2,129 research outputs found

    Croatian adjustment to the freedom of movement for workers and its effect in the period after accession to the European Union

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    Freedom of Movement for Workers in the European Union is one of the most attractive topics during the accession of new states to the membership of the European Union. Free movement of workers allows citizens of the Member States to look for new and better working conditions within the borders of the European Union. Free movement of workers was the subject of the second chapter of the accession negotiations between Croatia and the European Union. To enable not only its own citizens, but also the citizens of other EU Member States to move freely, Croatia had to adjust relevant legislation and tailor the governing systems in the state. The changes that were necessary within the Croatian legislation in order to fully align it with the acquis were connected to non-discrimination policies towards migrant workers. It was necessary to put in effort towards changing and adapting legislation and developing administrative abilities for coordination of social security systems. In addition, it was necessary to join the EURES network and introduce European Health Insurance Card. The government bodies in charge of supervising the free movement of workers in the sense of the social security are the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the Croatian Employment Service

    Strain Enhanced Superconductivity in Li-Doped Graphene

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    We present a new way to enhance the electron-phonon coupling constant and the critical superconducting temperature of graphene, significantly beyond all reported values. Using density functional theory, we explore the application effects of the tensile biaxial strain on the lithium intercalated graphene. Both effects together, the presence of adatom and the strain, trigger enhancement of critical temperature, up to 300\%, compared to non-strained lithium intercalated graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Navike u ishrani kao važan faktor očuvanja zdravlja kod učeničke i studentske populacije

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    Objective. Dietary habits influence different aspects of health, such as: subjective health assessment, life habits (such as physical activities), functional status, as well as the health care, where inadequate diet represents a significant risk factor for the formation of numerous, various health disorders. It is estimated that around 31% of children in the world under 5 is malnourished, while mortality caused by illness, hunger or malnutrition makes even 50% overall mortality in children. The basic aims of this research are to examine the dieting characteristics of pupils and students and the differences in these two groups' diet compared to their defined demographic and socio-economical features. Methods. A cross-section study has been done on the sample of 480 pupils and students in Nis. The research in the field was performed between 20th November and 2nd December in 2014 (special days for certain groups of subjects). As previously mentioned, a statistical package computing program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for Windows rel. 13.0) was used. Results. The analysis shows that men have breakfast more rarely than women. The results are similar in answers to the question if they never have breakfast. Unlike the previous results, men have lunch more often than women and the answers to the question if they have an afternoon snack are similar. The difference is more apparent when it comes to afternoon snacks, men have lunch more often which is the same for the habit of having dinner or supper. An especially interesting question was the one whether subjects think about their health when they choose what to eat. The most frequent answer was that they consider it sometimes, a little less than a half or 45.2%, every third respondent, 29.0%, consider it often, and only every sixth does it always (16.3%). Conclusion. The most subjects sometimes thought about their health when they choose what to eat.Cilj. Navike u ishrani utiču na viÅ”e različitih aspekata zdravlja, između ostalih na subjektivnu ocenu zdravlja, druge životne navike (kao Å”to je fizička aktivnost), funkcionalni status, ali i koriŔćenje zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, a nepravilna ishrana predstavlja značajan faktor rizika za nastanak brojnih različitih poremećaja zdravlja. Procenjuje se da je oko 31% dece u svetu do 5 godina stare pothranjeno, dok smrtnost usled bolesti gladi i pothranjenosti učestvuje čak sa 50% ukupnog mortaliteta kod dece. Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja su da se ispitaju karakteristike ishrane učenika i studenata, kao i da se ispitaju razlike u ishrani učeničke i studentske omladine u odnosu na definisana demografska i socioekonomska obeležja ispitanika. Metode. IzvrÅ”ena je studija preseka na uzorku od 480 učenika i studenata iz NiÅ”a. Terenski deo istraživanja sproveden je od 20. novembra do 02. decembra 2015. godine (posebni dani za određene grupe ispitanika). KoriŔćen je statistički paket-računarski program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for WIndows rel. 13.0). Rezultati. Analiza pokazuje da muÅ”karci ređe doručkuju u odnosu na osobe ženskog pola. Odgovori su jedino približni na pitanje da li nikada ne doručkuju za razliku od prethodnih rezultata muÅ”karci redovnije ručavaju, a slični su odgovori u odnosu na to da li imaju poslepodnevnu užinu. U ostalim situacijama može se reći da devojke vode viÅ”e računa o svom zdravlju. Posebno je bilo interesantno pitanje da li ispitanici pri izboru načina ishrane razmiÅ”ljaju o svom zdravlju. Najučestalije izjaÅ”njavanje bilo je da razmiÅ”ljaju ponekad, neÅ”to manje od polovine ili 45.2% često, svaki treći ispitanik ili 29.0%, a uvek, tek svaki Å”esti (16.3%). Zaključak. Većina ispitanika ponekad razmiÅ”lja o svom zdravlju kada bira Å”ta da jede

