45 research outputs found

    A novel bioactive glass-ceramic for treating dentin hypersensitivity

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    Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is a painful response to stimulus applied to the open dentinal tubules of a vital tooth. It's a common oral condition, however, without an ideal treatment available yet. This work evaluated in vitro the effect of micron-sized particles from a novel bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate) in occluding open dentinal tubules. A dentin disc model was employed to observe comparatively, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dentinal tubule occlusion by different products and deposition of hydroxyl carbonate apatite (HCA) on dentin surface by Biosilicate, after a single application: G1 - Dentifrice with potassium nitrate and fluoride; G2 - Two-step calcium phosphate precipitation treatment; G3 - Water-free gel containing Biosilicate particles (1%); G4 - Biosilicate particles mixed with distilled water in a 1:10 ratio; all of them after 1, 12 and 24 hours of immersion in artificial saliva. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed to detect HCA formation on dentin discs filled with Biosilicate after 2 minutes, 30 minutes and 12 hours of immersion in artificial saliva. SEM showed a layer of HCA formed on dentin surface after 24 hours by G4. G1, G2 and G3 promoted not total occlusion of open dentinal tubules after 24 hours. FTIR showed HCA precipitation on the dentin surface induced by Biosilicate after 30 minutes. The micron-sized particles from the bioactive glass-ceramic thus were able to induce HCA deposition in open dentinal tubules in vitro. This finding suggests that Biosilicate may provide a new option for treating DH.FAPESPCNP

    Impact and fracture resistance of an experimental acrylic polymer with elastomer in different proportions

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact and fracture resistance of acrylic resins: a heat-polymerized resin, a high-impact resin and an experimental polymethyl methacrylate with elastomer in different proportions (10, 20, 40 and 60%). 120 specimens were fabricated and submitted to conventional heat-polymerization. For impact test, a Charpy-type impact tester was used. Fracture resistance was assessed with a 3-point bending test by using a mechanical testing machine. Ten specimens were used for each test. Fracture (MPa) and impact resistance values (J.m-1) were submitted to ANOVA - Bonferroni's test - 5% significance level. Materials with higher amount of elastomer had statistically significant differences regarding to impact resistance (p < 0.05). Fracture resistance was superior (p < 0.01) for high-resistance acrylic resin. The increase in elastomer concentration added to polymethyl methacrylate raised the impact resistance and decreased the fracture resistance. Processing the material by injection decreased its resistance to impact and fracture

    Effectiveness of a new toothbrush design versus a conventional tongue scraper in improving breath odor and reducing tongue microbiota

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    For centuries, specific instruments or regular toothbrushes have routinely been used to remove tongue biofilm and improve breath odor. Toothbrushes with a tongue scraper on the back of their head have recently been introduced to the market. The present study compared the effectiveness of a manual toothbrush with this new design, i.e., possessing a tongue scraper, and a commercial tongue scraper in improving breath odor and reducing the aerobic and anaerobic microbiota of tongue surface. The evaluations occurred at 4 moments, when the participants (n=30) had their halitosis quantified with a halimeter and scored according to a 4-point scoring system corresponding to different levels of intensity. Saliva was collected for counts of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Data were analyzed statistically by Friedman's test (p<0.05). When differences were detected, the Wilcoxon test adjusted for Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons (group to group). The results confirmed the importance of mechanical cleaning of the tongue, since this procedure provided an improvement in halitosis and reduction of aerobe and anaerobe counts. Regarding the evaluated methods, the toothbrush's tongue scraper and conventional tongue scraper had a similar performance in terms of breath improvement and reduction of tongue microbiota, and may be indicated as effective methods for tongue cleaning

    Taxa de sobrevivência bacteriana em escovas dentais e sua descontaminação com soluções antimicrobianas

