185 research outputs found

    Using the inertia of spacecraft during landing to penetrate regoliths of the Solar System

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    The high inertia, i.e. high mass and low speed, of a landing spacecraft has the potential to drive a penetrometer into the subsurface without the need for a dedicated deployment mechanism, e.g., during Huygens landing on Titan. Such a method could complement focused subsurface exploration missions, particularly in the low gravity environments of comets and asteroids, as it is conducive to conducting surveys and to the deployment of sensor networks. We make full-scale laboratory simulations of a landing spacecraft with a penetrometer attached to its base plate. The tip design is based on that used in terrestrial Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) with a large enough shaft diameter to house instruments for analysing pristine subsurface material. Penetrometer measurements are made in a variety of regolith analogue materials and target compaction states. For comparison a copy of the ACC-E penetrometer from the Huygens mission to Titan is used. A test rig at the Open University is used and is operated over a range of speeds from 0.9 to 3 m s−1 and under two gravitational accelerations. The penetrometer was found to be sensitive to the target’s compaction state with a high degree of repeatability. The penetrometer measurements also produced unique pressure profile shapes for each material. Measurements in limestone powder produced an exponential increase in pressure with depth possibly due to increasing compaction with depth. Measurements in sand produced an almost linear increase in pressure with depth. Iron powder produced significantly higher pressures than sand presumably due to the rough surface of the grains increasing the grain-grain friction. Impacts into foamglas produced with both ACC-E and the large penetrometer produced an initial increase in pressure followed by a leveling off as expected in a consolidated material. Measurements in sand suggest that the pressure on the tip is not significantly dependent on speed over the range tested, which suggests bearing strength equations could be applied to impact penetrometry in sand-like regoliths. In terms of performance we find the inertia of a landing spacecraft, with a mass of 100 kg, is adequate to penetrate regoliths expected on the surface of Solar System bodies. Limestone powder, an analogue for a dusty surface, offered very little resistance allowing full penetration of the target container. Both iron powder, representing a stronger coarse grained regolith, and foamglas, representing a consolidated comet crust, could be penetrated to similar depths of around two to three tip diameters. Speed tests suggest a linear dependence of penetration depth on impact speed

    Serum Neu5Gc biomarkers are elevated in primary cutaneous melanoma

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    Cutaneous melanoma is one of the most aggressive and deadly types of skin cancer and rates of disease are continuing to increase worldwide. Currently, no serum biomarkers exist for the early detection of cutaneous melanoma. Normal human cells cannot make the sialic acid sugar, Neu5Gc, yet human tumor cells express Neu5Gc and Neu5Gc-containing glycoconjugates have been proposed as tumor biomarkers. We engineered a Neu5Gc-specific lectin based on the pentameric B-subunit of the Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli subtilase cytotoxin, termed SubB2M. We have detected elevated Neu5Gc-containing biomarkers in the sera of ovarian and breast cancer patients in a highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based assay using our SubB2M lectin. Here, we used the SubB2M-SPR assay to investigate Neu5Gc-containing glycoconjugates in the serum of cutaneous melanoma patients. We found elevated total serum Neu5Gc levels in primary (n ¼ 24) and metastatic (n ¼ 38) patients compared to cancer-free controls (n ¼ 34). Serum Neu5Gc levels detected with SubB2M can distinguish cutaneous melanoma patients from cancer-free controls with high sensitivity and specificity as determined by ROC curve analysis. These data indicate that serum Neu5Gc-containing glycoconjugates are a novel class of biomarkers for cutaneous melanoma, particularly for primary melanoma, and have the potential to contribute to the early diagnosis of this disease.Lucy K. Shewell, Christopher J. Day, Tiana Hippolite, Xavier De Bisscop, James C. Paton, Adrienne W. Paton, Michael P. Jenning

    The central role of arginine in Haemophilus influenzae survival in a polymicrobial environment with Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis

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    Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis are bacterial species which frequently co-colonise the nasopharynx, but can also transit to the middle ear to cause otitis media. Chronic otitis media is often associated with a polymicrobial infection by these bacteria. However, despite being present in polymicrobial infections, the molecular interactions between these bacterial species remain poorly understood. We have previously reported competitive interactions driven by pH and growth phase between H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae. In this study, we have revealed competitive interactions between the three otopathogens, which resulted in reduction of H. influenzae viability in co-culture with S. pneumoniae and in triple-species culture. Transcriptomic analysis by mRNA sequencing identified a central role of arginine in mediating these interactions. Arginine supplementation was able to increase H. influenzae survival in a dual-species environment with S. pneumoniae, and in a triple-species environment. Arginine was used by H. influenzae for ATP production, and levels of ATP generated in dual- and triple-species co-culture at early stages of growth were significantly higher than the combined ATP levels of single-species cultures. These results indicate a central role for arginine-mediated ATP production by H. influenzae in the polymicrobial community.Alexandra TikhomirovaID, Peter S. Zilm, Claudia Trappetti, James C. Paton, Stephen P. Kid

