2,805 research outputs found

    An experimental didactic path to "re-educate to values" through motor and sports practice

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    Physical and sports practice, to date, is called to explode all its educational potential both in formal and non-formal training contexts. This assumption takes on even more importance when the pedagogical and training action must be aimed at critical social contexts. In order to achieve this task, it is essential to structure didactic strategies that convey motor and sports activities towards the pursuit of educational-pedagogical objectives. In this regard, this research work proposes an experimental didactic path aimed at subjects who have experienced social deviance phenomena, and oriented towards their "re-education to values"


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    Motor and sports education as a formative tool for young people is a topic of considerable interest in the sphere of pedagogical sciences and needs to continue research and studies aimed to experimenting new didactic protocols and new evaluation approaches that are able to enhance the potential educational interests rather than of a mere "performance" nature. In this regard, this research study aims to frame a suitable assessment scheme that is able to measure the formative and educational evolution generated by an experimental didactic protocol oriented for primary school children and based on motor and sport activity. This, at the same time, also through an innovative growth path of sport in the panorama of educational sciences. The research was conducted through the preparation of two homogenous groups of 100 children each, between 5 and 8 years of age; first group (sample group) followed the didactic experimentation and the second (control group) continued with the traditional didactic-training approach provided by their own schools. Finally, educational progress within and between groups was assessed and compared in order to analyze the related pedagogical considerations that emerged


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    Kindergarten is the first educational environment, external to the family, in which each individual begins to relate to a group of peers. It is evident how important it is to lay the educational foundations in this context, so as to establish the basic conditions for training the future youth of tomorrow. In this perspective, the inclusion of experimental educational protocols in the educational curriculum of preschools could play a fundamental role. This Paper shows the application of an experimental educational protocol focused on motor and sports education, and analyzes the results in terms of educational growth and pedagogy compared to a control group that, instead, continued with regular school activities. The objective is to bring to light the educational benefits that an experimental motor and sports education approach is able to generate in children, and the extent to which training, starting from kindergarten, should be oriented in this direction

    Experimenting with motor and sports sciences in primary school: Innovative proposals for didactics and evaluation systems

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    The Italian primary school, among its institutional teachings, requires the presence of motor and sports education, and a teacher that is specialized and competent in this discipline. Starting from this hypothesis, this research work sets itself the objective of identifying both an innovative and effective didactic-pedagogical program for the school context, and an appropriate evaluation approach consistent with the motor, socio-relational and educational objectives pursued through motor and sports sciences. Through the experimental program "Sport in Classe", the research was carried out directly in the primary school context and allowed to meet the set objectives and highlight the importance that the graduate in motor sciences could assume in the Italian primary school

    Oblique didactics: Innovating the ludic experience in kindergarten to promote pedagogical training

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    The ludic experience through the discovery of body and movement in kindergarten is represented by an experience of fundamental importance for the pedagogical development of children. Also, in this case, it is necessary to research for innovative didactic proposals that motivate the children and lay the foundations for an effective training course. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, with a sample of children aged between 4 and 6 years, oblique-type didactics that can be used to evaluate the training progress obtainable through this innovative approach, and to hypothesize its use in kindergarten

    Investigating the introduction of e-navigation and S-100 into bridge related operations: the impact over seafarers

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    The present work is focused on analyzing how e-navigation will affect the daily work of seafarers involved in bridge-related operations. Within e-navigation, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is currently working in the development of the new standard (S-100) whose role is to guarantee a homogeneous management of the maritime domain data. S-100 is called to act as the Common Maritime Data Structure (CMDS), it represents the technical framework required to guarantee a wider and better use of maritime data. The mission of the standard is to create a common foundation that can be used for multiple purposes; meteorologists, physicists, and whoever is interested in developing maritime related products will refer to the same standard. Not having a homogeneous type of data processed with standardized procedures will allow a better combination and processing of maritime data. Considering the perspective of Hydrographic Offices, the objective of the present document is to analyze the impact which e-navigation will have over seafarers. The study is focused on the evaluation of the risks connected to S-100-based products and on the analysis of specific bridge operations. Considering that e-navigation products are still at their design phase, being aware of the consequences for the final users is essential to make S-100-based products more customer oriented and to allow seafarers who are involved in bridge operations to get familiar with this new technology


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    It was decided to carry out an exploratory study aimed at investigating the opinions of 100 teachers specializing in special educational needs at the University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, in relation to the aspect of corporeality and motor education as an essential dimension in the inclusive process to be implemented in the school context. 100 semi-structured on-line interviews were held. It was decided to carry out an analysis of the content of the interviews (Krippendorff, 2013) adopting the Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) as the theoretical and methodological substrate, with specifc reference to the constructivist-epistemological paradigm (Charmaz, 2005). The qualitative analysis was supported by the use of Nvivo software (Richards, 1999). The corpus of the interviews was subjected to content analysis (Krippendorff, 2013). The qualitative analysis of the corpus of the interviews highlights the need for providing postgraduate teachers with more specifc training in the feld of physical education, particularly in its inclusive purpose. While recognizing the importance of physical education in the integral formation of the person, the teachers declared themselves not very competent and, above all, that they would not put into practice actions concerning the motor dimension in their teaching activity