27 research outputs found

    T-duality, Generalized Geometry and Non-Geometric Backgrounds

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    We discuss the action of O(d,d), and in particular T-duality, in the context of generalized geometry, focusing on the description of so-called non-geometric backgrounds. We derive local expressions for the pure spinors descibing the generalized geometry dual to an SU(3) structure background, and show that the equations for N=1 vacua are invariant under T-duality. We also propose a local generalized geometrical definition of the charges f, H, Q and R appearing in effective four-dimensional theories, using the Courant bracket. We then address certain global aspects, in particular whether the local non-geometric charges can be gauged away in, for instance, backgrounds admitting a torus action, as well as the structure of generalized parallelizable backgrounds.Comment: 33 page

    Teste de envelhecimento precoce para sementes de azevém, aveia preta e milheto Accelerated aging test for ryegrass black oat grass and pearl millet seeds

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    A viabilidade da aplicação e da padronização do teste de envelhecimento precoce em sementes de azevém, aveia preta e milheto foi verificada em três lotes, para cada espécie, com valores iniciais de germinação semelhantes. As sementes de cada lote foram submetidas ao teste por períodos de 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas, à temperatura de 41&deg;C e 100% de umidade relativa do ar. Em aveia preta, o período de 24 horas estratifica lotes de sementes pelo vigor. Para milheto e azevém, o período de envelhecimento para estratificar lotes de sementes pelo vigor pode ser de 24 a 48 horas. Períodos de 72 a 120 horas são muito drásticos para as três espécies e impedem a estratificação de lotes de sementes pelo vigor.<br>Accelerated aging test standardization for seeds of ryegrass, black oat grass and pearl millet was cheked in three lots, of each specie, with similar initial values of germination. The seeds of each lot were submited to periods of 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours of temperature of 41&deg;C and air relative humidity of 100%. In black oat grass the 24h period stratifies seed vigor among lots. However, for pearl millet and ryegrass the period can be of 24 to 48h. Periods of 72 to 120 hours are very severe to the three species and prevent the seed vigor lots stratification