29 research outputs found

    The influence of the genomic data on the showjumping horses performance evaluation

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    The aim of this study was to find out the influence of the genomic data on the showjumping horses performance evaluation for the purpose of genetic evaluation and subsequent estimation of breeding values of sport horses in Slovakia. For the evaluation of showjumping performance data of Global Champions Tour (season 2012) was used. The 4,729 individual competitions were recorded. The fourteen SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) linked with showjumping performance were used for the simulation analyse. To explain the variability of horses ranking we used some different models. In the first model without SNP effect we are able to describe 53 % of performance (coefficient of determination R2 was 0.53). In linear model with some effects in form of quadratic regression we obtained R2 0.60. Highest R2 0.61 we obtained in the third model where one SNP effect was taken into account. Coefficient of determination R2 = 0.63 we obtained in the model where we used fourteen simulated SNP effects. It is possible to use simulated SNP data for evaluation of performance of showjumping horses. We observed increase of R2 in dependence on number of involved SNPs in the model. In case of fourteen simulated SNP effects used in the linear model, increase of R2 was 0.03 compared to the model without SNP effect

    Behaviour of the Antitumor Agent Vanadocene Dichloride in Physiological and Therapeutic Media, Blood Plasma and Human Blood - An EPR Study

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    By means of EPR spectroscopy the behaviour of the vanadocene dichloride (I), Cp2VCl2 (Cp=η5-C5H5), in various deoxygenated and non-deoxygenated physiological media and therapeutic solution as well as in blood plasma and stabilized human blood was studied. On the basis of measured values of isotropic spectroscopic splitting factor giso and isotropic hyperfine coupling constant Aiso, the vanadocene species, [Cp2V(H2O)Cl]+ (II; giso= 1.985, |Aiso| = 7.68 mT), [Cp2V(H2O)2]2+ (III; giso= 1.983, |Aiso| = 7.92 mT), [Cp2V(OH2 (IV; giso= 1.991, |Aiso| = 6.285 mT), [Cp2VCl(DMSO)]+ (V; giso= 1.985, |Aiso| = 7.69 mT), the vanadyl species [VO(DMSO)5]2+ (VI; giso= 1.964, |Aiso| = 10.78mT) and [VO(H2O)5]2+ (VII; giso= 1.955, |Aiso| = 11.56 mT) have been identified. From the measurements it follows that I does not react in its first coordination sphere with any component of a system used other than water and DMSO, resp. As to water-containing media, its behaviour is fully consistent with that of I in pure aqueous media. It was found the only vanadocene species present after application of the therapeutic solution of I into human blood to be IV not interacting in its first coordination sphere with any blood component

    Pedigree Analysis of Slovak Pinzgau Breed

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    The aim of the study was to assess genetic variability in Slovak Pinzgau breed using pedigree analysis. The whole population consisted of 8311 individuals of that 2399 living animals (2373 cows and 26 sires) in the reference population. Pedigree completeness, parameters based on probability of identity by descent and gene origin was analysed. The mean inbreeding level in the reference population was low 0.57%, mean individual increase in inbreeding 0.25% and average relatedness 1.17%. A total 141 effective founders and 51 effective ancestors were found in the reference, resp. 257 effective founders and 103 effective ancestors in the whole population. The number of 21 effective ancestor explained 50% of diversity in the reference and 51 in the whole population. The results demonstrate need for better monitoring of population and can be implemented in preparation of the strategy for development of breed

    Comparison of genetic diversity in dual-purpose and beef Pinzgau populations

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the genetic diversity in Slovak dual-purpose (dairy) and beef Pinzgau cattle. Reference population consisted of 3425 living cows (of those 2501 dairy and 924 suckler cows) involved in animal recording. The average number of fully generations traced was 0.99 and 1.17 in dairy and suckler cows, respectively and the average complete generations equivalent was 2.78 in dairy population and 3.19 in beef population. Inbreeding coefficient was computed from three, five, seven and ten generations traced. The results of inbreeding analysis show increasing trend of inbreeding coefficient with increasing number of generations traced taken into account. The average inbreeding coefficient F5 was 0.3599% and 0.1112% in dairy and beef reference populations, respectively. The difference between inbreeding coefficient F3 and F10 was 0.0778% in dairy cows and 0.0537% in suckler cows. The difference between F7 and F10 values was minimal. Overall, inbreeding level in dairy population was higher than in beef population. The average increase in inbreeding was 0.2070% in dairy and 0.0402% in beef population. The effective number of founders, effective number of ancestors and effective number of founder genomes was 210; 82 and 63.49 in dairy population, respectively and 293; 95 and 60.62 in beef population, respectively. These results point out bottleneck effect occurance in given populations. Further population reduction can lead to serious inbreeding problems. Regular monitoring of genetic diversity including inbreeding trends is necessary to use this information in population management

