37 research outputs found
Dominant Interests in the Personality of Industrial Design Students within Their Educational Practice
UAEMThe purpose of this paper is the study of the dominant interests of personality in Industrial Design students at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. A scale developed by Allport, Vernon, and Lindzey entitled Study of Values. A scale for measuring the dominant interests of personality was used. This scale was applied to a sample of 152 students including men and women of different semesters of the degree enrolled in the first 2015 term. The proven assumption is that the dominant values are the economical, as well as the theoretical one. A striking finding is that the reasons associated with religious, social and political values are the least met.The main objective of this paper is to present a personality analysis of students from the Industrial Design degree of the School of Architecture and Design of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. There are several approaches within the psychology for personality studies, where we will consider psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, behavioural theory, social learning theory, information processing theory and trait theory (Pervin, 1984). Trait theory was chosen for this study as proposed by Allport, using the instrument designed by him: Study of Values. A scale for measuring the dominant interests in personality. Regarding psychology personality, the main focus of its study relies in the fact that it intends to explain how a personality is presented to the world, the way people conduct themselves according to their actual context. There is a relationship between person and personality, although many times in ordinary language they are considered as synonyms even though they are not: the notion of person refers to freedom, rationale and the decision-making ability of each individual, on which the term pointed out by Boecio in the philosophical context, has been the most widely influential. It defines a person as naturae rationalis individua substantia, that is, qualities that provide identity to each individual. A person is someone who is self-conscious, free to act, and different to the rest. The notion of personality is studied throughout psychology which also defines, describes and studies its dynamics, as well as analyzing its development. Etymologically speaking, personality comes from the Greek prosopon and from the Latin of the word personae which means to sound through, and that deals with the role that each actor performs in a play; therefore, person is a synonym of character. Cloninger (2003) defines personality as the inner causes that underlie individual behavior, and the person’s experience is defined as that which differentiates one person from another and is manifested in each individual’s development. Palaino, on the other hand, says that personality can be understood as the set of accessibilities, qualities and personal characteristics allowing a person to be recognized as he is
La interdisciplinariedad en la universidad
Planteamos tres aspectos básicos de la discusión en torno de la interdisciplinariedad: primero, la noción de disciplina y los puntos de vista de diversos autores; segundo, la agrupación disciplinaria a través del currículum en los estudios universitarios, y tercero, el significado de la interdisciplinariedad en la Universidad. En este recorrido ofrecemos al lector tipologías en torno de la interdisciplinariedad que se han propuesto en el terreno de las disciplinas académicas y científicas, en los planes de estudio y en el currículum. Dejamos abierto el debate al puntualizar que el problema de la interdisciplinariedad presupone un debate cognoscitivo, pedagógico, social y cultural en la reforma de la Universidad.Planteamos tres aspectos básicos de la discusión en torno de la interdisciplinariedad: primero, la noción de disciplina y los puntos de vista de diversos autores; segundo, la agrupación disciplinaria a través del currículum en los estudios universitarios, y tercero, el significado de la interdisciplinariedad en la Universidad. En este recorrido ofrecemos al lector tipologías en torno de la interdisciplinariedad que se han propuesto en el terreno de las disciplinas académicas y científicas, en los planes de estudio y en el currículum. Dejamos abierto el debate al puntualizar que el problema de la interdisciplinariedad presupone un debate cognoscitivo, pedagógico, social y cultural en la reforma de la Universidad
Changes in the postmodern loving bond
