1,258 research outputs found

    Electrons on a spherical surface: Physical properties and hollow spherical clusters

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    We discuss thephysical properties of a non interacting electron gas constrained to a spherical surface. In particular we consider its chemical potentials, its ionization potential,and its electric static polarizability. All these properties are discussed analytically as functions of the number N of electrons. The trends obtained with increasing N are compared with those of the corresponding properties experimentally measured or theoretically evaluated for quasi spherical hollow atomic and molecular clusters. Most of the properties investigated display similar trends, characterized by a prominence of shell effects. This leads to the de\ufb01nition of a scale-invariant distribution of magic numbers which follows a power law with critical exponent 120.5. We conclude that our completely mechanistic and analytically tractable model can be useful for the analysis of self-assembling complex systems

    Delocalization effects in singlet fission: Comparing models with two and three interacting molecules

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    We present surface hopping simulations of singlet fission in 2,5-bis(fluorene-9-ylidene)-2,5-dihydrothiophene (ThBF). In particular, we performed simulations based on quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) schemes in which either two or three ThBF molecules are inserted in the QM region and embedded in their MM crystal environment. Our aim was to investigate the changes in the photodynamics that are brought about by extending the delocalization of the excited states beyond the minimal model of a dimer. In the simulations based on the trimer model, compared to the dimer-based ones, we observed a faster time evolution of the state populations, with the largest differences associated with both the rise and decay times for the intermediate charge transfer states. Moreover, for the trimer, we predicted a singlet fission quantum yield of ∼204%, which is larger than both the one extracted for the dimer (∼179%) and the theoretical upper limit of 200% for the dimer-based model of singlet fission. Although our study cannot account for the effects of extending the delocalization beyond three molecules, our findings clearly indicate how and why the singlet fission dynamics can be affected

    Capsule impaction presenting as acute small bowel perforation: a case series

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    INTRODUCTION: Perforation caused by capsule endoscopy impaction is extremely rare and, at present, only five cases of perforation from capsule endoscopy impaction are reported in the literature. CASE PRESENTATION: We report here two cases of patients with undiagnosed small bowel stenosis presenting with acute perforation after capsule endoscopy. Strictures in the small bowel were likely the inciting mechanism leading to acute small bowel obstruction and subsequent distension and perforation above the capsule in the area of maximal serosal tension. Case 1 was a 55-year-old Italian woman who underwent capsule endoscopy because of recurrent postprandial cramping pain and iron deficiency anemia, in the setting of negative imaging studies including an abdominal ultrasound, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy and small bowel follow-through radiograph. She developed a symptomatic bowel obstruction approximately 36 hours after ingestion of the capsule. Emergent surgery was performed to remove the capsule, which was impacted at a stenosis due to a previously undiagnosed ileal adenocarcinoma, leading to perforation. Case 2 was a 60-year-old Italian man with recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and diarrhea who underwent capsule endoscopy after conventional modalities, including comprehensive blood and stool studies, computed tomography, an abdominal ultrasound, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, barium enema and small bowel follow-through, were not diagnostic. Our patient developed abdominal distension, acute periumbilical pain, fever and leukocytosis 20 hours after capsule ingestion. Emergent surgery was performed to remove the capsule, which was impacted at a previously undiagnosed ileal Crohn’s stricture, leading to perforation. CONCLUSIONS: The present report shows that, although the risk of acute complication is very low, the patient should be informed of the risks involved in capsule endoscopy, including the need for emergency surgical exploration

    Actionable Genomics in Clinical Practice: Paradigmatic Case Reports of Clinical and Therapeutic Strategies Based upon Genetic Testing

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    In clinical settings, the information provided by genetic testing can explain the triggers and processes underlying clinical presentations, such as neurodevelopmental disorders, in up to one third of affected individuals. However, translating this knowledge into better and more personalized clinical management to many appears a distant target. This article presents three paradigmatic cases to exemplify how this translational effort can, at least in some instances, be undertaken today with very positive results: (a) a young girl carrying a chr. 16p11.2 duplication can be screened using targeted exams and undertake therapeutic/preventive interventions related to her genetic diagnosis; (b) a 13-year-old boy with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder carries a chr. 11q14.1 deletion, partly spanning the DLG2 gene important for synaptic function, and gained over 20 I.Q. points ostensibly due to carbolithium, prescribed in the absence of affective symptoms, exclusively following the pathophysiology pointed out by the genetic results; (c) a 58-year-old woman carries a COL3A1 gene variant responsible for the vascular form of Ehler–Danlos syndrome with colon rupture. Detection of this variant in six members of her extended family allows for better clinical management of the proband and targeted genetic counselling for family members at risk of this connective tissue disorder. The unprecedented flow of genetic information available today through new technologies, if interpreted in the light of current knowledge in clinical diagnosis and care of those with connective tissue disorders and neurodevelopmental disturbances, in biology and in neuropsychopharmacology, can promote better clinical and pharmacological treatment, disease surveillance, and management provided and incorporated into the clinical setting