    Dedivosť sfarbenia slovenského pinzgauského dobytka

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    The objective of the work was analysis of chestnut coat colour inheritance of Slovak Pinzgau cattle in accordance to age and farming system. In 304 cows of breeding groups P0,P1,P2 and R3 born between 2000 to 2010 from four breeding herds(4 agricultural cooperatives and JSC: PD Smrečany – farm Veterná Poruba, PD Spišské Bystré – farm Kvetnica, Agria Liptovský Ondrej JSC – farm Liptovská Porúbka, PD LČV Čimhová) was measured intensity of coat colour. For objective measurement of coat colour the handheld Minolta Chromameter CM-2600d was applied using the CIE L*a*b* colour space. The instrument recorded the values L*, a* and b*. The L* value shows the lightness of the colour, a* value indicates the red/green, while the b* value indicates the yellow/blue chromaticity of the colour. The values C* (Chroma/saturation) and h (hue) were derived from the values a* and b*. Average lightness in observed animals was 22.60; average of the red chroma was 8.84 resp. 13.32 for the yellow chroma. Saturation of coat colour was 16.19 resp. 0.97 for hue.Cieľom práce bola analýza dedivosti gaštanovo hnedého plášťového sfarbenia pinzgauských kráv na Slovensku vo vzťahu k veku a systému chovu. Celkovo bolo hodnotených 304 kráv plemenných skupín P0, P1, P2 a R3 narodených v rozpätí rokov 2000 až 2010, pochádzajúcich zo 4 šľachtiteľských chovov (PD Smrečany - farma Veterná Poruba, PD Spišské Bystré - farma Kvetnica, Agria Liptovský Ondrej a.s. - farma Liptovská Porúbka, PD LČV Čimhová), u ktorých bola meraná intenzita hnedého sfarbenia. Pre objektívne meranie intenzity sfarbenia bol použitý prenosný chromameter Minolta CM-2600d so zisťovaním farebného priestoru na škále CIEL*a*b*. Zariadenie zaznamenávalo hodnoty L*, a*, b*. L* zodpovedá jasu sfarbenia a* poukazuje na mieru sfarbenia na škále od červenej k zelenej a b* naopak na škále od žltej k modrej. Taktiež bola meraná saturácia (C) a odtieň (h). Priemerné zistené hodnoty boli (s.d. v zátvorke): 22,60 (4,62) pre jas, 8,84 (2,42) pre intenzitu červenej a 13,32 (3,75) pre intenzitu žltej farby. Saturácia sfarbenia bola 16,19 (3,62). Hodnota odtieňa bola 0,97 (0,17)

    Lifetime performance and longevity traits in Slovak Spotted dairy cows in dependence on feeding system

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-23 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.114-117The objective of this study was to analyse eight milk yield and longevity traits in dependence on feeding (grazing) system. Data of purebred Slovak Spotted dairy cows (35,812 heads) culled in the period between 2006 and 2019 were evaluated. Only herds those feeding (grazing) system was known were taken into account. Dairy cows were assigned to four groups: (1) heifers not grazed, cows not grazed (17,628 heads), (2) heifers grazed, cows not grazed (13,056 heads), (3) heifers not grazed, cows grazed (156 heads) and (4) heifers grazed, cows grazed (4,972 heads). The highest average 305-day milk yield (6,139.22 kg) and lifetime milk yield (18,606.78 kg) were found in animals of group (1). Contrariwise, longevity traits were found more favourable in animals of group (4). Their productive life was by 102.78 days longer and average parity was by 0.14 higher in comparison to group (1). The differences between groups were found significant.Keywords: milk yield, longevity, grazing, heifers, cows, Slovak Spotted cattleReferencesBujko, J. et al. (2020). Changes in production and reproduction traits in population of the Slovak spotted cattle. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23(3), 161–166, https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.03.161-166.Čanji, V. et al. (2008). Effect of conformation traits on longevity of cows of Slovak simmental breed. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 83–90.Fuerst–Waltl, B. et al. (2019). Mountain pasturing of rearing stock reduces the culling rist as dairy cows. Animal, 13(1), 209–212, doi: 10.1017/S1751731118001465.Krogmeier, D. et al. (2015). The effect of alpine pasturing of heifers on the longevity and on different yield traits of cows in Simmental and Brown Swiss cattle. Züchtungskunde, 87(2), 107–119.Petrović, M. et al. (2009). The effect of systematic factors on milk yield in Simmental cows over complete lactations. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25(1-2), 61–71, DOI: 10.2298/BAH0902061P.Ludovic-Toma, C. et al. (2017). Comparative study on production, reproduction and functional traits between Fleckvieh and Braunvieh cattle. Asian – Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 30(5), 666-671, doi: 10.5713/ajas.16.0588.SAS Institute Inc.: SAS/STAT ® 9.2User’s Guide, Second Edition, Cary, NC USA, 2009.Strapák, P. et al. (2008). Effect of selected factors on the lenght of productive life of cows. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 77–82.Strapák, P. et al. (2010). Relation of the length of productive life and the body conformation traits in Slovak Simmental breed. Archives Animal Breeding, 53, 393–402. https://doi.org/10.5194/aab-53-393-201

