9 research outputs found

    Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Justicia insularis T. Anders (Acanthaceae) on Ovarian Folliculogenesis and Fertility of Female Rats

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    Justicia insularis T. Anders (Acanthaceae) is a medicinal plant whose leaves and those of three other plants are mixed for the preparation of a concoction used to improve fertility and to reduce labour pains in women of the Western Region of Cameroon. Previous studies have demonstrated the inducing potential on ovarian folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis of the aqueous extract of the leaf mixture (ADHJ) of four medicinal plants (Aloe buettneri, Dicliptera verticillata, Hibiscus macranthus and Justicia insularis) among which the later represented the highest proportion. This study was aimed at evaluating the ovarian inducing potential of J. insularis in immature female rats. Various doses of the aqueous extract of J. insularis were daily and orally given, for 20 days, to immature female rats distributed into four experimental groups of twenty animals each. At the end of the experimental period some biochemical and physiological parameters of ovarian function were assayed. The administration of the aqueous extract of Justicia insularis significantly induced an early vaginal opening in all treated groups (P < 0.001) as well as an increase (at doses of 50 or 100 mg/kg) in the number of hemorrhagic points, Corpus luteum, implantation sites, ovarian weight, uterine and ovarian proteins. Ovarian cholesterol level (P < 0.05) significantly decreased in animals treated with the lowest dose (12.5 mg/kg). The evaluation of the toxicological effects of the extract on pregnancy showed that it significantly increased pre- and post-implantation losses, resorption index and decreased the rate of nidation as well as litter’s weight. These results suggest that the aqueous extract of Justicia insularis induces ovarian folliculogenesis thus justifying its high proportion in the leaf mixture of ADHJ.Keywords: Justicia insularis, vaginal opening, ovary, fertility, gestation, resorption index

    Evaluation in vivo de I'activite FSH et de I'oestrogenicite de I'extrait aqueux du melange de feuilles d'Aloe buettneri, Dicliptera verticillata, Hibiscus macranthus et Justicia insularis chez la rate immature

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    L'activite FSH (test de Steelman et Pohley) et I'effet oestrogenique de I'extrait aqueux du melange de feuilles d'Aloe buettneri, Dicliptera veriicil/ata, Hibiscus macranthus et Justicia ins ularis , localement utilise pour regulariser Ie cycle menstruel et traiter des cas de dysmenorrhees et d'infertilite chez la femme, ont ete evalues chez la rate immature. L'extrait des plantes, aux doses comprises entre 0,104 et 6,67 mg/kg induit une augmentation lineaire et significative (p<0,001) du poids des ovaires lorsqu'il est co-administre, pendant 3 jours consecutifs (2 injection par jour), avec l'hCG. En absence d'hCG, Ie poids des ovaires augmente significativement a la dose de 3,33 mg/kg (p<0,05). Aucune augmentation significative du poids de I'uterus des animaux traites en presence ou non d'hCG n'a ete observee. L'administration sous cutanee, pendant une semaine a des rates immatures ovariectomisees, de differentes concentrations d'extrait aqueux du melange des plantes medicinales (en presence ou non d'oestradiol) n'induit pas de variation significative du poids uterin des animaux. Ces resultats demontrent que I'extrait de plantes est depourvu d'effet oestrogenique direct sur I'uterus et que son elfet inducteur sur Ie developpement folliculaire ou la stero'idogenese ovarienne se ferait de maniere indirecte via I'hypophyse ou I'hypothalamus.Mots cles : FSH, hCG, uterus, ovaire, plantes medicinale

    Effects of the aqueous and hexane extracts of Mondia whitei on the sexual behaviour and some fertility parameters of sexually inexperienced male rats

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    The effects of Mondia whitei Hook (Skeels) were studied on the sexual behaviour and some fertility parameters of sexually inexperienced male rats. Animals were orally administered 100 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of body weight (b.w) of either the aqueous or the hexane extracts of Mondia whitei whilst the control group received 10 mL/kg b.w of 0.3% Tween 80 once/day for 14 days. Their sexual behaviour was monitored on days 0, 1, 7 and 14 days of treatment and 14 days post-treatment. Some fertility parameters (index libido, quantal pregnancy, fertility index) of the treated rat were evaluated on day 13 of treatment by pairing it overnight with two proestrus females. Results showed that Mondia whitei extracts significantly (p0.05) on intromission, ejaculation and erection. The fertility of the animals remained unaffected. It's concluded that Mondia whitei had sexual enhancement of the sexually inexperienced male rats. Keywords: Mondia whitei; sexual behaviour; inexperienced male rats The African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines Vol. 4 (1) 2007: pp. 37-4

    Effect of ethanolic extract of Senecio biafrae on puberty onset and fertility in immature female rat.

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    Senecio biafrae is a medicinal plant widely used by traditional healers in the western region of Cameroon for the treatment of woman infertility. In the course of the evaluation of its effect on puberty onset and some physiological parameters of fertility, different doses of its ethanolic extract were orally administered to immature female rats for 30 days. Body, ovarian, uterus weight; uterine, ovarian proteins or cholesterol level as well as data on puberty onset were recorded. A linear increase in the growth rate of all animal was observed throughout the experimental period. From the 27th day till the end of treatment, the body weight gain of rats treated with 8 mg/kg was significantly increased (

    Ameliorating Effects of Natural Antioxidant Compounds on Female Infertility: a Review

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