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate bacterial survival rate on toothbrushes after brushing and the efficacy of their decontamination by spraying antimicrobial solutions. Thirty subjects were instructed to spray the solutions on toothbrush bristles after brushing. Each volunteer tested three sprays, one solution per week; the sprays were labeled spray 1 (cetylpyridinium chloride - CPC - and basic formulation), 2 (basic formulation only) and 3 (control - sterile tap water). At the end of each week, the brushes were collected and sonicated in Letheen Broth®; the suspensions were ten-fold diluted and the dilutions were plated on various culture media. Anaerobic bacteria, evaluated by colony count of black pigment producing organisms on Ask medium, were recovered from 83.3% of the samples, Streptococci from 80% and aerobic Gram-negative bacilli from 46.7% of them in the control tests. There was a significant decrease in toothbrush contamination with antimicrobial sprays 1 and 2, the first showing the greatest decrease on bacterial counts.O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a taxa de sobrevivência bacteriana em escovas dentais após a escovação e a eficácia na sua descontaminação pelo borrifamento de soluções antimicrobianas. Trinta indivíduos foram instruídos a borrifar as soluções nas cerdas das escovas após a escovação. Cada voluntário testou três sprays, uma solução por semana; os sprays foram rotulados spray 1 (cloreto de cetilpiridínio - CCP - e formulação básica), 2 (formulação básica apenas) e 3 (controle - água de torneira esterilizada). Ao final de cada semana, as escovas eram recolhidas e introduzidas no caldo Letheen®, submetidas a ultra-som, à diluição decimal seriada e as suspensões semeadas em vários meios de cultura. As bactérias anaeróbias, avaliadas pela contagem de colônias de microrganismos produtores de pigmento negro no meio Ask, foram recuperadas em 83,3% das amostras, estreptococos em 80% e bacilos aeróbios Gram-negativos em 46,7% das amostras nos testes controle. Houve uma significante redução na contaminação das escovas dentais com os sprays antimicrobianos 1 e 2, o primeiro mostrando maior redução nas contagens de bactérias

    Avaliação in vitro da atividade antibacteriana da água ozonizada frente ao Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the normal flora of the skin, mucosa and nasopharynx of several animal species, including man, but it is also associated to illnesses such as abscesses, bacteremia, endocarditis and osteomyelitis, besides showing resistance to multiple drugs. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the disinfecting ability of ozone when dissolved in water. Suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus with concentrations varying from 10(6) to 10(16) microorganisms/ml were prepared. One milliliter of each recently prepared suspension was added to 99 ml of distilled water (with or without previous ozonization) contained in a crystal reactor. Aliquots of 0.1 ml of this new suspension were taken at various time intervals and, then, serially diluted and inoculated on plaques. The data indicated that there was difference in the disinfecting effect when distilled water was used with and without previous ozonization.O Staphylococcus aureus faz parte da microbiota da pele, mucosas e nasofaringe de várias espécies animais, incluindo o homem, mas também está associado a enfermidades como abscessos, bacteremias, endocardites e osteomielites, além de se mostrar resistente a múltiplas drogas. Este trabalho foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito do gás ozônio, dissolvido em água, sobre o S. aureus. Foram preparadas suspensões de S. aureus, com concentrações variando de 10(6) a 10(16) microrganismos/ml. De cada suspensão recém-preparada foi retirado 1 ml e adicionado a 99 ml de água destilada estéril (com ou sem prévia ozonização), em um reator de cristal. Foram preparadas diluições seriadas (1/10) das suspensões testadas e inoculado 0,1 ml de cada suspensão em Tryptic Soy Agar, incubadas a 37ºC por 24 h, quando então se procedeu à contagem das UFC. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o tempo máximo para a inativação total das bactérias tratadas com água previamente ozonizada (0,6 mg/ml) foi de 5&#146;25" e, para a água não previamente ozonizada, foi de 23&#146;45", indicando um efeito antibacteriano mais rápido da água previamente ozonizada, frente ao S. aureus

    Assessment in vitro of brushing on dental surface roughness alteration by laser interferometry