    Vplyv pasenia na celoživotnú úžitkovosť a dlhovekosť dojníc holštajského a slovenského strakatého plemena

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    The objective of the study was to analyse longevity and lifetime performance traits in dependence on access to grazing (G). Data of Holstein and Slovak Spotted dairy cows (143,566 and 30,412 heads culled between 2006 and 2019) were included. Within each breed, three groups of cows were considered: (1) cows not grazed throughout their entire life, (2) cows seasonally grazed as heifers (in summer), (3) cows seasonally grazed throughout their entire life (in summer). Eight (four longevity and four lifetime milk performance) traits were analysed. General Linear Model with fixed factors: G, herd nested within G, culling year, and cow’s age at first calving as covariate was applied. Cows of group (1) had the highest 305-day milk yield: 8,005.0±7.1 kg (Holstein) and 5,985.3±13.0 kg (Slovak Spotted) and lifetime milk yield: 18,408.5±59.4 kg (Holstein) and 18,237.2±129.1 kg (Slovak Spotted). Holstein cows of group (1) had the highest length of productive life (882.4±2.5 days) and number of lactations (2.37±0.01). The highest length of productive life (1,298.0±16.4 days) and number of lactations (3.46±0.04) were found in Slovak Spotted cows of group (3). The best lifetime performance (regardless of breed) was expected in cows not grazed; whereas, the best longevity traits were expected in Slovak Spotted cows seasonally grazed throughout their lives. Surprisingly, in Holstein cows, the best longevity traits were found in animals that were not grazed. This suggests that the living conditions of housed Holstein cows did not negatively affect their longevity.Cieľom tejto práce bolo analyzovať dlhovekosť a celoživotnú úžitkovosť dojníc v závislosti od toho, či dojnice mali alebo nemali prístup k pastve. Využili sme záznamy o mliekovej úžitkovosti dojníc holštajnského a slovenského strakatého plemena (143 566 and 30 412 kráv zabitých v rokoch 2006 až 2019). V rámci plemena sme kravy rozdelili na tri skupiny: 1) kravy bez celoživotného prístupu k letnej pastve, 2) kravy v lete pasené ako jalovice, 3) kravy s celoživotným prístupom k letnej pastve. Analyzovali sme osem ukazovateľov dlhovekosti a celoživotnej úžitkovosti. Použili sme štatistický model s pevnými faktormi: prístup k pastve, stádo v rámci prístupu k pastve, rok vyradenia a vek kravy pri prvom otelení (sprievodná premenná). Dojnice zaradené do skupiny 1) dosiahli najvyššiu produkciu mlieka za normovanú laktáciu (305 dní): 8 005,0±7,1 kg (hojštajnské) a 5 985,3±13,0 kg (slovenské strakaté) a celoživotnú produkciu mlieka: 18 408,5±59,4 kg (holštajnské) a 18 237,2±129,1 kg (slovenské strakaté). Holštajnské dojnice skupiny 1) mali najdlhší produkčný život (882,4±2,5 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (2,37±0,01). Naopak, najdlhší produkčný život (1 298,0±16,4 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (3,46±0,04) mali slovenské strakaté dojnice zaradené do skupiny 3). Skutočnosť, že dojnice bez prístupu k pastve (obe plemená) mali najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov mliekovej úžitkovosti bola v súlade s očakávaním. Podobne boli v súlade s očakávaním najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov dlhovekosti slovenských strakatých dojníc skupiny 3). Prekvapujúce bolo zistenie, že najlepšie ukazovatele dlhovekosti dosiahli holštajnské dojnice skupiny bez prístupu k pastve. To naznačuje, že životné podmienky ustajnených holštajnských dojníc neovplyvnili ich dlhovekosť negatívne