    Exhibitionary Complex : Architecture as an Exhibit

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    Within this research, the exhibitions are considered primarily as institutions, and as a place of interaction among different identities through choice of exhibits, their presentation, spatial layout and the selection and use of the accompanying texts. The context of the research thus put into place will attempt to answer the question of how it is possible to construct a history of the exhibitions ā€“ which are forgotten, often without sufficient documentation or records about them. In addition, it will be reconsidered in which manner the exhibitions helped to create and promote the idea of architecture during the 20th century, overlapping with the shifting of discourses, broader philosophical debates and technological innovations

    Covid-19, mobility and self-isolation. Experiences of the Serbiaā€™s citizens in the times of global pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus and closing the state borders across the world led to the mass return of the citizens of Serbia immediately before and after the declaration of the state of emergency in March 2020. The measure of placing under health supervision and the obligation of self-isolation, were the key means of mobility management in the situation of the health crisis in Serbia. How were the given measures implemented? How did they affect the citizens who returned to the country? What resources did they have at their disposal and in what way did they meet their basic needs during self-isolation? How was their experience of self-isolation shaped by public media perceptions of diaspora by representatives of the authorities and by their own social environment during the state of emergency? The aim of this paper is to answer these questions relying on the results of the online survey of 305 returnees, conducted during April and May 2020 by the researchers from the Institute for Sociological Research of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade

    Cultural encounters in the banking sector of Serbia: The case of Raiffeisenbank

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    Osnovni cilj studije je ispitivanje kulturnog Å”oka, razlika i sukoba koji nastaju u okviru Rajfajzen banke između aktera koji pripadaju različitim nacionalnim kulturama, austrijskoj i srpskoj, a koji se, uslovno, tretiraju kao predstavnici dva modela karakteristična za 'Zapadna', odnosno 'Istočna' druÅ”tva. Fokus istraživanja je bio na elementima organizacione kulture, a pre svega na odnosima koji se uspostavljaju na horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj ravni, tipu vođstva, stepenu formalizacije procedura i radnih zadataka, ali i na nekim od elemenata kulture rada, karakterističnim za dva druÅ”tva. Posebno je ispitivana uloga kulturnih medijatora, čija se funkcija ogleda u posredovanju pri prilagođavanju predstavnika lokalne nacionalne kulture na novine koje donosi organizaciona kultura 'uvezena' spolja, ali i pri adaptaciji stranaca na karakteristike lokalne kulture. Studija slučaja obuhvata kratak istorijat rada Rajfajzen banke u Srbiji, analizu pisanih dokumenata, te dubinske intervjue s akterima koji se smatraju tipičnim za ispitivane oblike kulturnih kontakata.This paper aims to examine the existence of cultural shock, differences and conflicts inside Raiffeisenbank, between personnel belonging to two national cultures (Austrian and Serbian), which could, conditionally, be regarded as representatives of 'Western' and 'Eastern' cultural models. The focus of the research was on elements of organizational culture, such as horizontal and vertical relationships, the type of leadership, the extent of formalization of procedures and work tasks, the types of motivations for different parties, but also on certain elements of work cultures (e.g., the respect of time limits, attitude toward extended working hours, etc.). Specific focus was placed on the role of cultural mediators, whose function was to mediate in the process of adaptation by the representatives of local national culture to novelties in the organizational culture imported from the outside, but also in the process of adaptation by foreigners to the local culture. The case study comprises a short history of Raiffeisenbank, analysis of written documents, and in depth interviews with individuals who could be regarded as 'typical' in the examined cultural encounters


