20,305 research outputs found

    Sensory quality of Coffea arabica L. genotypes influenced by postharvest processing.

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    The specialty coffee market has grown significantly in the past decades and has several cultivars with productive potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory profile of the beverage produced from Coffea arabica L. genotypes based on postharvest processing and to identify cultivars with the greatest genetic potential for coffee cultivation in the city of Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with two replicates and 11 genotypes with different levels of resistance to rust. The sensory profile demonstrated an interaction between the genotype and the processing technique. Five of the genotypes presented total scores above 85 points according to the SCAA protocol. Moreover, two of these genotypes yielded heightened sensory notes after undergoing dry processing. The selection of coffee genotypes should consider the level of technology involved in the drying of the coffee beans, which preserves the potential quality of the beverage

    Resistência de linhagens genitoras e híbridos simples de sorgo a Colletotrichum sublineolum, agente causal da antracnose.

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    Foi avaliada a reação de resistência de dez híbrido s simples de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) e 14 linhagens genitoras destes híbridos ao patógeno Colletotrichum sublineolum, agente causal da antracnose. Em casa de vegetação, os genótipos foram inoculados se paradamente com 20 isolados monospóricos obtidos de diferentes regiões produtoras do país. A avaliação foi realizada aos dez dias após a inoculação, utilizando-se escala de notas. Nenhum genótipo de sorgo foi resistente a todos os isolados inoculados. A linhagem CMSXS657 foi resistente a 95%; a linhagem ATF14, a 90%; ATF08, a 85% e CMSXS210, a 70% dos isolados. Dentre os híbridos, destacou-se o BRS305 (CMSX S210A X BR012R), resistente a 75% dos isolados; 9920045 (ATF14A X CMSXS180R), a 65% dos isolados; BRS308 (CMSXS233A X BR012R), a 60% dos isolados e BRS650 (CMSXS222A X CMSXS657R), a 55% dos isolados. As linhagens BR001 e CMSXS222 foram suscetíveis a 90% dos isolados. A frequência de resistência dos híbridos foi igual ou inferior às linhagens genitoras. Exceção faz-se ao híbrido BRS305 (CMSXS2 10A X BR012R), que foi resistente a um maior número de isolados que seus genitores. Nenhum dos isolados testados foi virulento a todos os genótipos. Os isolados de Campo Novo dos Parecis (MT) foram os mais virulentos enquanto os isolados de Jardinópolis (SP) foram os menos virulentos

    Padrão de sobrevivência e efeito na reprodução de Planococcus citri (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) após o parasitismo de Coccidoxenoides perminutus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o padrão de sobrevivência de P. citri após o parasitismo de C. perminutus sobre ninfas do 2° e 3° instar, bem como em fêmeas nos estágios pré-reprodutivo e reprodutivo

    Relevance of endo-ß-mannanase enzyme in coffee seed deterioration process.

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    The endo-?-mannanase acts on the hemicellulose fraction of the endosperm cell walls, mainly mannans and galactomannans. This process weakens cell walls and allows radicle protrusion during seed germination, but may also occur during the deterioration process. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the activity of endo-?-mannanase enzyme in dry coffee seeds and in soaked seeds, evaluating its relationship between physiological qualities. Coffee seeds obtained by different processing methods (natural, fermented and demucilated) and drying (sun, shade and dryer) were used. Seed quality was evaluated by germination and tetrazolium tests, and the endo-?-mannanase enzyme activity was determined in dry seeds and after 10 days of soaking. From the results, it was concluded that there is significant inverse relationship between the physiological quality of coffee seeds and the expression of endo-?-mannanase, and seeds with lower percentages of germination and viability of embryos have a higher activity of the enzyme. After ten days of soaking, coffee seeds had higher expression of endo-?-mannanase as compared to the dry seeds for all treatments of fruit processing and drying