43 research outputs found
Optical binding of magnetodielectric Rayleigh particles
We present a theoretical and numerical study of the optical binding and optical torque between two Rayleigh particles with arbitrary, complex, scalar dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. We use a computational approach based on the discrete dipole approximation to derive the optical force and torque experienced by the particles when illuminated by a linearly or circularly polarized plane wave. We show that optical binding between magnetodielectic particles is qualitatively different from the traditional case involving dielectric particles only. In particular, we show that for certain configurations, the system of two magnetodielectric particles will experience a long-range optical torque whose amplitude envelope does not decay with the separation between the particles. © 2013 American Physical Society
Coupled-dipole method in time domain
We present a time-domain formulation of electrodynamics based on the self-consistent derivation of the electromagnetic field in a linear, dispersive, lossy object via the coupled dipole method. © 2008 Optical Society of America
Discrete dipole approximation for time-domain computation of optical forces on magnetodielectric scatterers
We present a general approach, based on the discrete dipole approximation (DDA), for the computation of the exchange of momentum between light and a magnetodielectric, three-dimensional object with arbitrary geometry and linear permittivity and permeability tensors in time domain. The method can handle objects with an arbitrary shape, including objects with dispersive dielectric and/or magnetic material responses. © 2011 Optical Society of America
Discrete dipole approximation for the study of radiation dynamics in a magnetodielectric environment
We develop a general computational approach, based on the discrete dipole approximation, for the study of radiation dynamics near or inside an object with arbitrary linear dielectric permittivity, and magnetic permeability tensors. Our method can account for dispersion and losses and provides insight on the role of local-field corrections in discrete magnetodielectric structures. We illustrate our method in the case of a source inside a magneto-dielectric, isotropic sphere for which the spontaneous emission rate of a source can be computed analytically. We show that our approach is in excellent agreement with the exact result, providing an approach capable of handling both the electric and magnetic response of advanced metamaterials. © 2010 Optical Society of America
Optical binding of electrically small magnetodielectric particles
An ensemble of spherical particles with arbitrary dielectric permittivity and magnetic penneability was considered in the dipole approximation. Each particle was described by complex electric and magnetic polarizabilities. A computational approach based on the coupled dipole method, also called the discrete dipole approximation, was used to derive the optical force experienced by each particle due to an incident electromagnetiG..Ji.eld and the fields scattered by all other particles. This approach is general and can handle material dispersion and losses. In order to illustrate this approach, we studied the case of two spherical particles separated by a distance d, and illuminated by an incident plane wave whose wave vector is normal to the axis of the particles. We computed the optical force experienced by each particle in the direction of the beam (radiation pressure), and perpendicular to the beam (optical binding) for particles with positive and negative refractive indices. We also considered the effect of material losses
Lateral forces on circularly polarizable particles near a surface
Optical forces allow manipulation of small particles and control of nanophotonic structures
with light beams. While some techniques rely on structured light to move particles using field intensity gradients, acting locally, other optical forces can push particles on a wide area of
illumination but only in the direction of light propagation. Here we show that spin orbit
coupling, when the spin of the incident circularly polarized light is converted into lateral
electromagnetic momentum, leads to a lateral optical force acting on particles placed above a substrate, associated with a recoil mechanical force. This counterintuitive force acts in a direction in which the illumination has neither a field gradient nor propagation. The force direction is switchable with the polarization of uniform, plane wave illumination, and its magnitude is comparable to other optical forces.This work has been supported, in part, by EPSRC (UK). A.V.Z. acknowledges support from the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation. N.E. acknowledges partial support from the US Office of Naval Research Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Grant No. N00014-10-1-0942. A.M. acknowledges support from the Spanish Government (contract Nos TEC2011-28664-C02-02 and TEC2014-51902-C2-1-R).RodrĂguez Fortuño, FJ.; Engheta, N.; MartĂnez Abietar, AJ.; Zayats, AV. (2015). Lateral forces on circularly polarizable particles near a surface. 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Local-field correction for an interstitial impurity in a crystal
The local-field correction experienced by an interstitial impurity in a crystal with cubic symmetry is derived by use of a rigorous, self-consistent, semimicroscopic description of spontaneous emission in a microcavity. We compute the local-field factor for various positions of the impurity inside the crystal. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the local-field factor can be computed from a simple electrostatic model as a rapidly converging lattice sum. We show that the agreement between the predictions of this simple model and the rigorous calculations is remarkable, opening the way to a simple, general theory of a local-field effect for an impurity in a crystal with arbitrary symmetry. © 2002 Optical Society of America
Coupled dipole method with an exact long-wavelength limit and improved accuracy at finite frequencies
We present a new formulation of the coupled dipole method that accounts for local-field effects and is exact in the long-wavelength limit. This formulation also leads to improved accuracy of the description of light-scattering processes at finite frequencies
Local-field enhancement in an optical force metallic nanotrap: Application to single-molecule spectroscopy
We study the local-field enhancement in a nanocavity created by optical nanomanipulation. Recently we showed that a metallic probe can modify the optical force experienced by a metallic particle and generate a material selective trapping potential. We show that the same configuration used for optical forces can be used to control both in magnitude and tune the local-field enhancement around the particle at resonance. The spatial resolution and material selectivity of this technique, allied to its capability to manipulate particles at the nanometric level, may offer a new and versatile way to achieve surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy at the single-molecule level. © 2006 Optical Society of America