    The Role of luxS in the Middle Ear Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolate 947

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    The LuxS protein, encoded by luxS, is required for the production of autoinducer 2 (AI-2) in Streptococcus pneumoniae. The AI-2 molecule serves as a quorum sensing signal, and thus regulates cellular processes such as carbohydrate utilisation and biofilm formation, as well as impacting virulence. The role of luxS in S. pneumoniae biology and lifestyle has been predominantly assessed in the laboratory strain D39. However, as biofilm formation, which is regulated by luxS, is critical for the ability of S. pneumoniae to cause otitis media, we investigated the role of luxS in a middle ear isolate, strain 947. Our results identified luxS to have a role in prevention of S. pneumoniae transition from colonisation of the nasopharynx to the ear, and in facilitating adherence to host epithelial cells.Alexandra Tikhomirova, Erin B. Brazel, Kimberley T. McLean, Hannah N. Agnew, James C. Paton and Claudia Trappett

    In vivo dual RNA-seq reveals that neutrophil recruitment underlies differential tissue tropism of Streptococcus pneumoniae.

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a genetically diverse human-adapted pathogen commonly carried asymptomatically in the nasopharynx. We have recently shown that a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the raffinose pathway regulatory gene rafR accounts for a difference in the capacity of clonally-related strains to cause localised versus systemic infection. Using dual RNA-seq, we show that this SNP affects expression of bacterial genes encoding multiple sugar transporters, and fine-tunes carbohydrate metabolism, along with extensive rewiring of host transcriptional responses to infection, particularly expression of genes encoding cytokine and chemokine ligands and receptors. The data predict a crucial role for differential neutrophil recruitment (confirmed by in vivo neutrophil depletion and IL-17 neutralization) indicating that early detection of bacteria by the host in the lung environment is crucial for effective clearance. Thus, dual RNA-seq provides a powerful tool for understanding complex host-pathogen interactions and reveals how a single bacterial SNP can drive differential disease outcomes

    Host-glycan metabolism is regulated by a species-conserved two-component system in Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Pathogens of the Streptococcus genus inhabit many different environmental niches during the course of an infection in a human host and the bacteria must adjust their metabolism according to available nutrients. Despite their lack of the citric-acid cycle, some streptococci proliferate in niches devoid of a readily available carbohydrate source. Instead they rely on carbohydrate scavenging for energy acquisition, which are obtained from the host. Here we discover a two-component system (TCS07) of Streptococcus pneumoniae that responds to glycoconjugated structures on proteins present on the host cells. Using next-generation RNA sequencing we find that the uncharacterized TCS07 regulon encodes proteins important for host-glycan processing and transporters of the released glycans, as well as intracellular carbohydrate catabolising enzymes. We find that a functional TCS07 allele is required for growth on the glycoconjugated model protein fetuin. Consistently, we see a TCS07-dependent activation of the glycan degradation pathway. Thus, we pinpoint the molecular constituents responsible for sensing host derived glycans and link this to the induction of the proteins necessary for glycan degradation. Furthermore, we connect the TCS07 regulon to virulence in a mouse model, thereby establishing that host-derived glycan-metabolism is important for infection in vivo. Finally, a comparative phylogenomic analysis of strains from the Streptococcus genus reveal that TCS07 and most of its regulon is specifically conserved in species that utilize host-glycans for growth.Patrick Rosendahl Andreassen, Claudia Trappetti, Vikrant Minhas, Flemming Damgaard Nielsen, Kevin Pakula, James C. Paton, Mikkel Girke Jørgense

    Streptococcus pneumoniae Strains Isolated From a Single Pediatric Patient Display Distinct Phenotypes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of bacterial paediatric meningitis after the neonatal period worldwide, but the bacterial factors and pathophysiology that drive pneumococcal meningitis are not fully understood. In this work, we have identified differences in raffinose utilization by S. pneumoniae isolates of identical serotype and sequence type from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a single pediatric patient with meningitis. The blood isolate displayed defective raffinose metabolism, reduced transcription of the raffinose utilization pathway genes, and an inability to grow in vitro when raffinose was the sole carbon source. The fitness of these strains was then assessed using a murine intranasal infection model. Compared with the CSF isolate, mice infected with the blood isolate displayed higher bacterial numbers in the nose, but this strain was unable to invade the ears of infectedmice. A premature stop codon was identified in the aga gene in the raffinose locus, suggesting that this protein likely displays impaired alpha-galactosidase activity. These closely related strains were assessed by Illumina sequencing, which did not identify any single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the two strains. However, these wider genomic analyses identified the presence of an alternative alpha-galactosidase gene that appeared to display altered sequence coverage between the strains, which may account for the observed differences in raffinose metabolic capacity. Together, these studies support previous findings that raffinose utilization capacity contributes to disease progression, and provide insight into a possible alternative means by which perturbation of this pathway may influence the behavior of pneumococci in the host environment, particularly in meningitis.Hannah N. Agnew, Erin B. Brazel, Alexandra Tikhomirova, Mark van der Linden, Kimberley T. McLean, James C. Paton, and Claudia Trappett