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    Major demographic change and the globalisation of the market bring with them changes in our eating habits. A string of public health measures in Croatia is increasingly gaining in importance, particularly the ecological surveillance of various sectors of the environment, of which food is inevitably an element. The main objective of the various industries is to produce, process and distribute food which will meet the requirements of health and safety, through the joint efforts of all parties in the food chain. ISO and HACCP enable the continual, documented surveillance of food safety management. The most efficient systems of food safety are introduced, implemented and modernized within a structured management system, becoming incorporated into the overall management of the manufacturing organisation. This paper describes verification procedures for the HACCP system. The analytical reports given here are individual cases in the introduction and implementation of this international system on examples in the food industry and the benefits deriving from it. From the results of this research, the author draws conclusions on the need to synchronise standards in order to meet both legal obligations and European Union norms.Velike demografske promjene u druÅ”tvu i globalizacija tržiÅ”ta za sobom donose dodatne promjene u naÅ”im prehrambenim navikama. Čitav niz javno zdravstvenih mjera sve viÅ”e dobiva na važnosti, pri čemu treba naglasiti mjere ekoloÅ”kog nadzora različitih medija okoliÅ”a, od kojih je hrana neizostavljiv segment. Glavni je cilj prehrambenih industrija proizvesti, preraditi i distribuirati hranu zajedničkim naporima svih strana koje sudjeluju u lancu hrane, a koja će ujedno udovoljiti zahtjevima zdravstvene ispravnosti iste. Implementacijom ISO i HACCP normi se uspostavlja proces kontinuiranog i dokumentiranog nadzora u sustavu upravljanja sigurnosti hrane. Najdjelotvorniji sustavi sigurnosti hrane uspostavljaju se, provode i moderniziraju u okviru strukturiranog sustava upravljanja, te se ugrađuju u ukupne upravljačke aktivnosti proizvodne organizacije. U radu se opisuje postupak verifikacije HACCP sustava. Nadalje, analitički izvjeÅ”taji prikazani u radu su pojedinačni slučajevi uvođenja i primjene međunarodnog standarda HACCP na primjeru subjekata u poslovanju sa hranom, kao i rezultata postignutih uspostavom istog. U zavrÅ”nom dijelu rada autorica temeljem dobivenih rezultata istraživanja donosi zaključke o potrebi usklađivanja standarda radi zadovoljavanja zakonskih obveza kao i normativa Europske Unije

    Model of planning and managing a complex project

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    Integral observation and analysis of the fulfilment of a business task ensures a better planning of the whole process and it increases the efficiency of managing these processes. The model of network planning has a considerable advantage over all other methods that analyse the process of the project\u27s realisation as a whole. It ensures a sufficiently clear overview of the fulfilment of the whole task, an unambiguous review of the logic development and the interdependence of the parts of the process. It also provides a more precise and a more accurate setting of the time limits for them and for the whole proces. The concept makes it possible to compare different plan versions with relatively low effort and means, as well as reduce routine jobs by taking into consideration the possibility of using electronic computers. It is, in fact, a model that enables planning, coordination and control of complex processes which require essential time coordination among the large number of partial tasks in order to accomplish the whole business task within a particular time limit and with minimum burdening of the factors included in the realisation of the whole process

    MCNP5 study on kinetics parameters of coupled fast-thermal system HERBE

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    New validation of the well-known Monte Carlo code MCNP5 against measured criticality and kinetics data for the coupled fast-thermal HERBE System at the Reactor B critical assembly is shown in this paper. Results of earlier calculations of these criticality and kinetics parameters, done by combination of transport and diffusion codes using two-dimension geometry model are compared to results of new calculations carried out by the MCNP5 code in three-dimension geometry. Satisfactory agreements in comparison of new results with experimental data, in spite complex heterogeneous composition of the HERBE core, are achieved confirming that MCNP5 code could apply successfully to study on HERBE kinetics parameters after uncertainties in impurities in material compositions and positions of fuel elements in fast zone were removed
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