67 research outputs found

    Plan S e le società scientifiche – una rivoluzione per l'Open Access?

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    Pagare per scrivere o pagare per leggere? O magari pagare due volte, sia per scrivere sia per leggere? Valutare il contenuto dell’articolo oppure il suo contenitore? Dove finiscono i diritti degli scrittori e iniziano quelli dei lettori? L’ accesso alla scienza pubblica deve essere gratuito ed immediato? Questi gli interrogativi che la comunità scientifica dibatte dagli inizi del secolo senza aver trovato finora una soluzione. Un anno fa, tredici istituti di ricerca mondiali (in Italia, l’Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare) rompono gli indugi e lanciano il progetto Plan S per favorire il passaggio ad un modello accesso alla scienza più equo e sostenibile. La comunità si divide, il progetto stimola interesse e provoca interrogativi. Dopo un anno dalla proposta è il momento di fare il punto. Questo lavoro nasce nell’ambito del gruppo di lavoro[1] sull’Open Access dell’INFN, in collaborazione con Roberto Barbera, Marcello Maggi e Dario Menasce, e in sinergia con il gruppo di lavoro Valutazione dell’INFN in collaborazione con Pasquale Lubrano. Si ringrazia Luca Tomassetti per i dati sulle pubblicazioni INFN. Accettato pr pubblicazione su Nuovo Saggiatore - Società Italiana di Fisica [1] Cfr. https://home.infn.it/it/open-access

    Plan S and the scientific societies – An Open Access revolution?

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    Pay to write or pay to read? Or maybe pay twice, both for writing and for reading? Evaluate the content of the article or its container? Where do writers’ rights end and readers’ rights start? Should access to public science be free and immediate? These are the questions that the scientific community has been debating since the beginning of the century without having found a solution so far. In September 2018, eleven European research institutions (in Italy, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics) broke the delay and launched the Plan S project to encourage the transition to a more equitable and sustainable model of access to science. The community is divided, the project stimulates interest and raises questions. After more than one year from the proposal it is time to take stoc

    La Scienza Aperta per chi fa ricerca: significato, valore e vademecum

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    Presentazione a Legnaro 2 febbraio 202

    Plan S - FAQ's

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    A report on Plan S and the cOAlition S collaboration, with particular focus on the role of repositories and green OA

    Open Science - Challenges and best practices: a view from research institutes in Italy

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    Talk given by Stefano Bianco at MINERVA Study Visit 2021.05. organised online by Universita' Marconi Roma

    Updates on the INFN Open Access Repository

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    Research organisations are moving to new models of sharing publications and data among communities in order to overcome limitations of current publishing systems: free and open access, data and publication associations, etc. INFN and other organisations, both public and private, have signed a global initiative launched by Science Europe, named Plan S, aimed at moving the state funded research works in open repositories or journal available to all. In this context, we have updated the pilot of the INFN Open Access Repository, that is operational since 2014, to a version that is compliant with Plan S requirements. Starting from Zenodo code, that powers the EC flagship repository with the same name, developed by CERN in the context of the OpenAIRE series of projects, we customised the implementation to add features useful for INFN. These include the integration with INFN-AAI for the authentication, configurable look and feel, data migration from previous repository and some fixes. Additionally, we have developed yaml files describing all micro services behind Zenodo for an automated deployment on a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. The repository is open for testing by all INFN staff and associated researchers and people from other organisations are also investigating it, already. We are currently preparing a Conceptual Design Report for the updater repository for evaluation by the INFN management and we will report on it

    The INFN Open Access Repository Conceptual Design Report

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    This document presents the conceptual design of a long-term institutional Open Access Repository for the INFN. The motivations and the objectives as well as the state-of-the-art technologies available and some already existing examples are discussed. Both the current implementation and the proposed long-term solution are presented, together with the human and financial resources needed

    Updates on the INFN Open Access Repository

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    Research organisations are moving to new models of sharing publications and data among communities in order to overcome limitations of current publishing systems: free and open access, data and publication associations, etc. INFN and other organisations, both public and private, have signed a global initiative launched by Science Europe, named Plan S, aimed at moving the state funded research works in open repositories or journal available to all. In this context, we have updated the pilot of the INFN Open Access Repository, that is operational since 2014, to a version that is compliant with Plan S requirements. Starting from Zenodo code, that powers the EC flagship repository with the same name, developed by CERN in the context of the OpenAIRE series of projects, we customised the implementation to add features useful for INFN. These include the integration with INFN-AAI for the authentication, configurable look and feel, data migration from previous repository and some fixes. Additionally, we have developed yaml files describing all micro services behind Zenodo for an automated deployment on a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. The repository is open for testing by all INFN staff and associated researchers and people from other organisations are also investigating it, already. We are currently preparing a Conceptual Design Report for the updater repository for evaluation by the INFN management and we will report on it

    Updates on the INFN Open Access Repository

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    Research organisations are moving to new models of sharing publications and data among communities in order to overcome limitations of current publishing systems: free and open access, data and publication associations, etc. INFN and other organisations, both public and private, have signed a global initiative launched by Science Europe, named Plan S, aimed at moving the state funded research works in open repositories or journal available to all. In this context, we have updated the pilot of the INFN Open Access Repository, that is operational since 2014, to a version that is compliant with Plan S requirements. Starting from Zenodo code, that powers the EC flagship repository with the same name, developed by CERN in the context of the OpenAIRE series of projects, we customised the implementation to add features useful for INFN. These include the integration with INFN-AAI for the authentication, configurable look and feel, data migration from previous repository and some fixes. Additionally, we have developed yaml files describing all micro services behind Zenodo for an automated deployment on a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. The repository is open for testing by all INFN staff and associated researchers and people from other organisations are also investigating it, already. We are currently preparing a Conceptual Design Report for the updater repository for evaluation by the INFN management and we will report on it
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