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    Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are considered to be of multifactorial origin, normally associated with inadequate brushing. This study assessed the influence in vitro of simulated brushing on NCCL formation. Fifteen human premolars were submitted to brushing in the cementoenamel junction region, using hard-, medium- and soft-bristled brushes associated with a toothpaste of medium abrasiveness under a 200 g load, at a speed of 356 rpm for 100 minutes. The surface topography of the region was analyzed before and after brushing, by means of a laser interferometer, using "cut-off" values of 0.25 and considering roughness values in mm. The initial roughness (mm) results for dentin (D / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard) were as follows: (D1) 1.25 ± 0.45; (D2) 1.12 ± 0.44; (D3) 1.05 ± 0.41. For enamel (E / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard), the initial results were: (E1) 1.18 ± 0.35; (E2) 1.32 ± 0.25; (E3) 1.50 ± 0.38. After brushing, the following were the values for dentin: (D1) 2.32 ± 1.99; (D2) 3.30 ± 0.96; (D3) Over 500. For enamel, the values after brushing were: (E1) 1.37 ± 0.31; (E2) 2.15 ± 0.90; (E3) 1.22 ± 0.47. Based on the results of the ANOVA and Tukey statistical analyses (a = .05) it was concluded that soft, medium and hard brushes are not capable of abrading enamel, whereas dentin showed changes in surface roughness by the action of medium- and hard-bristled brushes.FAPEMI

    Periodontal pocket drug delivery systems

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    A doença periodontal é morbidade com alta prevalência na população mundial. É causada pelo acúmulo de componentes microbianos do biofilme dental no interior das áreas subgengivais do periodonto, desencadeando processo inflamatório que afeta as estruturas de suporte dental, resultando em formação de bolsa periodontal e perda dos dentes, se não tratada. O tratamento convencional consiste de raspagem e alisamento radicular, associado ou não ao uso de antimicrobianos de ação sistêmica, o que implica altas doses, porém com eficácia reduzida, efeitos adversos e dificuldades de adesão ao tratamento por parte do paciente. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento tem sido otimizado pelo uso de sistemas de liberação de fármaco intrabolsa periodontal, com a vantagem de liberar o fármaco no local de ação, possibilitando prolongar e/ou controlar sua concentração. A presente revisão aborda os principais sistemas de liberação de fármaco intrabolsa periodontal, o potencial de utilização, assim como os protocolos disponíveis para a avaliação da efetividade dos mesmos na terapia periodontal.Periodontal disease is very common in the world population. It is caused by the accumulation of microbial components of the dental biofilm inside the subgingival areas, producing an inflammatory process that affects the supporting structures of tooth, periodontal pockets and loss of the teeth, if not treated. The conventional treatment consists of tooth surface mechanical cleaning and root planning, associated or not to the systemic use of high concentrations of antibiotics, but with reduced effectiveness, and adverse effects. The patient compliance to the therapeutic is committed too. In the last decades, the treatment has been optimized for the use of drug delivery systems to the periodontal pocket, with the advantage of delivering the drug in the specific site, sustaining and/or controlling the drug concentration. Recently, the use of new drug delivery systems has been receiving great interest. This review approaches the main delivery systems for the administration of drugs to the periodontal pocket, their usefulness, as well as the available protocols for the evaluation of these systems effectiveness in the periodontal therapy

    Radiopacity and microhardness changes and effect of X-ray operating voltage in resin-based materials before and after the expiration date

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    This study observed alteration in the radiopacity and microhardness of expired resin-based materials compared to non-expired materials and the operating characteristics of the X-ray source used. Five 2 mm-thick cured specimens were prepared for each material: composite resins (P60®, Z100®), and a compomer (Dyract AP®). Radiopacity of the specimens was evaluated comparing the density of the resin-based material to an equivalent (mm) density of a 99.5% pure aluminum step wedge using a transmission densitometer. Surface microhardness measurements were carried out using a calibrated Vickers indenter on three different points of the same surface. ANOVA and Tukey tests (pre-set alpha = 0.05) revealed that expired materials showed no significant change in radiopacity. One material (Filtek P60) demonstrated lower radiopacity with lower KVp. Change in microhardness wa s statistically significant for Z100: for this material, the microhardness after expiration was significantly lower than before the expiration date