1,164 research outputs found

    Mechanical On-Chip Microwave Circulator

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    Nonreciprocal circuit elements form an integral part of modern measurement and communication systems. Mathematically they require breaking of time-reversal symmetry, typically achieved using magnetic materials and more recently using the quantum Hall effect, parametric permittivity modulation or Josephson nonlinearities. Here, we demonstrate an on-chip magnetic-free circulator based on reservoir engineered optomechanical interactions. Directional circulation is achieved with controlled phase-sensitive interference of six distinct electro-mechanical signal conversion paths. The presented circulator is compact, its silicon-on-insulator platform is compatible with both superconducting qubits and silicon photonics, and its noise performance is close to the quantum limit. With a high dynamic range, a tunable bandwidth of up to 30 MHz and an in-situ reconfigurability as beam splitter or wavelength converter, it could pave the way for superconducting qubit processors with integrated and multiplexed on-chip signal processing and readout.Comment: References have been update

    Stationary Entangled Radiation from Micromechanical Motion

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    Mechanical systems facilitate the development of a new generation of hybrid quantum technology comprising electrical, optical, atomic and acoustic degrees of freedom. Entanglement is the essential resource that defines this new paradigm of quantum enabled devices. Continuous variable (CV) entangled fields, known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states, are spatially separated two-mode squeezed states that can be used to implement quantum teleportation and quantum communication. In the optical domain, EPR states are typically generated using nondegenerate optical amplifiers and at microwave frequencies Josephson circuits can serve as a nonlinear medium. It is an outstanding goal to deterministically generate and distribute entangled states with a mechanical oscillator. Here we observe stationary emission of path-entangled microwave radiation from a parametrically driven 30 micrometer long silicon nanostring oscillator, squeezing the joint field operators of two thermal modes by 3.40(37) dB below the vacuum level. This mechanical system correlates up to 50 photons/s/Hz giving rise to a quantum discord that is robust with respect to microwave noise. Such generalized quantum correlations of separable states are important for quantum enhanced detection and provide direct evidence for the non-classical nature of the mechanical oscillator without directly measuring its state. This noninvasive measurement scheme allows to infer information about otherwise inaccessible objects with potential implications in sensing, open system dynamics and fundamental tests of quantum gravity. In the near future, similar on-chip devices can be used to entangle subsystems on vastly different energy scales such as microwave and optical photons.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Novel Collective Effects in Integrated Photonics

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    Superradiance, the enhanced collective emission of energy from a coherent ensemble of quantum systems, has been typically studied in atomic ensembles. In this work we study theoretically the enhanced emission of energy from coherent ensembles of harmonic oscillators. We show that it should be possible to observe harmonic oscillator superradiance for the first time in waveguide arrays in integrated photonics. Furthermore, we describe how pairwise correlations within the ensemble can be measured with this architecture. These pairwise correlations are an integral part of the phenomenon of superradiance and have never been observed in experiments to date.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Resposta de cultivares de trigo à infestação do pulgão Rhopalosiphum padi.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de oito cultivares comerciais de trigo (BRS 194, BRS 208, BRS Camboatá, BRS Guabiju, BRS Guamirim, BRS Louro, BRS Timbaúva e BRS Umbu) à infestação do pulgão Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae). O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Trigo, em telado, em blocos ao acaso, com oito tratamentos e seis repetições, dispostos em parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas principais receberam os tratamentos com e sem infestação de pulgões, e as subparcelas foram compostas pelas cultivares. A infestação com os pulgões (20 adultos ápteros por planta) foi realizada aos 12 dias após a emergência das plantas, quando se encontravam no início do afilhamento, e foi mantida durante 15 dias. As cultivares avaliadas responderam diferentemente à infestação do pulgão R. padi. A cultivar BRS Timbaúva é a mais resistente, e as cultivares BRS Umbu e BRS Guabiju são as mais suscetíveis ao pulgão, quanto ao crescimento e a capacidade produtiva de plantas

    Integrated Photonic Sensing

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    Loss is a critical roadblock to achieving photonic quantum-enhanced technologies. We explore a modular platform for implementing integrated photonics experiments and consider the effects of loss at different stages of these experiments, including state preparation, manipulation and measurement. We frame our discussion mainly in the context of quantum sensing and focus particularly on the use of loss-tolerant Holland-Burnett states for optical phase estimation. In particular, we discuss spontaneous four-wave mixing in standard birefringent fibre as a source of pure, heralded single photons and present methods of optimising such sources. We also outline a route to programmable circuits which allow the control of photonic interactions even in the presence of fabrication imperfections and describe a ratiometric characterisation method for beam splitters which allows the characterisation of complex circuits without the need for full process tomography. Finally, we present a framework for performing state tomography on heralded states using lossy measurement devices. This is motivated by a calculation of the effects of fabrication imperfections on precision measurement using Holland-Burnett states.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Generating, manipulating and measuring entanglement and mixture with a reconfigurable photonic circuit

