57 research outputs found

    A model for film-forming with Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids

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    The formation of a thin film by (i) the slow penetration of a gas bubble into a liquid filled tube, (ii) the withdrawal of a planar substrate from a liquid filled gap, is investigated theoretically for the cases of both Newtonian and shear-thinning liquids; the latter conforming to either a power-law or Ellis model. Formulated as a boundary value problem underpinned by lubrication theory, the analysis gives rise to a system of ordinary differential equations which are solved numerically subject to appropriate boundary conditions. For Newtonian liquids comparison of the predicted residual film thickness for a wide range of capillary number, Ca ∈ (10-4, 10), is made with others obtained using existing expressions, including the classical one of Bretherton, in the region of parameter space over which they apply. In the case of (i), prediction of the behaviour of the residual fluid fraction and gap-to-film thickness ratio, for a Newtonian liquid and one that is shear-thinning and modelled via a power-law, is found to be in particularly good agreement with experimental data for Ca < 0.2. For (ii), both shear-thinning models are utilized and contour plots of residual film thickness generated as a function of Ca and the defining parameters characteristic of each model. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Conductance of a spin-1 quantum dot: the two-stage Kondo effect

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    We discuss the physics of a of a spin-1 quantum dot, coupled to two metallic leads and develop a simple model for the temperature dependence of its conductance. Such quantum dots are described by a two-channel Kondo model with asymmetric coupling constants and the spin screening of the dot by the leads is expected to proceed via a two-stage process. When the Kondo temperatures of each channel are widely separated, on cooling, the dot passes through a broad cross-over regime dominated by underscreened Kondo physics. A singular, or non-fermi liquid correction to the conductance develops in this regime. At the lowest temperatures, destructive interference between resonant scattering in both channels leads to the eventual suppression of the conductance of the dot. We develop a model to describe the growth, and ultimate suppression of the conductance in the two channel Kondo model as it is screened successively by its two channels. Our model is based upon large-N approximation in which the localized spin degrees of freedom are described using the Schwinger boson formalism.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Simple description of the anisotropic two-channel Kondo problem

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    We adapt strong-coupling methods first used in the one-channel Kondo model to develop a simple description of the spin-121\over 2 two-channel Kondo model with channel anisotropy. Our method exploits spin-charge decoupling to develop a compactified Hamiltonian that describes the spin excitations. The structure of the fixed-point Hamiltonian and quasiparticle impurity S-matrix are incompatible with a Fermi liquid description.Comment: 4 pages, latex (uses revtex and epsf macros) with 3 figures - all in a self unpacking uuencoded file. Revisions include changes to Fig. 1(a) and detailed discussion of the spin excitation

    Bosonization in the two-channel Kondo model

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    The bosonization of the S=1/2S=1/2 anisotropic two-channel Kondo model is shown to yield two equivalent representations of the original problem. In a straight forward extension of the Emery-Kivelson approach, the interacting resonant level model previously derived by the Anderson-Yuval technique is obtained. In addition, however, a ``(σ\sigma,τ\tau)'' description is also found. The strong coupling fixed point of the (σ\sigma,τ\tau) model was originally postulated to be related to the intermediate coupling fixed point of the two-channel Kondo model. The equivalence of the σ\sigma,τ\tau model to the two-channel Kondo model is formally established. A summary of what one may learn from a simple study of these different representations is also given.Comment: 5 pages, latex (uses revtex and epsf macros) with 1 postscript figur

    Kondo effect in a Luttinger liquid: nonuniversality of the Wilson ratio

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    Using a precise coset Ising-Bose representation, we show how backscattering of electrons off a magnetic impurity destabilizes the two-channel Kondo fixed point and drives the system to a new fixed point, in agreement with previous results. In addition, we verify the scaling proposed by Furusaki and Nagaosa and prove that the other possible critical fixed point, namely the local Fermi liquid class, is not completely universal when backscattering is included because the Wilson ratio is not well-defined in the spinon basis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; to appear in Physical Review

