415 research outputs found

    Increased sensitivity to cocaine-induced analgesia in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR)

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    This study examined the analgesic effect of cocaine in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR), which are considered a suitable model for the study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and in Wistar (WIS) rats of both sexes using the hot-plate test. In addition, we tested whether habituation to the unheated hot-plate apparatus, that "normalizes" the basal hypoalgesic phenotype of SHR, alters the subsequent cocaine-induced analgesia (CIA) in this strain. SHR of both sexes were hypoalgesic compared to WIS rats in the hot-plate test and showed higher sensitivity to CIA. Habituation to the unheated hot-plate reduced the basal nociceptive latency of SHR, suggesting cognitive/emotional modulation of pain in this strain, but did not alter the magnitude of CIA. The present study shows increased sensitivity to CIA in SHR, which may be related to abnormalities in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system. Further studies using SHR strain may reveal new information on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying ADHD and its co-morbidity with drug addiction

    Shape-Graph Matching Network (SGM-net): Registration for Statistical Shape Analysis

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    This paper focuses on the statistical analysis of shapes of data objects called shape graphs, a set of nodes connected by articulated curves with arbitrary shapes. A critical need here is a constrained registration of points (nodes to nodes, edges to edges) across objects. This, in turn, requires optimization over the permutation group, made challenging by differences in nodes (in terms of numbers, locations) and edges (in terms of shapes, placements, and sizes) across objects. This paper tackles this registration problem using a novel neural-network architecture and involves an unsupervised loss function developed using the elastic shape metric for curves. This architecture results in (1) state-of-the-art matching performance and (2) an order of magnitude reduction in the computational cost relative to baseline approaches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach using both simulated data and real-world 2D and 3D shape graphs. Code and data will be made publicly available after review to foster research

    Excessive collagen turnover products are released during colorectal cancer progression and elevated in serum from metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    During cancer progression, the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix becomes imbalanced with an excessive collagen remodeling by matrix metalloproteinases. As a consequence, small protein fragments of degraded collagens are released into the circulation. We have investigated the potential of protein fragments of collagen type I, III and IV as novel biomarkers for colorectal cancer. Specific fragments of degraded type I, III and IV collagen (C1M, C3M, C4M) and type III collagen formation (Pro-C3) were assessed in serum from colorectal cancer patients, subjects with adenomas and matched healthy controls using well-characterized and validated ELISAs. Serum levels of the biomarkers were significantly elevated in colorectal cancer patients compared to subjects with adenomas (C1M, Pro-C3, C3M) and controls (C1M, Pro-C3). When patients were stratified according to their tumour stage, all four biomarkers were able to differentiate stage IV metastatic patients from all other stages. Combination of all markers with age and gender in a logistic regression model discriminated between metastatic and non-metastatic patients with an AUROC of 0.80. The data suggest that the levels of these collagen remodeling biomarkers may be a measure of tumour activity and invasiveness and may provide new clinical tools for monitoring of patients with advanced stage colorectal cancer

    Ocorrência de Magulacra nigripennata Dognin (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) em Cupuaçuzeiro no Estado do Amapá.

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    O Cupuaçuzeiro [Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. Ex Spreng.) K. Schum. (Malvaceae)] é uma das espécies frutíferas nativas de maior importância econômica para a região Amazônica. Seu fruto é muito apreciado pela população local em virtude da polpa ser utilizada para elaboração de sucos, sorvetes, picolés, geleias, iogurtes, doces e compotas. Apesar de sua importância, a expansão dos cultivos de cupuaçu na região tem sido limitada por problemas fitossanitários. No mês de julho de 2014, em visita a um pomar de cupuaçuzeiro (1.300 plantas com 6 anos de idade) na Colônia Agrícola do Matapi (00º37?N e 51º25?W), município de Porto Grande, Amapá, foram detectadas plantas com sintomas de secamento de ramos terminais, geralmente tombam sobre a copa do cupuaçuzeiro. Aproximadamente 30% das plantas apresentavam esse sintoma. Os danos são decorrentes do ataque de uma lepidobroca Magulacra nigripennata Dognin (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), conhecida como broca-dos-ramos ou broca-doramo- terminal. A lagarta é de coloração avermelhada nas regiões ventral e cefálica, apresentando listras transversais de coloração marrom escuro e amarelado na região dorsal. O ataque inicia com a construção de galerias no interior do ramo terminal. Antes de pupar na galeria, provoca o anelamento basal do ramo, causando o seu secamento e abrindo uma galeria no sentido perpendicular à galeria, para saída do adulto. Geralmente ocorre uma lagarta por ramo atacado.Os danos estão associados ao secamento dos ramos terminais e posterior morte da planta. Este é o primeiro registro dessa espécie no estado do Amapá. Previamente a espécie foi reportada em cupuaçuzeiro no estado do Amazonas e em cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao L.) em Rondônia e Pará. Na Amazônia, as informações sobre a biologia e ecologia de M. nigripennata são inexistentes. Portanto, estudos relacionados à duração do ciclo de vida e flutuação populacional são prioritários para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de manejo adequadas.Resumo 1612

    Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging - Aplicações em Neuropediatria

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    de imagem em RM, caracterizada pela sua alta resolução espacial e grande sensibilidade a diferenças de susceptibilidade magnética dos tecidos, acentuando as propriedades paramagnéticas de produtos como a desoxihemoglobina, hemossiderina, ferro e cálcio e sendo particularmente útil na avaliação das estruturas venosas. Objectivos: O objectivo deste trabalho é fazer uma breve revisão das aplicações clínicas da sequência SWI em neuropediatria e demonstrar a sua grande utilidade, nomeadamente em comparação as a sequência T2*. Material e Métodos: Os exames foram realizados a crianças com idades compreendidas entre o período neonatal e os 16 anos, internadas ou seguidas em consulta no Hospital Pediátrico D. Estefânia; as imagens SWI foram efectuadas em equipamento Siemens 1.5 T, Avanto, com os seguintes parâmetros: TR 49, TE 40, flip angle 15, espessura 1,6mm. Resultados: Apresentamos vários casos ilustrativos de patologias em que o SWI demonstra a sua utilidade e mais-valia, nomeadamente na detecção de lesões hemorrágicas recentes ou antigas em diferentes contextos particulares em neuropediatria (patologia hipoxico-isquémica, vascular, trauma não acidental), detecção de cavernomas e anomalias venosas de desenvolvimento, avaliação de tumores e doenças neurodegenerativas. Conclusão: A sequência SWI é bastante útil na avaliação imagiológica de várias patologias e variantes venosas em neuropediatria, fornecendo uma informação adicional com implicações diagnósticas e prognósticas comparativamente com o T2*, obviando também a administração de contraste para avaliação de estruturas venosas

    The cirrhotic liver is depleted of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a key modulator of NF-κB and TGFβ pathways in hepatic stellate cells

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    Liver cirrhosis results from chronic hepatic damage and is characterized by derangement of the organ architecture with increased liver fibrogenesis and defective hepatocellular function. It frequently evolves into progressive hepatic insufficiency associated with high mortality unless liver transplantation is performed. We have hypothesized that the deficiency of critical nutrients such as essential omega-3 fatty acids might play a role in the progression of liver cirrhosis. Here we evaluated by LC-MS/MS the liver content of omega-3 docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA) in cirrhotic patients and investigated the effect of DHA in a murine model of liver injury and in the response of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) (the main producers of collagen in the liver) to pro-fibrogenic stimuli. We found that cirrhotic livers exhibit a marked depletion of DHA and that this alteration correlates with the progression of the disease. Administration of DHA exerts potent anti-fibrogenic effects in an acute model of liver damage. Studies with HSCs show that DHA inhibits fibrogenesis more intensely than other omega-3 fatty acids. Data from expression arrays revealed that DHA blocks TGFβ and NF-κB pathways. Mechanistically, DHA decreases late, but not early, SMAD3 nuclear accumulation and inhibits p65/RelA-S536 phosphorylation, which is required for HSC survival. Notably, DHA increases ADRP expression, leading to the formation of typical quiescence-associated perinuclear lipid droplets. In conclusion, a marked depletion of DHA is present in the liver of patients with advanced cirrhosis. DHA displays anti-fibrogenic activities on HSCs targeting NF-κB and TGFβ pathways and inducing ADPR expression and quiescence in these cells

    A broca-dos-ramos-do-cupuaçuzeiro (Magulacra nigripennata Dognin, 1924) no Amapá.

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