2,460 research outputs found

    Random walk, cluster growth, and the morphology of urban conglomerations

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    We propose a new model of cluster growth according to which the probability that a new unit is placed in a point at a distance rr from the city center is a Gaussian with mean equal to the cluster radius and variance proportional to the mean, modulated by the local density ρ(r)\rho(r). The model is analytically solvable in d=2d=2 dimensions, where the density profile varies as a complementary error function. The model reproduces experimental observations relative to the morphology of cities, determined via an original analysis of digital maps with a very high spatial resolution, and helps understanding the emergence of vehicular traffic.Comment: Physica A. To appea

    Order, Disorder and Confinement

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    Studying the order of the chiral transition for Nf=2N_f=2 is of fundamental importance to understand the mechanism of color confinement. We present results of a numerical investigation on the order of the transition by use of a novel strategy in finite size scaling analysis. The specific heat and a number of susceptibilities are compared with the possible critical behaviours. A second order transition in the O(4) and O(2) universality classes are excluded. Substantial evidence emerges for a first order transition. Results are in agreement with those found by studying the scaling properties of a disorder parameter related to the dual superconductivity mechanism of color confinement.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures. Talk given at the International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics: QCD@Work 2005, Conversano, Italy, 16-20 June 200

    The chiral transition in two-flavor QCD

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    QCD with N_f=2 is a specially interesting system to investigate the chiral transition. The order of the transition has still not been established. We report the results of an in-depth numerical investigation performed with staggered fermions on lattices with L_t=4 and L_s=12,16,20,24,32 and quark masses am_q ranging from 0.01335 to 0.307036. Using finite-size techniques we compare the scaling behavior of a number of thermodynamical susceptibilities with the expectations of O(4) and O(2) universality classes. Clear disagreement is observed. Indications of a first order transition are found.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, PoS style. Talk presented at Lattice 2005 (Nonzero temperature and density), Dublin, Ireland, July 25-3

    The first jamming crossover: geometric and mechanical features

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    The jamming transition characterizes athermal systems of particles interacting via finite range repulsive potentials, and occurs on increasing the density when particles cannot avoid making contacts with those of their first coordination shell. We have recently shown [M. Pica Ciamarra and P. Sollich, arXiv:1209.3334] that the same systems are also characterized by a series of jamming crossovers. These occur at higher volume fractions as particles are forced to make contact with those of subsequent coordination shells. At finite temperature, the crossovers give rise to dynamic and thermodynamic density anomalies, including a diffusivity anomaly and a negative thermal expansion coefficient. Density anomalies may therefore be related to structural changes occurring at the jamming crossovers. Here we elucidate these structural changes, investigating the evolution of the structure and of the mechanical properties of a jammed system as its volume fraction varies from the jamming transition to and beyond the first jamming crossover. We show that the first jamming crossover occurs at a well defined volume fraction, and that it induces a rearrangement of the force network causing a softening of the system. It also causes qualitative changes in the normal mode density of states and the spatial properties of the normal mode vectors.Comment: submitted to J. Chem. Phys. for "Special Topic Issue on the Glass Transition

    Exceptional and Spinorial Conformal Windows

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    We study the conformal window of gauge theories containing fermionic matter fields, where the gauge group is any of the exceptional groups with the fermions transforming according to the fundamental and adjoint representations and the orthogonal groups where the fermions transform according to a spinorial representation. We investigate the phase diagram using a purely perturbative four loop analysis, the all-orders beta function and the ladder approximation.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 8 table

    A test of first order scaling in Nf=2 QCD

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    We complete our analysis of Nf=2 QCD based on the lattice staggered fermion formulation. Using a series of Monte Carlo simulations at fixed (amq*Ls^yh) one is able to test the universality class with given critical exponent yh. This strategy has been used to test the O(4) universality class and it has been presented at the previous Lattice conferences. No agreement was found with simulations in the mass range amq=[0.01335,0.15] using lattices with Ls=16 up to 32 and Lt=4. With the same strategy, we now investigate the possibility of a first order transition using a new set of Monte Carlo data corresponding to yh=3 in the same mass and volume range as the one used for O(4). A substantial agreement is observed both in the specific heat scaling and in the scaling of the chiral condensate, while the chiral susceptibilities still presents visible deviation from scaling in the mass range explored.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, German

    Two flavor QCD and confinement - II

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    This paper is part of a program of investigation of the chiral transition in Nf=2 QCD, started in Phys.Rev.D72:114510,2005. Progress is reported on the understanding of some possible systematic errors. A direct test of first order scaling is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Conformal vs confining scenario in SU(2) with adjoint fermions

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    The masses of the lowest-lying states in the meson and in the gluonic sector of an SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac flavors in the adjoint representation are measured on the lattice at a fixed value of the lattice coupling ÎČ=4/g02=2.25\beta = 4/g_0^2 = 2.25 for values of the bare fermion mass m0m_0 that span a range between the quenched regime and the massless limit, and for various lattice volumes. Even for light constituent fermions the lightest glueballs are found to be lighter than the lightest mesons. Moreover, the string tension between two static fundamental sources strongly depends on the mass of the dynamical fermions and becomes of the order of the inverse squared lattice linear size before the chiral limit is reached. The implications of these findings for the phase of the theory in the massless limit are discussed and a strategy for discriminating between the (near--)conformal and the confining scenario is outlined.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures using RevTeX4, Typos corrected, references added. Versions to appear on PR