    The electronic structure of the heavy fermion metal LiV2O4LiV_2O_4

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    The electronic structure of the first reported heavy fermion compound without f-electrons LiV_2O_4 was studied by an ab-initio calculation method. In the result of the trigonal splitting and d-d Coulomb interaction one electron of the d1.5d^{1.5} configuration of V ion is localized and the rest partially fills a relatively broad conduction band. The effective Anderson impurity model was solved by Non-Crossing-Approximation method, leading to an estimation for the single-site Kondo energy scale T_K. Then, we show how the so-called exhaustion phenomenon of Nozi\`eres for the Kondo lattice leads to a remarkable decrease of the heavy-fermion (or coherence) energy scale Tcoh≡TK2/DT_{coh}\equiv {T_K}^2/D (D is the typical bandwidth), comparable to the experimental result.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; 3 figures in format .eps. submitted to PR

    Teaching medical students about children with disabilities in a rural setting in a school

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    Background: To describe and implement a community paediatric placement in a school setting that teaches undergraduate medical students about intellectual disability that provides benefit to the community and is acceptable to both students and teachers. Methods: Twenty six 4th year undergraduate medical students of the University of Newcastle completed their Paediatric studies based in Tamworth in 2004 & 2005 including an 8 week placement at Bullimbal School for Specific Purposes. The placement involved the students being actively involved in assisting with the delivery of a variety of activities aimed at improving the motor skills of a group of disabled children. De-identified data were obtained from completed evaluation surveys from 75% (21 of 26) of the medical students and from 100% (5 of 5) of the teachers. Results: All students and teachers found the placement was acceptable and enjoyed the placement and felt that it gave the medical students a greater understanding of children with disabilities. 80% (4 of 5) of the teachers involved in the program did not feel that its implementation added to their workload and all were enthusiastic to continue with the program. Conclusion: Medical students can be effectively taught and have a valuable clinical experience in a school setting to learn about children with a disability. This educational innovation has provided a mutual benefit for both the medical students and the school children who participated in the program without impacting on the workloads of teachers

    Impurity correlations in dilute Kondo alloys

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    The single impurity Kondo model is often used to describe metals with dilute concentrations (n_i) of magnetic impurities. Here we examine how dilute the impurities must be for this to be valid by developing a virial expansion in impurity density. The O(n_i^2) term is determined from results on the 2-impurity Kondo problem by averaging over the RKKY coupling. The non-trivial fixed point of the 2-impurity problem could produce novel singularities in the heat capacity of dilute alloys at O(n_i^2).Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Kondo Effect in a Luttinger Liquid: Exact Results from Conformal Field Theory

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    We report on exact results for the low-temperature thermodynamics of a spin-12\frac{1}{2} magnetic impurity coupled to a one-dimensional interacting electron system. By using boundary conformal field theory, we show that there are only two types of critical behaviors consistent with the symmetries of the problem: {\em either} a local Fermi liquid, {\em or} a theory with an anomalous response identical to that recently proposed by Furusaki and Nagaosa. Suppression of back scattering off the impurity leads to the same critical properties as for the two-channel Kondo effect.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, uses amsfonts, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Emergency Response Vehicles

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    This paper presents the first experimental and computational investigation into the aerodynamics of emergency response vehicles and focusses on reducing the additional drag that results from the customary practice of adding light-bars onto the vehicles’ roofs. A series of wind tunnel experiments demonstrate the significant increase in drag that results from the light bars and show these can be minimized by reducing the flow separation caused by them. Simple potential improvements in the aerodynamic design of the light bars are investigated by combining Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Design of Experiments and metamodelling methods. An aerofoil-based roof design concept is shown to reduce the overall aerodynamic drag by up to 20% and an analysis of its effect on overall fuel consumption indicates that it offers a significant opportunity for improving the fuel economy and reducing emissions from emergency response vehicles. These benefits are now being realised by the UK’s ambulance service
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