    To make or take: bacterial lipid homeostasis during Infection

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    Bacterial fatty acids are critical components of the cellular membrane. A shift in environmental conditions or in the bacterium’s lifestyle may result in the requirement for a distinct pool of fatty acids with unique biophysical properties. This can be achieved by the modification of existing fatty acids or via de novo synthesis. Furthermore, bacteria have evolved efficient means to acquire these energy-rich molecules from their environment. However, the balance between de novo fatty acid synthesis and exogenous acquisition during pathogenesis is poorly understood. Here, we studied the mouse fatty acid landscape prior to and after infection with Acinetobacter baumannii, a Gram-negative, opportunistic human pathogen. The lipid fluxes observed following infection revealed fatty acid- and niche-specific changes. Lipidomic profiling of A. baumannii isolated from the pleural cavity of mice identified novel A. baumannii membrane phospholipid species and an overall increased abundance of unsaturated fatty acid species. Importantly, we found that A. baumannii relies largely upon fatty acid acquisition in all but one of the studied niches, the blood, where the pathogen biosynthesizes its own fatty acids. This work is the first to reveal the significance of balancing the making and taking of fatty acids in a Gram-negative bacterium during infection, which provides new insights into the validity of targeting fatty acid synthesis as a treatment strategy.Felise G. Adams, Claudia Trappetti, Jack K. Waters, Maoge Zang, Erin B. Brazel, James C. Paton, Marten F. Snel, Bart A. Eijkelkam

    Human pleural fluid is a potent growth medium for Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Empyema is defined by the presence of bacteria and/or pus in pleural effusions. However, the biology of bacteria within human pleural fluid has not been studied. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of pediatric and frequent cause of adult empyema. We investigated whether S. pneumoniae can proliferate within human pleural fluid and if growth is affected by the cellular content of the fluid and/or characteristics of pneumococcal surface proteins. Invasive S. pneumoniae isolates (n = 24) and reference strain recovered from human blood or empyema were inoculated (1.5×10⁶CFU/mL) into sterile human malignant pleural fluid samples (n = 11). All S. pneumoniae (n = 25) strains proliferated rapidly, increasing by a median of 3009 (IQR 1063-9846) from baseline at 24hrs in all pleural effusions tested. Proliferation was greater than in commercial pneumococcal culture media and concentrations were maintained for 48hrs without autolysis. A similar magnitude of proliferation was observed in pleural fluid before and after removal of its cellular content, p = 0.728. S. pneumoniae (D39 strain) wild-type, and derivatives (n = 12), each with mutation(s) in a different gene required for full virulence were inoculated into human pleural fluid (n = 8). S. pneumoniae with pneumococcal surface antigen A (ΔpsaA) mutation failed to grow (2207-fold lower than wild-type), p<0.001, however growth was restored with manganese supplementation. Growth of other common respiratory pathogens (n = 14) across pleural fluid samples (n = 7) was variable and inconsistent, with some strains failing to grow. We establish for the first time that pleural fluid is a potent growth medium for S. pneumoniae and proliferation is dependent on the PsaA surface protein and manganese.Natalia D. Popowicz, Sally M. Lansley, Hui M. Cheah, Ian D. Kay, Christine F. Carson, Grant W. Waterer, James C. Paton, Jeremy S. Brown, Y.C. Gary Le

    Toll-like receptor 2 contributes to antibacterial defence against pneumolysin-deficient pneumococci

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition receptors that recognize conserved molecular patterns expressed by pathogens. Pneumolysin, an intracellular toxin found in all Streptococcus pneumoniae clinical isolates, is an important virulence factor of the pneumococcus that is recognized by TLR4. Although TLR2 is considered the most important receptor for Gram-positive bacteria, our laboratory previously could not demonstrate a decisive role for TLR2 in host defence against pneumonia caused by a serotype 3 S. pneumoniae. Here we tested the hypothesis that in the absence of TLR2, S. pneumoniae can still be sensed by the immune system through an interaction between pneumolysin and TLR4. C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and TLR2 knockout (KO) mice were intranasally infected with either WT S. pneumoniae D39 (serotype 2) or the isogenic pneumolysin-deficient S. pneumoniae strain D39 PLN. TLR2 did not contribute to antibacterial defence against WT S. pneumoniae D39. In contrast, pneumolysin-deficient S. pneumoniae only grew in lungs of TLR2 KO mice. TLR2 KO mice displayed a strongly reduced early inflammatory response in their lungs during pneumonia caused by both pneumolysin-producing and pneumolysin-deficient pneumococci. These data suggest that pneumolysin-induced TLR4 signalling can compensate for TLR2 deficiency during respiratory tract infection with S. pneumoniae