51 research outputs found

    Variação da contagem de células somåticas de rebanhos de acordo com o isolamento de Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus agalactiae em amostras de leite do tanque de expansão.

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    Variação na produção de leite de rebanhos bovinos da raça holandesa de acordo com o isolamento de Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus agalactiae em amostras de leite do tanque de expansão.

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    Epidemiological role of humans, dogs and cats in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in a central area of Argentina

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    Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina

    Lutzomyia longipalpis urbanisation and control

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    Ecological patterns of blood-feeding by kissing-bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae)

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    A taxonomic bibliography of the South American snakes of the Crotalus durissus complex (Serpentes, Viperidae)

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    Reptiles of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana

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    In my introductory study of Nearctic Polistes (1940, JI. New York Ent. Soc., XLVIII, pp. 7-13), I proposed a tentative arrangement of the several color variations of P. canadensis (Linnaeus). I have since described one more variety and received two additional ones, the first from Mr. Pablo Anduze, in Venezuela, the second from Mr. F. Schade, in Paraguay. A more careful study of some of the forms, based on more abundant material, has led me to modify some of my earlier views and enabled me to fill in gaps in the known distribution
