6,401 research outputs found

    \u27Oasis\u27 & \u27Mule No. 2\u27

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    I create from everyday items, coming from everyday people. I do not think that what I create is too difficult for anyone to understand but I know that although I created it, it eludes me. Plastic containers, disposables, and clothing reach out to eyes that see them differently. I’m not trying to make people see things differently; I’m just trying to make you look. Call it theatrics but with a history of various performance experiences, I am not above pulling a cheap trick to get your attention. Nor will I shun the lingo and logic of decoration since I am already using its tools. The further I extend my understanding of what is art and how to make it, the more people it can reach. This may sound stupidly simple but so is connection and combination

    Predicting Child Molester Typologies: Can Control Methods, Violence, and Location Predict MTC:CM3 Axis I Typology?

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    Child molesters have been a key focus of public fear so much that many policies have been created that focus on reducing public panic rather than being supported by empirical evidence. Knowing the psychological motivations and patterns of this particular population is important in order to advance research that can affect future investigations, policies and laws concerning the safety of the public. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of crime scene characteristics can accurately predict child molester typology using the MTC:CM3 Axis I Fixation and Social Competence levels. The crime scene characteristics: control methods (use of threat or weapons), violence, and location (whether offense was in a child-dense location or not) were used in order to predict high or low levels on both the MTC Fixation and MTC Social Competence scale. It was hypothesized that those with higher levels of fixation and lower levels of social competence would be more likely to use control methods, violence, and choose a child dense location for the offense than those with lower levels of fixation and higher levels of social competence. Archival data from 439 child molesters was gathered and coded from offender files in a state prison system. Two binary logistic regressions were performed and results indicated that these did not predict MTC Fixation and MTC Social Competence levels, thus would not aide in the prediction of child molester typology. Future research should examine additional variables as well as the entirety of the MTC:CM3 scale in order to obtain more information that can aid in the use of crime scene characteristics as predictors for child molester typologies

    International capital flows : do short-term investment and direct investment differ?

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    The authors examine the behavior of four major components of international capital flows in 15 developing and industrial countries. Striking differences in the behavior of the component flows arise in general specifications that allow the flows to interact. For example, the behavior of international short-term investment appears to be sensitive to changes in all the other types of international capital flows, including direct investment, but direct investment appears to be insensitive to such changes. In finding that short-term investment appears to respond more dramatically to disturbances in other capital flows and in other countries than does direct investment, the authors provide empirical support for the conventional notion that short-term investment is"hot money"and direct investment is not.International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Economic Theory&Research,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Capital Markets and Capital Flows,Financial Intermediation,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Capital Flows

    The Workers of Northeast Chubut (Patagonia, Argentina): A Study of the Contextual Features that Shaped the Formation of a Working - Class Fraction

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    We are interested in deepening the knowledge about the history of the working class in the Patagonia in general and in Chubut´s North-East especially. In this region, from the decade of sixty, there was stimulated the conformation of an industrialization subsidized by the national and provincial State, which gave origin to Trelew´s Industrial Textile Park and to the producing plant of primary aluminium, ALUAR, in Puerto Madryn. Through these years there conforms in the region a new working class, product of the massive arrival of different quotas immigrants, already be from other provinces of the country, from the rural zones of the province of Chubut and from the neighboring country of Chile. This working class, extremely heterogeneous and that in many cases was not bringing experiences of industrial work, union activity or up to of urban life, meets a social context of full employment, frequent inauguration of new factories and the possibility to improve his living conditions in the frame of obtain better conditions of work. We try to understand how this working class conforms, how develop his first actions and his organization, and in what conditions they found with the changes that begin about the middle of eighty and that impacted her squarely during the nineties. For the characteristics of what we seek study it had been non-conducive work only with written sources, because they only let us see a part of the process. These sources say little on the processes of development of organizations, the conformation of working militants, his transformations and debates. So was crucial the contribution of oral sources, as it provides key elements to approach the meaning of those facts had for the subjects who developed them. In this article we wonder specifically about the characteristics of the formation of a working class fraction in a region of the country in the frame of a subsidized industrialization.Fil: Perez Alvarez, Gonzalo Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Un análisis del rol asignado a los trabajadores en los proyectos desarrollistas utilizando los estudios técnicos como fuente: el caso del informe Altimir en Chubut (1970)

