coli cells. In the latter host and under optimal IPTG induction conditions, soluble and active chimeric DAAO was expressed in these cells up to 930 U/g of cell (and a fermentation yield of 2300 U/liter of fermentation broth), with a specific activity of 8.8 U/mg protein. RgDAAO represents approximately 8% of the total soluble protein content of the cell

    Enzymatic detection of D-amino acids

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    D: -Amino acids play several key roles and are widely diffused in living organisms, from bacteria (in which D-alanine is a component of the cell wall) to mammals (where D-serine is involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission in the central nervous system). The study of the biological processes involving D-amino acids and their use as clinical or biotechnological biomarkers requires reliable methods of quantifying them. Although "traditional" analytical techniques have been (and still are) employed for such tasks, enzymatic assays based on enzymes which possess a strict stereospecificity (i.e., that are only active on the D-enantiomers of amino acids) allowed the set-up of low-cost protocols with a high sensitivity and selectivity and suitable for determining the D-amino acid content of complex biological samples. The most exploited enzyme in these assays is D-amino acid oxidase, a flavoenzyme that exclusively oxidizes D-amino acids and possesses with a broad substrate specificity and a high kinetic efficiency