37 research outputs found

    Estimated probabilities of positive, vs. negative, events show separable correlations with covid-19 preventive behaviours

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    Research has associated optimism with better health-protective behaviours, but few studies have measured optimism or pessimism directly, by asking participants to estimate probabilities of events. We used these probability estimates to examine how optimism and/or pessimism relate to protecting oneself from COVID-19. When COVID-19 first reached Turkey, we asked a snowball sample of 494 Istanbul adults how much they engaged in various COVID-protective behaviours. They also estimated the probabilities of their catching COVID-19, and of other positive and negative events happening to them. Estimated probability of general positive events (optimism) correlated positively with officially-recommended helpful behaviours (e.g. wearing masks), but not with less-helpful behaviours (e.g. sharing ‘alternative’ COVID-related information online). Estimated probabilities of general negative events (pessimism), or of catching COVID, did not correlate significantly with helpful COVID-related behaviours; but they did correlate with psychopathological symptoms, as did less-helpful COVID-related behaviours. This shows important nuances can be revealed by measuring optimism and pessimism, as separate variables, using probability estimates.WOS:000766608100006Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072PMID: 35228768Social Sciences Citation IndexQ2ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETMarch2022YÖK - 2021-22Hazira

    Apical Sealing Ability of a Novel Material: Analysis by Fluid Filtration Technique

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    Svrha: Željelo se procijeniti svojstvo brtvljenja BiodentinaTM, novog zubnog cementa proizvedenog na temelju kalcijeva silikata i s endodontskim indikacijama sličnima MTA-u. Metode: Za istraživanje je bio potreban 21 ekstrahirani prednji mandibularni zub. Na početku su zubi obrađeni tehnikom Step Back s pomoću instrumenta #40 i nasumce podijeljeni u tri skupine (n=7): White MTA AngelusTM (Angelus, Angelus Odontológica, Londrina, PR, Brazil), BiodentineTM (Septodont, SeptodontSpecialités, Saint-MaurdesFosses, France) i kontrola. Dubina penetracije boje između materijala u ispunu i zuba mjerila se u milimetrima kalibriranim stereomikroskopom (Leica MZ75, Germany) pri povećanju od 20 puta i u istim uvjetima. Za određivanje razlika između eksperimentalnih grupa i kontrole korištena je jednosmjerna analiza varijance (ANOVA), a za razlike unutar grupa dodatno je uporabljen Tukeyev multipli test usporedbe. Rezultati: Ustanovljeno je da korijeni zuba ni u jednoj grupi nisu bili potpuno zabrtvljeni. Sredina standardne devijacije za propuštanje boje u grupi BiodentineTM bila je 0,63±0,20, a u grupi MTA AngelusTM 0,26±0,25. Usporedba između skupina nije pokazala značajne razlike (P=0,0193). Uočena je samo značajna razlika među materijalima MTA AngelusTM i BiodentineTM (P<0,05). Zaključak: Kako nema sličnih istraživanja u ovomu se istražilo svojstvo brtvljenja i adaptacije materijala BiodentineTM. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja in vitro i in vivo kako bi se ustanovilo je li BiodentineTM pogodan za kliničku primjenu.Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the sealing ability of BiodentineTM, which is new calcium-silicate based dental cement and has endodontic indications similar to those of MTA. Methods: The study sample consists of 21extracted human mandibular anterior teeth. The teeth were submitted to root-end preparation and instrumented up to file #40 by step back technique and randomly divided into 3 study groups (n=7): White MTA AngelusTM (Angelus, Angelus Odontológica, Londrina, PR, Brazil), BiodentineTM (Septodont, SeptodontSpecialités, Saint-MaurdesFosses, France) and the controls. The length of dye penetration between the filling material and tooth structure was measured in millimetres, using a calibrated stereo microscope (Leica MZ75, Germany) at 20× magnification under the same conditions. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to indicate differences between the experimental groups and the controls. In addition, Tukey Multiple Comparisons Test was used to indicate differences within each group. Results: The results showed that none of the groups were completely sealed. The mean and standard deviation for dye penetration in BiodentineTM group was 0.63±0.20 and in MTA AngelusTM group, it was 0.26±0.25. Regarding the comparisons between each group, significant differences were not observed (P=0.0193). The comparison between materials only found a significant difference only between MTA AngelusTM and BiodentineTM (P<0.05). Conclusions: This study evaluated the possibility of BiodentineTM’s sealing ability and marginal adaptation, since no studies are available on iodentine. However, further in vitro and in vivo investigations should be conducted to determine the suitability of BiodentineTM for clinical application

    The effects of using lecithin and polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) in chocolate production on product quality

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    Bu çalışmada farklı çikolata reçetelerinde, değişik konsantrasyon ve kombinasyonlarda lesitin ve Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) kullanımının, çikolatanın fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal kalite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi karşılaştırma yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla içerisine lesitin ve PGPR ilave edilmemiş sütlü, bitter ve beyaz çikolata örneklerine % 0,10, % 0,25, % 0,50 oranında lesitin ve % 0,02, % 0,05, % 0,10 oranlarında PGPR ilave edilmiş ve reolojik özellikleri, partikül büyüklükleri, kimyasal özellikleri ve duyusal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, lesitin ve PGPR kombinasyonları ile çikolatanın viskozitesi ve akma noktası üzerine etki edilebildiği gözlemlenmiştir. En uygun kombinasyon olarak % 0,50 lesitin ve % 0,10 oranlarında PGPR ilave edilmiş örnek bulunmuştur. Partikül büyüklükleri, kimyasal özellikleri ve duyusal özellikleri açısından ise bir fark gözlemlenememiştir.In this study, effects of different combination and consantrations of lecithin and Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) which used in different type of chocolate recipes in terms of physical, chemical and sensorial quality parameters were studied. With this aim lecithin in concentrations of % 0,10, % 0,25, % 0,50 and PGPR in concentrations of % 0,02, % 0,05, % 0,10 were added into milk, bitter and white chocolate samples which are not included any lecithin and PGPR. It was determined that lecithin and PGPR combinations are the most appropriate way to effect the chocolate viskosity and yield value. As the most suitable combination of % 0,50 lecithin and % 0,10 PGPR added sample was observed. However it was found that lecithin and PGPR combinations did not have a distinct effect on particul size, chemical and sensorial properties