UAEMThe love affair in the couple has changed under the influence of postmodernism; the safety of monogamy has lost ground to the immediacy of sensual gratification, hedonism, narcissism and individualism product, subverting the myths of monogamy and the male and female. In this work we present an overview of changes undergoing in love couple, analyzing four points: loving life in Postmodernity, the transit of the loving link partners to liquid love connection, the fall of the myths of the masculine and the feminine, and the offset between the sexes. Conclusion obtained is that the basis of postmodernism is 1 Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Master en Salud Mental y Clínica Social, Maestría en Psicología Clínica y Salud, y Maestría en Sociología. Correo electrónico: [email protected] Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas ISSN: 2395-7972 Vol. 4, Núm. 8 Julio - Diciembre 2015 RICSH ambivalent character since, on the one hand, spread new ideas about loving the couple experience, but on the other hand preserving ideological legacies that hurt that relationship.The postmodern society is defined as a hedonist, hiperindividualista and shifting identities. It is hedonistic2 because the pleasure and enjoyment in life are tied to the wishes; hiperindividualista because it is characterized by apathy and indifference; and read, because he constantly changes the identity from the volatility of desire. These features of the society bring changes in the love life, the "liberation" of enjoyment breaks with the significant Other (singular) to acquire the signifiers of the Other (social), reflection of the hedonism of the perpetual party. The symptom is the vacuum in the affair, the existence of relationships that live it up with fewer long-term commitments and greater attention to their own needs, in the search for professional, social, affective and loving propriety at levels. In the Empire of the superego of our time, where are built different meanings with the other (relationship), promotes a phenomenology of love life that has no lasting ties; the symptom of instant happiness as the couple within a perpetual party which, to vanish, only leaves after him his freedom and a refusal to acquire responsibilities, arguments of social change which limits set long-term loving links
Reseña de "Formación de maestros en el estado de México" de Maximino B. Ortiz Jiménez
Son diversos los aportes que encontramos en la lectura del libro, que van desde el planteamiento metodológico hasta la interpretación de la historia que se narra de manera magistral. Se conjuntan escritura, vo ces e imagen: un trabajo minucioso de archivo, de historia oral y de recuperación vi sual de archivo fotográfico que ilustra el pasado de la Escuela Nor mal Ru ral de Tenería
Personality Dominant Values in Graphic Design Students in Their Educational Practice
The study of value has increased over the last few years. There was a research carried out in Mexico on the State of Knowledge in the field of education and values where the findings included professional ethics, moral, human rights, citizenship rights, school values and gender equity. The investigation led by Hirsch (2013) was for the period 2002-2011. The identified production was of 892 products on account of books, book chapters, articles, seminars and thesis, which speaks of the importance of the study of values. During this boom of scientific and academic production, the study of values within university students has not been set aside. There has been some research centered in the educational profile of students and the academic evolution contrasting with the values pointed out in the curriculum, and the actually acquired during the school terms (Kepowics, 2003; Elexpuru, 2013; Morales, 2013). Another group of investigations of a quantitative type and that apply some kind of instrument have worked with the hierarchy of values. For example, Angelucci (2008) worked with a hierarchy of 55 values, being the most appreciated by university students family and the least considered laziness; Rodríguez (2008) covers the study of the value family, using the Casares value test where he found a hierarchy of values in which the affective, the moral and the ecological values were dominant; Arango (2014) applied the Schwartz questionnaire and the “biggest blunder” test in order to measure the relationship between the academic education and the socially responsible behavior in university students, where ecological self-care and environmental values were an appreciated value; another study that comprises the hierarchy of values in university students is the one by Barbella (2008), where life and love were found as the most appreciated values. All of these studies have been found peculiar in the use of a different hierarchy of values, making it hard to arrive to a general conclusion. They have contributed in the knowledge that there is a certain preference of values according to the educational process.The purpose of this article is to study the personality dominant values in Graphic Design students from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. A scale developed by Allport, Vernon and Lindsey called: Study of values. A scale for the measuring of personality dominant interests was used. The sample was applied to 124 students, men and women, from the different semesters in the current term 2015 A. It was proven that the prevailing dominant values are the economical and the aesthetic. An outstanding finding is the fact that less importance is paid to values associated with the religious, the social and the politicalUAE
Interesses personalidade dominante na prática educativa dos estudantes