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    Entanglement is the quintessential quantum mechanical phenomenon understood to lie at the heart of future quantum technologies and the subject of fundamental scientific investigations. Mixture, resulting from noise, is often an unwanted result of interaction with an environment, but is also of fundamental interest, and is proposed to play a role in some biological processes. Here we report an integrated waveguide device that can generate and completely characterize pure two-photon states with any amount of entanglement and arbitrary single-photon states with any amount of mixture. The device consists of a reconfigurable integrated quantum photonic circuit with eight voltage controlled phase shifters. We demonstrate that for thousands of randomly chosen configurations the device performs with high fidelity. We generate maximally and non-maximally entangled states, violate a Bell-type inequality with a continuum of partially entangled states, and demonstrate generation of arbitrary one-qubit mixed states.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    First bounds on the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Arp 220

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    Using the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC), we have observed the nearest ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 for about 15 hours. No significant signal was detected within the dedicated amount of observation time. The first upper limits to the very high energy γ\gamma-ray flux of Arp 220 are herein reported and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Experimental Quantum Hamiltonian Learning

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    Efficiently characterising quantum systems, verifying operations of quantum devices and validating underpinning physical models, are central challenges for the development of quantum technologies and for our continued understanding of foundational physics. Machine-learning enhanced by quantum simulators has been proposed as a route to improve the computational cost of performing these studies. Here we interface two different quantum systems through a classical channel - a silicon-photonics quantum simulator and an electron spin in a diamond nitrogen-vacancy centre - and use the former to learn the latter's Hamiltonian via Bayesian inference. We learn the salient Hamiltonian parameter with an uncertainty of approximately 10510^{-5}. Furthermore, an observed saturation in the learning algorithm suggests deficiencies in the underlying Hamiltonian model, which we exploit to further improve the model itself. We go on to implement an interactive version of the protocol and experimentally show its ability to characterise the operation of the quantum photonic device. This work demonstrates powerful new quantum-enhanced techniques for investigating foundational physical models and characterising quantum technologies

    Systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emission from X-ray bright high-frequency BL Lac objects

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    All but three (M87, BL Lac and 3C 279) extragalactic sources detected so far at very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays belong to the class of high-frequency peaked BL Lac (HBL) objects. This suggested to us a systematic scan of candidate sources with the MAGIC telescope, based on the compilation of X-ray blazars by Donato et al. (2001). The observations took place from December 2004 to March 2006 and cover sources on the northern sky visible under small zenith distances zd < 30 degrees at culmination. The sensitivity of the search was planned for detecting X-ray bright F(1 keV) > 2 uJy) sources emitting at least the same energy flux at 200 GeV as at 1 keV. In order to avoid strong gamma-ray attenuation close to the energy threshold, the redshift of the sources was constrained to values z<0.3. Of the fourteen sources observed, 1ES 1218+304 and 1ES 2344+514 have been detected in addition to the known bright TeV blazars Mrk 421 and Mrk 501. A marginal excess of 3.5 sigma from the position of 1ES 1011+496 was observed and has been confirmed as a source of VHE gamma-rays by a second MAGIC observation triggered by a high optical state (Albert et al. 2007). For the remaining sources, we present here the 99% confidence level upper limits on the integral flux above ~200 GeV. We characterize the sample of HBLs (including all HBLs detected at VHE so far) by looking for correlations between their multi-frequency spectral indices determined from simultaneous optical, archival X-ray, and radio luminosities, finding that the VHE emitting HBLs do not seem to constitute a unique subclass. The absorption corrected gamma-ray luminosities at 200 GeV of the HBLs are generally not higher than their X-ray luminosities at 1 keV.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, submitted to ApJ (revised version

    Discovery of Very High Energy γ\gamma-Rays from Markarian~180 Triggered by an Optical Outburst

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    The high-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object Markarian~180 (Mrk~180) was observed to have an optical outburst in 2006 March, triggering a Target of Opportunity observation with the MAGIC telescope. The source was observed for 12.4 hr and very high energy γ\gamma-ray emission was detected with a significance of 5.5 σ\sigma. An integral flux above 200 GeV of (2.3±0.7)×1011cm2s1(2.3\pm0.7)\times10^{-11} {cm}^{-2} {s}^{-1} was measured, corresponding to 11% of the Crab Nebula flux. A rather soft spectrum with a photon index of 3.3±0.7-3.3\pm0.7 has been determined. No significant flux variation was found.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, minor revision