    Inbreeding and genetic diversity loss of four cattle beef breeds in Slovakia

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    Received: 2016-02-23   |   Accepted: 2016-04-21   |   Available online: 2016-05-30dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2016.19.02.59-63The aim of the paper was to evaluate trends in inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity in four beef cattle breeds (Blonde d´Aquitaine-BA, Charolais-CH, Limousine-LI, Simmental-SM). The highest ratio of inbred animals was found in the SM breed (63.6 %) and the lowest in the LI (14.1 %). The highest average inbreeding intensity we found in the SM, the lowest in the BA. The amount of genetic diversity in the reference population accounting for diversity loss due to genetic drift and unequal founder contributions was the highest in the SM (6.2 %), following the BA (3.5 %), LI (1.1 %) and CH (0.9 %). The proportion of genetic diversity lost due to genetic drift was higher in BA, CH, LI than the loss of genetic diversity due to unequal founder contribution.Keywords: beef cattle, pedigree analysis, inbreeding, genetic diversityReferences Boichard, D., Maignel,L. and Verrier. E. (1997) The value of using probabilities of gene origin to measure genetic variability in a population. Genet. Sel. Evol., vol.29, no. 5, pp.5-23. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1297-9686-29-1-5Cabalero, A. and Toro, M.A. (2000) Interrelations between effective population size and other tools for management of conserved populations. Genet. Res., vol. 75, no. 3, pp.331-343. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0016672399004449Gutiérrez, J.P. and Goyache, F. ( 2005)  Note on ENDOG: a computer program for analysis pedigree information. J. Anim.Breed. Genet., vol.122. pp.172-176.Gutiérrez, J.P., Goyache, F. and Cervantes, F. ( 2009) Endog v 4.6. A computer program for monitoring genetic variability of populations using pedigree information. User guide. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 45 p..Kadlečík, O. and Pavlík,I. (2012) Genealogical analysis in small populations: The case of four Slovak beef cattle breeds. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., vol.  45, no. 4. pp. 111-117.Kasarda. R. and Kadlečík. O. (2007) An economic impact of inbreeding in the purebred population of Pinzgau cattle in Slovakia on milk production traits. Czech J. Anim. Sci., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 7-11.Krupa, E., Žáková, E. and Krupová, Z. (2015) Evaluation of inbreeding and genetic variability of five pig breeds in Czech Republic. Asian Australas. J.Anim. Sci.. vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 25-36. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5713/ajas.14.0251Lacy, R.C. (1989) Analysis of founder representation in pedigree: Founder equivalents and founder genome equivalents. Zool.Biol., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 111-123. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/zoo.1430080203Lacy, R.C. (1995) Classification of genetic terms and their use in the management of captive populations. Zoo. Biol., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 565-577. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/zoo.1430140609Melka, M.G. et al. (2013) Analyses of genetic diversity in five Canadian dairy breeds using pedigree data. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., vol. 130, pp. 476–486. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12050McParland, S. et al. (2007) Inbreeding trends and pedigree analysis of Irish dairy and beef cattle populations. Journal of Animal Science, vol. 85, no. 2, pp.322-331. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2006-367Maignel, L., Boichard, D. and Verrier.E. (1996) Genetic variability of French dairy breeds estimated from pedigree information. Interbul Bulletin, vol. 14, pp.49-54.Meuwissen, T.H.E. and Luo,Z. (1992) Computing in breeding coefficients in large populations. Genet. Sel. Evol., vol. 24. pp. 305-313. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1297-9686-24-4-305Pavlík.I, et al. (2014) Pedigree analysis of Thoroughbred horses in Slovakia. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 122-126. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2014.17.04.122-126Stachowic, K. et al. (2011) Schenkel Rates of inbreeding and genetic diversity in Canadian Holstein and Jersey cattle. J. Dairy Sci., vol. 94, no.  10, pp. 5160–5175. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2010-3308ŠIDLOVÁ, V. et al. (2015) Genomic variability among cattle populations based on runs of homozygosity. Poljoprivreda, vol. 21. no. 1 (Supplement), pp. 44-47.Tang, G. Q. et al. (2013) Inbreeding and genetic Ddversity in three imported swine breeds in China using pedigree data Asian Australas. J. Anim.Sci., vol.26, no. 6, pp.755-765.  doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2012.12645Trakovická, A. et al.(2015) Impact of SNPs in candidate genes on economically important traits in Pinzgau cattle. Poljoprivreda. vol. 21, no. 1(Supplement), pp. 150-154. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.18047/poljo.21.1.sup.3