68 research outputs found

    Dark conglomerate phases of bent-core liquid crystals

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    Spontaneous or induced chiral symmetry breaking in achiral systems is unusual and understanding the origin of such a phenomenon has been an important area of research for several years. The optically isotropic mesophases exhibited by unconventional liquid crystals are one of the most interesting systems to investigate spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in liquid crystal mesophases formed by achiral moieties. The dark conglomerate (DC) phases are one such optically isotropic family of phases. In this paper, a detailed account of the tendency of bent-core mesogens to form a variety of polar smectic phases, the formation of DC phases due to layers deformations and the general optical, electrical, physical properties of the DC phases are given. An example of a DC phase which exhibit distinct electro-optic properties is described with the nature of dynamics of the response and physical reasons responsible for such behaviour. The challenges and prospects of the DC phases are discussed for their potential applications in novel devices

    Halfvortices in flat nanomagnets

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    We discuss a new type of topological defect in XY systems where the O(2) symmetry is broken in the presence of a boundary. Of particular interest is the appearance of such defects in nanomagnets with a planar geometry. They are manifested as kinks of magnetization along the edge and can be viewed as halfvortices with winding numbers \pm 1/2. We argue that halfvortices play a role equally important to that of ordinary vortices in the statics and dynamics of flat nanomagnets. Domain walls found in experiments and numerical simulations are composite objects containing two or more of these elementary defects. We also discuss a closely related system: the two-dimensional smectic liquid crystal films with planar boundary condition.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, To appear as a chapter in Les Houches summer school on Quantum Magnetis

    Bipolar supercurrent in graphene

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    Graphene -a recently discovered one-atom-thick layer of graphite- constitutes a new model system in condensed matter physics, because it is the first material in which charge carriers behave as massless chiral relativistic particles. The anomalous quantization of the Hall conductance, which is now understood theoretically, is one of the experimental signatures of the peculiar transport properties of relativistic electrons in graphene. Other unusual phenomena, like the finite conductivity of order 4e^2/h at the charge neutrality (or Dirac) point, have come as a surprise and remain to be explained. Here, we study the Josephson effect in graphene. Our experiments rely on mesoscopic superconducting junctions consisting of a graphene layer contacted by two closely spaced superconducting electrodes, where the charge density can be controlled by means of a gate electrode. We observe a supercurrent that, depending on the gate voltage, is carried by either electrons in the conduction band or by holes in the valence band. More importantly, we find that not only the normal state conductance of graphene is finite, but also a finite supercurrent can flow at zero charge density. Our observations shed light on the special role of time reversal symmetry in graphene and constitute the first demonstration of phase coherent electronic transport at the Dirac point.Comment: Under review, 12 pages, 4 Figs., suppl. info (v2 identical, resolved file problems

    Effects of Engineered Nanoparticles on the Assembly of Exopolymeric Substances from Phytoplankton

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    The unique properties of engineered nanoparticles (ENs) that make their industrial applications so attractive simultaneously raise questions regarding their environmental safety. ENs exhibit behaviors different from bulk materials with identical chemical compositions. Though the nanotoxicity of ENs has been studied intensively, their unintended environmental impacts remain largely unknown. Herein we report experimental results of EN interactions with exopolymeric substances (EPS) from three marine phytoplankton species: Amphora sp., Ankistrodesmus angustus and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. EPS are polysaccharide-rich anionic colloid polymers released by various microorganisms that can assemble into microgels, possibly by means of hydrophobic and ionic mechanisms. Polystyrene nanoparticles (23 nm) were used in our study as model ENs. The effects of ENs on EPS assembly were monitored with dynamic laser scattering (DLS). We found that ENs can induce significant acceleration in Amphora sp. EPS assembly; after 72 hours EN-EPS aggregation reached equilibrium, forming microscopic gels of ∼4–6 µm in size. In contrast, ENs only cause moderate assembly kinetic acceleration for A. angustus and P. tricornutum EPS samples. Our results indicate that the effects of ENs on EPS assembly kinetics mainly depend on the hydrophobic interactions of ENs with EPS polymers. The cycling mechanism of EPS is complex. Nonetheless, the change of EPS assembly kinetics induced by ENs can be considered as one potential disturbance to the marine carbon cycle

    Crackling Noise

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    Crackling noise arises when a system responds to changing external conditions through discrete, impulsive events spanning a broad range of sizes. A wide variety of physical systems exhibiting crackling noise have been studied, from earthquakes on faults to paper crumpling. Because these systems exhibit regular behavior over many decades of sizes, their behavior is likely independent of microscopic and macroscopic details, and progress can be made by the use of very simple models. The fact that simple models and real systems can share the same behavior on a wide range of scales is called universality. We illustrate these ideas using results for our model of crackling noise in magnets, explaining the use of the renormalization group and scaling collapses. This field is still developing: we describe a number of continuing challenges

    Frustrated Spring-Network Model for Crosslinked Polymer Surfaces

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