300 research outputs found

    Columnariose: etiologia, sinais clínicos e envio de amostras para análise laboratorial.

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    Exposição de Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) ao herbicida de cana-de-açúcar hexazinona + diuron.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a exposição de tilápias do Nilo ao hexazinona + diuron em duas etapas

    Respostas fisiopatológicas de tambaquis alimentados com ração suplementada com b-Glucano.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o emprego do imunoestimulante b-glucano na dieta do tambaqui sobre o as respostas fisiológicas, imunológicas e resistência frente ao desafio com Aeromonas hydrophila

    Variáveis hematológicas em tambaquis anestesiados com óleo de cravo e benzocaína.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito anestésico de óleo de cravo e benzocaína sobre os parâmetros hematológicas e a fragilidade osmótica dos eritrócitos em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)

    Concentração e atividade de lisozima em tambaquis Colossoma macropomum vacinados contra Aeromonas hydrophila e suplementados com ß-Glucano.

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da suplementação de ß-Glucano sobre a concentração e atividade de lisozima em tambaquis vacinados e desafiados com Aeromonas hydrophila

    Atividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais frente à Streptococcus agalactiae.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de Lippia alba, Lippia sidoides, Mentha piperita, Ocimum gratissimum e Zingiber officinale frente a bactéria Streptococcus agalactiae.XV ENBRAPOA

    Phenotypic Detection of Clonotypic B Cells in Multiple Myeloma by Specific Immunoglobulin Ligands Reveals their Rarity in Multiple Myeloma

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    In multiple myeloma, circulating “clonotypic” B cells, that express the immunoglobulin rearrangement of the malignant plasma cell clone, can be indirectly detected by PCR. Their role as potential “feeder” cells for the malignant plasma cell pool remains controversial. Here we established for the first time an approach that allows direct tracking of such clonotypic cells by labeling with patient-specific immunoglobulin ligands in 15 patients with myeloma. Fifty percent of patients showed evidence of clonotypic B cells in blood or bone marrow by PCR. Epitope-mimicking peptides from random libraries were selected on each patient's individual immunoglobulin and used as ligands to trace cells expressing the idiotypic immunoglobulin on their surface. We established a flow cytometry and immunofluorescence protocol to track clonotypic B cells and validated it in two independent monoclonal B cell systems. Using this method, we found clonotypic B cells in only one out of 15 myeloma patients. In view of the assay's validated sensitivity level of 10−3, this surprising data suggests that the abundance of such cells has been vastly overestimated in the past and that they apparently represent a very rare population in myeloma. Our novel tracing approach may open perspectives to isolate and analyze clonotypic B cells and determine their role in myeloma pathobiology

    Characterization of Adhesive Bonding Using Leaky Lamb Waves

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    The performance of adhesive bonds in primary structures strongly depends on the quality of adhesion. Many NDE methods are presently used to detect unbonded areas; however, these methods cannot be used to determine bond properties. In standard ultrasonic techniques, the velocity of bulk wave propagation through the specimen is measured by time-offlight. Unfortunately, the waves reflected from the bonded region cannot be easily identified or analyzed to determine the properties of the adhesive layer