269 research outputs found

    Ionone: The Molecule that Shaped the History of Western Civilization

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    Blood coagulation, platelets and haematocrit 1n male, female, and pregnant Göttlngen rmmplgs

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    Pigs are commonly used animals for research. Information on the coagulation system of an experimental animal is essential for scholars to select an appropriate model. We present information on coagulation and haematological parametersin Giittingen breed minipigs (male, female, and pregnant). Factor activities are expressed as percentage of human activity to facilitate interspecies comparison.Protein C was significantly higher, fibrinogen and platelets were significantly lower in pregnant compared to male pigs (p < 0.001 without Bonferroni-correction, p < 0.03 with Bonferroni-correction applied). As pregnant sows were older (30 +/- 11 months) than female non-pregnant animals (age 11+/- 8 months) and boars (8 +/- 2 months) an influence of age on the observed differences can’t be excluded.The Göttingen minipig is an animal suited for studies involving coagulation Iiieasurements. It should be noted, however, that compared to normal human values factor V (about 400% human) and Factor VIII (about 300% human) are higher inGöttingen breed minipigs and that haematocrit (33% absolute) is lower

    Neuropathic pain: Mechanisms and therapeutic strategies

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    The physiopathology and neurotransmission of pain are of an owe inspiring complexity. Our ability to satisfactorily suppress neuropathic or other forms of chronic pain is limited. The number of pharmacodynamically distinct and clinically available medications is low and the successes achieved modest. Pain Medicine practitioners are confronted with the ethical dichotomy imposed by Hippocrates: On one hand the mandate of primum non nocere, on the other hand, the promise of heavenly joys if successful divinum est opus sedare dolorem. We briefly summarize the concepts associated with nociceptive pain from nociceptive input (afferents from periphery), modulatory output [descending noradrenergic (NE) and serotoninergic (5-HT) fibers] to local control. The local control is comprised of the “inflammatory soup” at the site of pain origin and synaptic relay stations, with an ATP-rich environment promoting inflammation and nociception while an adenosine-rich environment having the opposite effect. Subsequently, we address the transition from nociceptor pain to neuropathic pain (independent of nociceptor activation) and the process of sensitization and pain chronification (transient pain progressing into persistent pain). Having sketched a model of pain perception and processing we attempt to identify the sites and modes of action of clinically available drugs used in chronic pain treatment, focusing on adjuvant (co-analgesic) medication

    The Experimental Oxime K027—A Promising Protector From Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning. A Review Comparing K027, K048, Pralidoxime, and Obidoxime

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    Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) is a major problem worldwide. Standard therapy with atropine and established oxime-type enzyme reactivators (pralidoxime, obidoxime) is unsatisfactory. In search of more efficacious broad-spectrum oximes, new bispyridinium (K-) oximes have been synthesized, with K027 being among the most promising. This review summarizes pharmacokinetic characteristics of K027, its toxicity and in vivo efficacy to protect from OPC toxicity and compares this oxime with another experimental bisquaternary asymmetric pyridinium aldoxime (K048) and two established oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime). After intramuscular (i.m.) injection, K027 reaches maximum plasma concentration within ∼30 min; only ∼2% enter the brain. Its intrinsic cholinesterase inhibitory activity is low, making it relatively non-toxic. In vitro reactivation potency is high for ethyl-paraoxon-, methyl-paraoxon-, dichlorvos-, diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)- and tabun-inhibited cholinesterase. When administered in vivo after exposure to the same OPCs, K027 is comparable or more efficacious than pralidoxime and obidoxime. When given as a pretreatment before exposure to ethyl-paraoxon, methyl-paraoxon, DFP, or azinphos-methyl, it is superior to the Food and Drug Administration-approved compound pyridostigmine and comparable to physostigmine, which because of its entry into the brain may cause unwanted behavioral effects. Because of its low toxicity, K027 can be given in high dosages, making it a very efficacious oxime not only for postexposure treatment but also for prophylactic administration, especially when brain penetration is undesirable