UAEMO objetivo deste artigo é estudar os interesses dominantes da personalidade em estudantes universitários de licenciatura em arquitectura, design gráfico e design industrial na Universidade Autônoma do Estado do México. Para isso, foi usado o instrumento desenvolvido por Allport, Vernon e Lindzey, chamado Estudo de valores, uma escala que Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo ISSN 2007 - 7467 Vol. 6, Núm. 12 Enero – Junio 2016 RIDE mede os interesses dominantes da personalidade. Essa escala foi aplicado a uma amostra de 353 alunos (152 de arquitectura, 124 design gráfico e industrial 77), e incluía mulheres e homens de diferentes semestres de cada um desses graus. Eventualmente encontramos a afirmação de Allport, ou seja, o interesse dominante da personalidade em estudantes universitários pertencem à essência da sua formação, e que os estudantes dos três graus prevaleceu interesse estético, a essência de tais graus . Por conseguinte, foi rejeitada a hipótese proposta por nós, que propôs que o interesse dominante era econômica.O conceito de personalidade tem uma definição etimológica que deriva do grego prosopon (máscara, máscara) e personare Latina (papel na vida, olhar para os outros) (Palaino-Llorente, 2003). Bermudez (2012) amplia a definição, afirmando que a palavra personalidade nos tempos antigos foi associada com o teatro, ou seja, com as máscaras usadas pelos atores de acordo com o caráter de cada personagem representada. A idéia de singularidade está presente na derivação greco-romana, que se refere às qualidades, características e traços que distinguem a individualidade da pessoa em seus contextos e relações. Quando cientificamente falando sobre o conceito de personalidade encontramos uma riqueza de expressões que vêm de diferentes estruturas interpretativas que complementam a definição etimológica. A psicologia da personalidade no campo da psicologia uma especialidade dedicada ao estudo da pessoa aberta. Esta disciplina é relativamente jovem, pois é formalizado no século passado, durante a década dos anos trinta, com as contribuições de Rodríguez Lafora, Allport, Stagner e Murray, que incidiu sobre o estudo de toda a pessoa, as dinâmicas individuais e as leis da operação singular. Assim, o objeto da psicologia da personalidade é o estudo de toda a pessoa, a fim de estabelecer princípios científicos para explicar sua singularidade
Reeducación cognitiva - emotiva en caso de ansiedad ante los exámenes
La prevalencia de la ansiedad en los estudiantes universitarios va en aumento, esto debido a diversos factores familiares, sociales, culturales y de desempeño académico. Cada vez son más los casos reportados con trastorno de ansiedad ante los exámenes. Existen diversos estudios en el campo de la psicología que se han realizado, aportando test y constructos explicativos. En este artículo nos proponemos abordar la ansiedad ante los exámenes a través de un caso desde el enfoque de la Terapia Racional-Emotiva Conductual (TREC) de Albert Ellis. Primero, mostramos la relación que existe entre fracaso escolar y ansiedad; segundo, describimos cómo la TREC conceptualiza el trastorno de ansiedad; y tercero, ofrecemos un estudio de caso, desde el diagnóstico hasta el modelo de intervención; concluyendo con dimensionar la efectividad de la TREC en el tratamiento de la ansiedad ante los exámenes
Cognitive - emotional reeducation in case of anxiety about exams
The problem of test anxiety occurs in all levels of education, from elementary school to higher education; school failure is related to this affective disorder, present in absenteeism, failure, low grades and dropout. In a study by Menéndez (2004), 30% of school failure is due to emotional problems, including anxiety, triggered by the personal situation of the student in front of the conception of academic demands. Anxiety can increase or decrease depending on the type of material; for example, it is reported in the PISA 2012 report, that of 10 Mexican students studying a subject suffering from math anxiety 8; 10 students and 5 expressed anxiety at the time of solving a problem. Of the OECD countries, Mexico is the country with the highest math anxiety (OECD, 2013) In the specific case of higher education in Mexico, Hernández-Pozo (2008), cites data from INEGI 2004, two million students who entered higher level, around a quarter of potentially manifested anxiety disorders. In a study by Vargas (2010), a vicious circle of performance and anxiety was found in the time of testing, the lower is the greatest achievement is the rate of anxiety, if it is to increase the academic achievement is higher prevalence anxiety and anxiety is increasing lower academic performance.The prevalence of anxiety in college students is increasing, this due to various family, social, cultural and academic performance factors. An increasing number of reported cases with disorder test anxiety. Several studies in the field of psychology that have been made, Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo ISSN 2007 - 7467 Vol. 6, Núm. 11 Julio - Diciembre 2015 RIDE providing test and explanatory constructs. In this paper, we propose addressing test anxiety through a case from the approach of Rational - Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) by Albert Ellis. First, we show the relationship between school failure and anxiety; Second, we describe how the TREC conceptualized anxiety disorder; and third, we provide a case study from diagnosis to intervention model; concluding with sizing the effectiveness of TREC in the treatment of test anxiety.UAE
