2 research outputs found

    Sound Properties of Planinsko polje (Slovenia)

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    Geographically, the Planinsko Polje field is one of the most preserved cultural regions of the Karstic landscape of inner Slovenia and as such a protected area of national importance. It can be recognized by its exceptional features and landmarks of material and non-material heritage and by its high-quality symbiosis of all ingredients in its space. The research of sound in the area of Planinsko Polje shows that it is an important, preserved constituent of natural and cultural heritage. Its manifestations are also interesting as indicators of its actual endangerment

    Robot cell for servicing a machine center

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    V sodobnem času je avtomatizacija procesov nepogrešljiv del vsake serijske proizvodnje. Glavni vzrok zakaj se podjetja odločajo za avtomatizacijo, je povečanje dobička in razbremenitev delavcev. Z optimizacijo proizvodnih procesov želimo povečati produktivnost, natančnost in dvigniti nivo kvalitete izdelkom. Poleg tega želimo zaščititi delavca pred nevarnimi in težkimi pogoji dela. Veliko robotov opravlja težka dela, ki so za ljudi zelo neprijazna in nevarna. Nahajajo se v okoljih, kjer so prisotni strupi, vročina in umazanija. V diplomskem delu je predstavljen razvoj in delovanje robotske celice za strego obdelovalnega centra, ki smo jo v podjetju LTH Castings d.o.o. razvili za lastne potrebe v proizvodnji. V več poglavjih diplomskega dela bom predstavil sistem robotske celice, strojno opremo robotske celice, opremo za vodenje in programsko opremo. Poseben poudarek je namenjen razvoju električnega načrta in razvoju algoritmov avtomatskega delovanja robotske celice.Nowadays, an automation of manufactoring processes is an indispensable part of any serial production. The main reason why companies decide for automation, is to increase a profit and to relive workers. By optimizing the production processes, we would like to rise the productivity, increse the accuracy and to improve the product quality. Besides, we would like to protect the workers against dangerous and difficult working conditions. Therefore, many robots work in the enviroment with the presence of heat, dirt, and poison. The thesis presents the development and operation of a robotic work cell for tending machine center, which was developed at LTH Castings d.o.o. for their own use in production. In the following chapters of the thesis I present the entire system of robotic working cells, robotic cell hardware, equipment and control software. Particular emphasis is placed on electric design and development of algorithms for automatic operation of the robot cell