    Dynamical decoherence in a cavity with a large number of two-level atoms

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    We consider a large number of two-level atoms interacting with the mode of a cavity in the rotating-wave approximation (Tavis-Cummings model). We apply the Holstein-Primakoff transformation to study the model in the limit of the number of two-level atoms, all in their ground state, becoming very large. The unitary evolution that we obtain in this approximation is applied to a macroscopic superposition state showing that, when the coherent states forming the superposition are enough distant, then the state collapses on a single coherent state describing a classical radiation mode. This appear as a true dynamical effect that could be observed in experiments with cavities.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. This submission substitutes paper quant-ph/0212148 that was withdrawn. Version accepted for publication in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physic

    Casimir-Polder potentials as entanglement probe

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    We have considered the interaction of a pair of spatially separated two-level atoms with the electromagnetic field in its vacuum state and we have analyzed the amount of entanglement induced between the two atoms by the non local field fluctuations. This has allowed us to characterize the quantum nature of the non local correlations of the electromagnetic field vacuum state as well as to link the induced quantum entanglement with Casimir-Polder potentials.Comment: Published on Europhysics Letters 78 (2007) 3000

    Postnatal survival after endoscopic equatorial laser for the treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

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    Background Endoscopic laser coagulation of placental anastomoses is the first-line treatment for severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. A recent randomized controlled trial reported that laser coagulation along the entire vascular equator was associated with a similar dual survival and survival of at least 1 twin compared with the group that was treated with the selective technique. In addition, there was a significantly lower incidence of postoperative recurrence of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and the development of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence in the equatorial group. Objective The purpose of this study was to report on neonatal survival in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome pregnancies that were treated with endoscopic laser therapy with the use of the equatorial technique and to examine the relationship between preoperative factors and twin loss. Study Design Endoscopic equatorial laser therapy was carried out as the primary treatment for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in all consecutive monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies that were referred at a single fetal surgery Center over a 4-year period. All visible placental anastomoses were coagulated; additional laser ablation of the placental tissue between the coagulated vessels was carried out. Pre-laser ultrasound data, periprocedural complications, pregnancy outcome, and postnatal survival at hospital discharge were recorded and analyzed. Results A total of 106 pregnancies were treated during the study period. Median gestational age at laser therapy was 19.7 weeks (range, 15.1-27.6 weeks). There was postoperative recurrence of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome or the development of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence in 2 (1.9%) and 2 (1.9%) cases, respectively. The survival rates of both and at least 1 twin were 56.6% and 83.0%, respectively. Donor survival was significantly lower compared with the recipient co-twin (64.2% vs 75.5%, respectively; P <.05). The rate of fetal death, which was the most common cause of twin loss, was significantly higher in donors compared with recipient fetuses (23.6% vs 10.4%, respectively; P <.05). In cases with absent or reversed end-diastolic velocity in the donor umbilical artery, dual and donor survival rates were significantly lower compared with the remaining twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome pregnancies (40.0% vs 64.8% and 40.0% vs 76.1%, respectively; P <.05). There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the survival of at least 1 twin and in the recipient survival. Conclusions Endoscopic equatorial laser therapy was associated with a survival of both and at least 1 twin of approximately 55% and 83%, respectively, with a low rate of recurrent twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence. In addition, the preoperative finding of abnormal donor umbilical artery Doppler on ultrasound identified a subgroup of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome pregnancies with a lower dual survival rate caused by increased intrauterine deaths of donor twins

    On the trail of medieval wolves: ancient DNA, CT-based analyses and palaeopathology of a 1000-year-old wolf cranium from the Po Valley (northern Italy)

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    The Middle Ages represented a crucial period for the evolutionary history of wolves (Canis lupus), marked by both significant ecosystem changes, especially through the degradation of wooded landscapes and heavy persecution, that drove this species to a dramatic demographic decline. In Europe, informative and well-documented wolf remains from the Medieval Ages are exceptionally rare and are mostly represented by teeth and postcranial elements. In this study, we describe a well-preserved wolf cranium dated to ca. 967–1157 AD from the Po Valley (northern Italy). The specimen was analysed through a multidisciplinary approach including CT-based, ancient DNA, and palaeopathological analyses. Morphological and genetic data supported the assignment of this sample to Canis lupus species. CT-based analyses indicated a typical wolf-like morphology falling into the extant variability of the medium-sized subspecies C. lupus italicus, whereas palaeopathological analyses indicated a severe periodontitis. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the Po valley wolf had a unique and never described mtDNA control region haplotype, testifying variability in the ancient Italian wolf, which has now been lost. This study provides the first comprehensive description of a wolf from the Middle Ages, adding useful information for a deeper knowledge about population dynamics, variability, and diseases of this species