Thérapie Brève Mindfulness. Le changement dénseigmenement
UAEMDans le domaine de l’éducation, une réforme a été incluse dans la charte de citoyenneté. Il n’y a pas un gouvernement qui n’ait intégré, dans sa plateforme politique, l’éducation comme étant une panacée pour le développement social et la croissance économique. Par exemple, dans le film « En attendant Superman », sont cités des slogans que les présidents, chacun leur tour, ont valorisés comme les étendards du changement dans l’éducation : « Je suis le président de l’éducation et du changement, améliorer l’Éducation nationale est la priorité ». Des discours similaires ont été prononcés pendant au moins les sept derniers mandats présidentiels : presque un demi-siècle de promesses non tenues. La réalité éducative dément que le secteur de l’Éducation a reçu l'attention exprimée dans les discours, les réformes et la politique. Le problème de l’échec scolaire persiste et, sous certains aspects, s'amplifie même : aux examens nationaux, les résultats en mathématiques – et dans d'autres matières concernant la connaissance – affichent un taux d’échec élevé. Au Mexique, les réformes éducatives ont été appliquées dans deux domaines spécifiques : l’économie du travail et l’éducation. Dans le premier domaine, on observe des changements dans les 6 formes de financement, dans la diversification salariale et la gestion des quotas et services ; dans le second, les modifications concernent la conception et la mise en place de nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement et d'apprentissage. Nous voulons ici nous placer dans la dimension éducative des réformes. Les méthodes pédagogiques ont changé à différents moments dans le but d'améliorer le rendement de l'apprentissage et la qualité de l’enseignement.Dans le domaine de l’éducation, une réforme a été incluse dans la charte de citoyenneté. Il n’y a pas un gouvernement qui n’ait intégré, dans sa plateforme politique, l’éducation comme étant une panacée pour le développement social et la croissance économique. Par exemple, dans le film « En attendant Superman », sont cités des slogans que les présidents, chacun leur tour, ont valorisés comme les étendards du changement dans l’éducation : « Je suis le président de l’éducation et du changement, améliorer l’Éducation nationale est la priorité ». Des discours similaires ont été prononcés pendant au moins les sept derniers mandats présidentiels : presque un demi-siècle de promesses non tenues. La réalité éducative dément que le secteur de l’Éducation a reçu l'attention exprimée dans les discours, les réformes et la politique. Le problème de l’échec scolaire persiste et, sous certains aspects, s'amplifie même : aux examens nationaux, les résultats en mathématiques – et dans d'autres matières concernant la connaissance – affichent un taux d’échec élevé. Au Mexique, les réformes éducatives ont été appliquées dans deux domaines spécifiques : l’économie du travail et l’éducation. Dans le premier domaine, on observe des changements dans les 6 formes de financement, dans la diversification salariale et la gestion des quotas et services ; dans le second, les modifications concernent la conception et la mise en place de nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement et d'apprentissage. Nous voulons ici nous placer dans la dimension éducative des réformes. Les méthodes pédagogiques ont changé à différents moments dans le but d'améliorer le rendement de l'apprentissage et la qualité de l’enseignement
Ataques violentos hacia la universidad y a la educación
Es el artículo completoLas comunidades universitaria y escolar son objeto de ataques violentos que van desde la intimidación hasta el asesinato de estudiantes, padres de familia, maestros, directivos y demás personal involucrado en la educación. Atacar de forma violenta al sistema educativo es una práctica realizada por terroristas con el propósito de fortalecer su legitimidad y debilitar el poder del Estado: Secuestran, asesinan y destruyen instalaciones. Esta problemática es objeto de este artículo, se analizan los informes de la UNESCO y de Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) para conocer la evolución y expansión mundial de los ataques terroristas hacia las instituciones educativas durante el período de 2007-2019, mostrando las consecuencias de la violencia terrorista en el proceso educativo. Se establece como conclusión que existe una parálisis educativa en los países que padecen ataques terroristas porque se atenta contra el derecho de una educación digna y de calidad para todos. El artículo se divide en tres partes: En la primera parte, se abordan los actos de violencia y terrorismo que padecen la universidad y la educación en el contexto global; en la segunda parte, se muestra la evolución histórica de los ataques violentos y terroristas en el mundo; y en la tercera parte, se exponen los impactos del terrorismo en la universidad y en la educación.UAEMe