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    El “informe Altimir” es un trabajo titulado “Análisis de la economía del Chubut y de sus perspectivas de desarrollo”, dividido en tres tomos. Es una investigación solicitada por el Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) y dirigida por Oscar Altimir, especialista en desarrollo económico, para ser entregado a la Asesoría de Desarrollo de Chubut. Se trata de un texto “técnico”, donde las implicancias ideológicas no son explicitadas. Los investigadores que lo hemos utilizado en nuestras pesquisas lo hicimos reproduciendo esa concepción, pensándolo únicamente como fuente de datos para nuestros trabajos. Pero aún no se ha intentado formular una lectura que rastree los elementos contenidos en el informe que puedan mostrarnos qué tipo de tratamiento y de rol se les asignaba a los trabajadores en el marco de los programas desarrollistas. Entendemos que por haber constituido un trabajo de síntesis sobre la estructura económica de Chubut antes de 1970, el informe Altimir también se constituye como un archivo de agendas de investigación para quien pretenda adentrarse en la historia de los trabajadores en Chubut durante las décadas previas a la industrialización subsidiada.The “Altimir report” is a work entitled “Analysis of Chubut economy and prospects of development”, divided into three volumes. This is a report commissioned by the Federal Council of Investments (CFI) and led by Oscar Altimir, specialist in the economic development, to be del ivered to the Development Advisory Chubut. Is a “technical” text, where ideological implications are not explicit. Researchers who have used in our investigations we did playing this conception, thinking only as a source of data to our work. But there has not been attempted to formulate a reading that tracks the elements contained in the report that can show us what kind of treatment and role were assigned to workers in the context of developmental programs. We understand that, for forming a synthesis of th e economic structure of Chubut before 1970, the report Altimir is an archive of research agendas to anyone trying to enter the history of the world of workers in Chubut before the stage of “splendor” of the subsidized industrialization and its subsequent fall.Fil: Perez Alvarez, Gonzalo Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; Argentin

    A discussion with the concept of “deindustrialization” from the case of Chubut’s North-East

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    El concepto de "des industrialización" ha sido dominante como esquema para pensar los cambios que ha sufrido la economía argentina desde alrededor de 1976 hasta el comienzo del siglo XXI. En este artículo debatimos con el uso de esta perspectiva, rastreando los orígenes y presupuestos inscriptos en esa mirada, a partir del estudio de los trabajos de diversos autores, y desarrollando una mirada diferente como eje para comprender el proceso que se da en la región noreste de Chubut en los últimos años del siglo XX y los primeros del XXI. Centralmente discutimos con la idea de la "des industrialización" de la estructura económica, que, en conjunto con la retracción del Estado, la falta de regulaciones a la economía y la "desintegración" nacional, son los ejes de la interpretación clásica acerca de los cambios que se habrían producido en Argentina desde el dominio del capital financiero. Se propone la imprescindible necesidad de repensar la utilización de estos conceptos, para trabajarlos desde una perspectiva sistémica, destacando la importancia de romper con las idealizaciones que rodean al concepto de industria y/o de industrialización en Argentina.Fil: Perez Alvarez, Gonzalo Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Sede Comodoro. Departamento de Historia. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y Sociales; . Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Frantz Fanon, John William Cooke y la creación heroica

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    La influencia de Fanon en los movimientos de liberación nacional que surgen en toda América Latina desde principios de la década del 60' es obvia e innegable. Sin embargo esta dimensión de dar por sobreentendida su influencia en estos movimientos, y en especial en las elaboraciones teóricas de algunos de sus principales intelectuales, esta teñida de un escaso abordaje concreto acerca de cómo y porqué actuó esa influencia. En la búsqueda de comprender estos procesos políticos, se enmarca esta aproximación hacia el estudio de la influencia y convergencias del pensamiento y la práctica de Fanon con John William Cooke, uno de los referentes fundamentales del sector más combativo del peronismo. Tras el golpe de 1955 fue uno de los que intentó la organización de la resistencia peronista y en quién Perón dejó en ese primer periodo su representación política. En esos años pasa a ser un intelectual clave de la izquierda peronista, y un interlocutor de Ernesto Guevara y Fidel Castro sobre las problemáticas de Argentina. Sus experiencias en la lucha argentina y la defensa de la revolución cubana lo llevan a una dinámica elaboración política, en las cuales se puede advertir un camino teórico que va desde el nacionalismo burgués hacia un antiimperialismo revolucionario y socialista. Tomamos a Cooke, para leer su práctica militante a la luz de la obra y la práctica de Fanon y para leer la obra de Fanon con los trabajos de Cooke. En ese plano rastreamos el uso de algunos conceptos claves como nación, líder, moderación. Intentamos entender cómo se construye la visión que tienen sobre la alienación de los hombres en el marco de una sociedad colonial, y de la violencia revolucionaria como único camino posible hacia la liberación colectiva e individual.Fil: Perez Alvarez, Gonzalo Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Sede Comodoro. Departamento de Historia. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin