22 research outputs found

    Conserving relics from ancient underground worlds: assessing the influence of cave and landscape features on obligate iron cave dwellers from the Eastern Amazon

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    The degradation of subterranean habitats is believed to represent a serious threat for the conservation of obligate subterranean dwellers (troglobites), many of which are short-range endemics. However, while the factors influencing cave biodiversity remain largely unknown, the influence of the surrounding landscape and patterns of subterranean connectivity of terrestrial troglobitic communities have never been systematically assessed. Using spatial statistics to analyze the most comprehensive speleological database yet available for tropical caves, we first assess the influence of iron cave characteristics and the surrounding landscape on troglobitic communities from the Eastern Amazon. We then determine the spatial pattern of troglobitic community composition, species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and the occurrence of frequent troglobitic species, and finally quantify how different landscape features influence the connectivity between caves. Our results reveal the key importance of habitat amount, guano, water, lithology, geomorphology, and elevation in shaping iron cave troglobitic communities. While mining within 250 m from the caves influenced species composition, increasing agricultural land cover within 50 m from the caves reduced species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Troglobitic species composition, species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and the occurrence of frequent troglobites showed spatial autocorrelation for up to 40 km. Finally, our results suggest that the conservation of cave clusters should be prioritized, as geographic distance was the main factor determining connectivity between troglobitic communities. Overall, our work sheds important light onto one of the most overlooked terrestrial ecosystems, and highlights the need to shift conservation efforts from individual caves to subterranean habitats as a whole

    Three decades of reference evapotranspiration estimates for a tropical watershed in the eastern Amazon

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT This study estimated the reference evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the Itacaiúnas River Watershed (IRW), Eastern Amazonia, and measured the accuracy of eight empirical equations: Penman-Monteith (PM), Priestley-Taylor (PT), Hargreaves and Samani (HS), Camargo (CAM), Thornthwaite (TH), Hamon (HM), Kharrufa (KF) and Turc (TC) using monthly data from 1980 to 2013. In addition, it verifies the regional applicability to the IRW using a for the Marabá-PA station. The methods TC and PM (FAO56) presented the best results, which demonstrate that radiation and higher temperatures are the dominant drivers in the Evapotranspiration process, while relative humidity and wind speed have a much smaller impact. The temporal and spatial variability of ETo for IRW show has strong seasonality, increasing during the dry season and decreasing during the rainy season. The statistical analyses at 1% level of significance, indicates that there is no correlation of the residuals between the dry and rainy seasons, and test of the physical parameters such as mean temperature, solar radiation and relative air humidity explains the variations of ETo.</p></div

    Holocene history of a lake filling and vegetation dynamics of the Serra Sul dos Carajás, southeast Amazonia

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    ABSTRACT Down-core changes in sedimentary facies, elemental geochemistry, pollen, spore, δ13C, δ15N and radiocarbon records from a filled lake, named R4, of the Serra Sul dos Carajás were used to study the relationship between the paleomorphological and paleoecological processes and their significance for Holocene paleoclimatology of the southeast Amazonia. The sediment deposition of the R4 lake started around 9500 cal yr BP. Increase of detrital components from 9500 to 7000 cal yr BP suggests high weathering of surrounding catchment rocks and soils, and deposition into the lake basin under mudflows. At that time, montane savanna and forest formation were already established suggesting predominance of wet climate. However, from 7000 to 3000 cal yr BP, a decline of detrital input occurred. Also, forest formation and pteridophytes were declined, while palms and macrophytes were remained relatively stable, indicating that water levels of the lake is likely dropped allowing the development of plants adapted to subaerial condition under drier climate conditions. After 3000 cal yr BP, eutrophication and low accommodation space lead to high lake productivity and the final stage of the lake filling respectively, and forest formation may has acquired its current structure, which suggests return of wetter climate conditions

    Limnological characteristics and planktonic diversity of five tropical upland lakes from Brazilian Amazon

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    A limnological investigation involving physical, chemical and biological aspects was undertaken in five tropical upland lakes (Violão − Vl, Amendoim − Am, and Três Irmãs − TI1, TI2 and TI3) from Serra dos Carajás, Brazil. Results show that these lakes are shallow, weakly stratified, and of polymictic type. These characteristics may have caused vertical mixing of limnological parameters. Seasonal changes were minor for most parameters, except for chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and cyanobacteria, which also showed considerable variation between lakes. In general, waters of these lakes were mostly acidic in nature (avg. pH 4.9–5.9), with high total Fe (up to 1.52 mg/L) and low electrolytic conductivity (avg. 8.13–14 μS/cm) and total phosphorus (TP) (avg. 10–35.5 μg/L). Although the water bodies have good quality and classified as class I and II types according to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/05, trophic state index (TSI) varies from ultra-oligotrophic to eutrophic state, with higher trophic state observed for Vl, TI1 and TI2. Limnological characteristics of these lakes is highly influenced by lithological and morphological parameters. Principal component analysis (PCA) reveals that Chl-a and cyanobacteria are not solely influenced by TP and lower concentrations of all these parameters in Am lake are probably due to specificities of its catchment lithology. Phytoplankton taxa in the lakes are characterized by small chroococcales groups and desmids together with filamentous algae, more commonly observed in the dry season. The zooplankton community in the lakes is mainly dominated by rotifers, followed by cladocerans and copepods. Regarding species richness, zooplankton was highest in Vl, while phytoplankton is highest in TI1, and this aspect is most likely related to lake water levels.Upland lakes from Serra dos Carajás were shallow, weakly stratified and classified as polymictic type. Limnological characteristic of these lakes is highly influenced by lithological and morphometric parameters. TP is not solely controlling the phytoplankton biomass in these lakes. Species richness of zooplankton and phytoplankton in the studied lakes is most likely related to lake water levels and seasonal climate change

    Morphology and morphometry of upland lakes over lateritic crust, Serra dos Carajás, southeastern Amazon region

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    ABSTRACT High-resolution satellite images, digital elevation models, bathymetric and sedimentological surveys coupled with statistical analysis were used to understand the physical environment and discuss their influence on water quality of the five upland lakes of Serra Sul dos Carajás, southeast Amazonia. The lakes have mid-altitude ranges (elevation), very small (catchment) and shallow to very shallow (central basins). Based on the length, area and volume, Violão and TI (Três Irmãs)-3 lakes may present large vertical movements of the water due to wind action and weakly stratified waters. Trophic conditions based on depth and shore development (Ld) parameters must be used with caution, since Amendoim Lake is relatively deep, but it is oligotrophic to ultra-oligotrophic. Ld values suggest that the lakes are circular to subcircular and are likely formed by solution process, as also suggested by volume development. TI-2 Lake is only presenting convex central basin and has highest dynamic ratio (DR), thus it may have high sedimentation and erosion rates. Based on the relationship between studied parameters, morphometric index and DR likely influence temperature and dissolved oxygen of waters of TI-2 Lake due to its depth profile and wind-induced surface mixing. Nevertheless, water quality parameters are controlled by catchment characteristics of the lakes

    Influence of seasonal variation on the hydro-biogeochemical characteristics of two upland lakes in the Southeastern Amazon, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Limnological characteristics of the Violão and Amendoim lakes, in the Serra dos Carajás, Amazon, were studied interannually (2013-2014). Climate data indicate anomalous conditions during the 2013 rainy period with higher rainfall and lower temperature in the beginning (November). Lake levels were influenced after the first and second hour of each rainfall, which showed a strong synchronization between seasonal fluctuation of lake levels and local weather patterns. Based on the water quality, both lakes are classified as classes "1" and "2" in the CONAMA (Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente) scheme and as "excellent" to "good" in the WQI (Water Quality Index) categories. However, the limnology is distinctly different between the lakes and seasons. Higher trophic state and phytoplankton productivity were observed mainly during the rainy period in Violão Lake compared to Amendoim Lake. This may be due to deposition of leached nutrients in the former, mainly total phosphorus (TP), which was probably derived from mafic soils and guano. This is consistent with the significant positive correlation between Chlorophyll-a and TP at the end of the rainy period (March-April), whereas this was not observed in the beginning (November). This could possibly be a consequence of the more intense cloud cover, and unusual high rainfall that limits nutrient availability

    Heterochromatin analysis in the fish species Liposarcus anisitsi (siluriformes) and Leporinus elongatus (characiformes)

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    The chromosomes of two neotropical freshwater fish species, namely Liposarcus anisitsi (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) and Leporinus elongatus (Characiformes, Anostomidae), were investigated by means of C-banding, Ag-NORs, fluorochrome staining and banding by hot saline solution (HSS) treatment, to reveal patterns of heterochromatin differentiation. The karyotype of L. anisitsi is described for the first time. Staining with the GC-specific fluorescent antibiotic mithramycin (MM) revealed bright signals in some C-banded blocks in both species, suggesting that these MM+ heterochromatin contains GC-rich DNA. Banding by denaturation employing HSS, followed by Giemsa staining, yielded corresponding results documenting the thermal stability of GC-rich DNA part of heterochromatin positive after C-banding. In L. elongatus the Ag-NOR also followed the above banding patterns. However, in L. anisitsi the Ag-NOR was MM+ but negatively stained after C-banding and HSS treatment. L. elongatus also showed C-banded segments that were negative for mithramycin staining and HSS treatment. The results obtained evidence the heterochromatin heterogeneity in these fish species.<br>Cromossomos mitóticos de duas especies de peixes neotropicais, Leporinus elongatus (Characiformes) e Liposarcus anisitsi (Siluriformes), foram estudados por diferentes métodos de bandamentos, com o intuito de investigar a diferenciação da heterocromatina. Enquanto que a macroestrutura cariotípica de L. elongatus já foi objeto de estudos anteriores, o cariótipo de L. anisitsi está sendo apresentado pela primeira vez. Em ambas as espécies, a coloração dos cromossomos com a mitramicina (MM), fluorocromo GC específico, evidenciou sinais brilhantes em alguns segmentos heterocromáticos também positivos ao bandamento C, sugerindo ser esta fração da heterocromatina rica em seqüências de bases GC. O tratamento dos cromossomos com solução salina aquecida e posterior coloração com Giemsa demonstrou resultados similares, documentando a estabilidade térmica do DNA rico em bases GC, presente na heterocromatina constitutiva. Em L. elongatus a Ag-NOR também seguiu os padrões de bandamentos acima. Em L. anisitsi, contudo, a Ag-NOR apresentou-se MM+ mas negativamente corada após o bandamento C e o tratamento com solução salina aquecida. Por outro lado, em L. elongatus, alguns segmentos que foram positivos ao bandamento C mostraram-se negativos à coloração com mitramicina, assim como à coloração com Giemsa após o tratamento térmico com solução salina. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a heterogeneidade da heterocromatina no complemento cariotípico das espécies estudadas