587 research outputs found

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    15-Ketodihydro-PGF2α, Progesterone and Cortisol Profiles in Heifers after Induction of Parturition by Injection of Dexamethasone

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    In order to study rapid changes in 15-ketodihydro-PGF2α, cortisol and progesterone in the period preceding parturition in cattle, pre-term parturition was induced in 4 late pregnant heifers. Parturitions were induced by 2 intramuscular injections of 20 mg dexamethasone with a 24-h interval. The first injection was made on days 254, 258, 264 and 265 in gestation, respectively. Twenty-four h before the first injection an intravenous polyurethane cannula was inserted. Blood samples were collected at least every hour until 12 h after parturition and during the second stage of labour at least 6 times per hour. Plasma was analysed for 15-ketodihydro-PGF2α and progesterone by radioimmunoassays, and for cortisol by an ELISA. The average time from injection to parturition was 7.7 (6.6–8.9) days (mean (range)). Two of the heifers had retained foetal membranes (RFM). At the start of the experiment the levels of PGF2α metabolite were low (< 300 pmol/L) and increased slowly to levels between 1000 and 2000 pmol/L at one day before parturition. During the last day, however, the levels increased rapidly and the highest levels (>10000 pmol/L) were reached at the time of delivery. No pulsatile release was seen. Immediately after foetal expulsion the PG-metabolite levels decreased rapidly in all animals. In the 2 animals with RFM, however, this decline ceased within a few h. The PG-metabolite levels in these animals then started to increase and reached levels as high as during parturition. Luteolysis occurred between 1.6 and 0.4 days before parturition in all animals. The cortisol profile showed a distinct peak at the time of parturition in the RFM heifers. This peak was absent in the non-RFM heifers. This study shows that the PGF2α release at prepartal luteolysis and parturition is not pulsatile in cattle and that cortisol profiles in heifers with retained foetal membranes might differ from the profiles in non-RFM heifers at the time of parturition

    Behavior of expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks under cyclic pavement foundation loading

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    This study introduces a mechanism for initial assessment and future development to improve understanding of expanded polystyrene (EPS) behavior as a super-lightweight material for road construction. Large scale cyclic plate load tests on model pavements were performed. The effect of several factors including thickness of soil, thickness of subsequent EPS layers and density of EPS on the surface deformations, resilient modulus (Mr) and interlayer pressure transfer were investigated. The results indicated that, compared to a covering soil layer of 300 mm, the rut depth on the loading surface reduced by 13.5% and 40.8% when the soil thickness was increased by 33% and 100%, respectively. With a constant soil thickness, increasing the thickness of an upper (denser) EPS layer with respect to a bottom (softer) EPS layer, from 200 mm to 600 mm, would only result in a 20% decrease in the peak settlements after loading. Resilient modulus of the system was found to be dependent on soil thickness. A designer can choose an appropriate resilient modulus assuming the soil-EPS composite acts as subgrade or subbase. In order to extend the results to a wider range of geofoams, soils and layer thicknesses, a simple stress analysis method was also trialed

    N=1/2 Super Yang-Mills Theory on Euclidean AdS2xS2

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    We study D-branes in the background of Euclidean AdS2xS2 with a graviphoton field turned on. As the background is not Ricci flat, the graviphoton field must have both self-dual and antiself-dual parts. This, in general, will break all the supersymmetries on the brane. However, we show that there exists a limit for which one can restore half of the supersymmetries. Further, we show that in this limit, the N=1/2 SYM Lagrangian on flat space can be lifted on to the Euclidean AdS2xS2 preserving the same amount of supersymmetries as in the flat case. We observe that without the C-dependent terms present in the action this lift is not possible.Comment: 12 pages, latex file; v2: minor corrections, references adde

    U(N) Instantons on N=1/2 superspace -- exact solution & geometry of moduli space

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    We construct the exact solution of one (anti)instanton in N=1/2 super Yang-Mills theory defined on non(anti)commutative superspace. We first identify N = 1/2 superconformal invariance as maximal spacetime symmetry. For gauge group U(2), SU(2) part of the solution is given by the standard (anti)instanton, but U(1) field strength also turns out nonzero. The solution is SO(4) rotationally symmetric. For gauge group U(N), in contrast to the U(2) case, we show that the entire U(N) part of the solution is deformed by non(anti)commutativity and fermion zero-modes. The solution is no longer rotationally symmetric; it is polarized into an axially symmetric configuration because of the underlying non(anti)commutativity. We compute the `information metric' of one (anti) instanton. We find that moduli space geometry is deformed from hyperbolic space (Euclidean anti-de Sitter space) in a way anticipated from reduced spacetime symmetry. Remarkably, the volume measure of the moduli space turns out to be independent of the non(anti)commutativity. Implications to D-branes in Ramond- Ramond flux background and Maldacena's gauge-gravity correspondence are discussed.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, JHEP style; v2. typos corrected + a paragraph adde

    Black hole partition functions and duality

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    The macroscopic entropy and the attractor equations for BPS black holes in four-dimensional N=2 supergravity theories follow from a variational principle for a certain `entropy function'. We present this function in the presence of R^2-interactions and non-holomorphic corrections. The variational principle identifies the entropy as a Legendre transform and this motivates the definition of various partition functions corresponding to different ensembles and a hierarchy of corresponding duality invariant inverse Laplace integral representations for the microscopic degeneracies. Whenever the microscopic degeneracies are known the partition functions can be evaluated directly. This is the case for N=4 heterotic CHL black holes, where we demonstrate that the partition functions are consistent with the results obtained on the macroscopic side for black holes that have a non-vanishing classical area. In this way we confirm the presence of a measure in the duality invariant inverse Laplace integrals. Most, but not all, of these results are obtained in the context of semiclassical approximations. For black holes whose area vanishes classically, there remain discrepancies at the semiclassical level and beyond, the nature of which is not fully understood at present.Comment: 36 pages, Late

    Non-supersymmetric Black Holes and Topological Strings

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    We study non-supersymmetric, extremal 4 dimensional black holes which arise upon compactification of type II superstrings on Calabi-Yau threefolds. We propose a generalization of the OSV conjecture for higher derivative corrections to the non-supersymmetric black hole entropy, in terms of the one parameter refinement of topological string introduced by Nekrasov. We also study the attractor mechanism for non-supersymmetric black holes and show how the inverse problem of fixing charges in terms of the attractor value of CY moduli can be explicitly solved.Comment: 47 pages, harvmac. v2: footnote(4) expanded, references adde

    Branes in Time-Dependent Backgrounds and AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We study supergravity solutions of Dp-branes in the time-dependent orbifold background. We show that worldvolume theories decouple from the bulk gravity for p less than six. Along AdS/CFT correspondence, these solutions could provide the gravity description of noncommutative field theory with time-dependent noncommutative parameter. Type II NS5-brane (M5-brane) in the presence of RR n-form for n=0,..., 4 (C field) in this time-dependent background have also been studied.Comment: 15 pages, latex file, v2: typos corrected, ref added, v3: references added, minor change