11 research outputs found

    On the probability and direction of morphosyntactic lifespan change

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    The aim of this study is to further contribute to the ongoing debate regarding the nature of “morphosyntactic lifespan change,” defined here as observable shifts in the grammatical choices individuals make between competing morphosyntactic structures. Through a quantitative case study of competition between two types of ing-nominals in seventeenth-century English, in which we factor in the grammatical contexts in which the variant structures can be used, we show that individuals vary in the extent to which they participate in the contextual diffusion of a new structure. We furthermore show that there is interindividual variability with respect to whether and what kind of lifespan change—frequency, constraint, and inventory change—is attested and highlight different patterns of intraindividual change: progressive, retrograde, and “mixed.”Language Use in Past and Presen

    Complexity in complementation

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    Envelope Analysis on Vibration Signals for Stator Winding Fault Early Detection in 3-Phase Induction Motors

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    This paper brings up a novel method for detecting induction motor stator winding faults at an early stage. The contribution of the work comes from the delicate handling of motor vibration by applying envelope analysis, which makes it possible to capture electrical short-circuit signature in mechanical signals, even if the magnitude of the fault is fairly incipient. Conventional induction motor condition-based maintenance methods usually involve current and voltage measurements, which could be expensive to collect, and vibration-based analysis is often only capable of detecting the fault when it is already quite significant. In contrast, the solution presented in this study provides a refreshing perspective by applying time synchronous averaging to remove the discrete frequency component, and amplitude demodulation to further enhance the signal with the help of kurtogram. Experimental results on a three-phase induction motor show that the method is also able to distinguish different fault severity levels

    EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Reconfigurable Radio for Future Generation Wireless Systems EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Reconfigurable Radio for Future Generation Wireless Systems

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    open access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Editor-in-Chie

    Corpora and historical linguistics Corpora e linguística histórica

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    The present article aims to survey and assess the current state of electronic historical corpora and corpus methodology, and attempts to look into possible future developments. It highlights the fact that within the wide spectrum of corpus linguistic methodology, historical corpus linguistics has emerged as a vibrant field that has significantly added to the appeal felt for the study of language history and change. In fact, according to a historical linguist with more than fifty years of experience, "[w]e could even go as far as to say that without the support and new impetus provided by corpora, evidence-based historical linguistics would have been close to the end of its life-span in these days of rapid-changing life and research, increasing competition on the academic career track and the methodological attractions offered to young scholars" (RISSANEN, forthcoming). Historical corpora and other electronic resources have also made the study of language history attractive: working on them engages students in an individual and interactive way that they find appealing (CURZAN 2000, p. 81).<br>Este artigo objetiva fazer um levantamento e avaliar o estado da arte dos corpora históricos eletrônicos e da metodologia de estudos de corpora, assim como sugerir possíveis desenvolvimentos futuros na área. Destaca-se que dentro do espectro metodológico da linguística de corpus, a linguística de corpus histórica emergiu como um campo de investigação vibrante que tem adicionado interesse ao estudo da história e da mudança linguística. De acordo com um pesquisador da área com mais de cinqüenta anos de experiência, "pode-se dizer que sem o apoio e o novo ímpeto trazidos pelos corpora, a linguística histórica baseada em evidências teria estado próxima ao fim de sua vida nesses tempos de rápidas mudanças de vida e de pesquisa, aumentando a competição na carreira acadêmica e nas atrações metodológicas oferecidas aos jovens pesquisadores (RISSANEN, no prelo). Corpora históricos e outros recursos eletrônicos têm também tornado o estudo da história da língua atraente: eles engajam a atenção dos estudantes tanto de forma individual quanto interativa (CURZAN 2000, p. 81)