7,318 research outputs found

    The East-West asymmetry of single muons at Campinas

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    The EASCAMP experiment, one of the few situated in the Southern Hemisphere, operating at the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil, detected for two years single muons in the low energetic range. The primary cosmic rays that produce these muons have a geomagnetic vertical cut-off of 10.6 GV. We studied the azimuthal distribution of three million single muons obtaining an East-West asymmetry of AEW = ( 8.91 ± 0.04)%. Another analysis concerned with the atmospheric muons propagation index is performed comparing the experimental zenith angular distribution and a simulated isotropic cosmic rays distribution

    Model reduction for analysis of cascading failures in power systems

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    In this paper, we apply a principal-orthogonal decomposition based method to the model reduction of a hybrid, nonlinear model of a power network. The results demonstrate that the sequence of fault events can be evaluated and predicted without necessarily simulating the whole system

    Fireshape: a shape optimization toolbox for Firedrake

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    Shape optimization studies how to design a domain such that a shape function is minimized. Ubiquitous in industrial applications, shape optimization is often constrained to partial differential equations (PDEs). One of the main challenges in PDE-constrained shape optimization is the coupling of domain updates and PDE-solvers. Fireshape addresses this challenge by elegantly coupling the finite element library Firedrake and the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL). The main features of Fireshape are: accessibility to users with minimal shape optimization knowledge; decoupled discretization of control and state variables; full access to Firedrake's PDE-solvers; automated derivation of adjoint equations and shape derivatives; different metrics to define shape gradients; access to ROL's optimization algorithms via PyROL. Fireshape is available at https://github.com/fireshape/fireshape. Fireshape's documentation comprises several tutorials and is available at https://fireshape.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

    Longitudinal Assessment of Cognitive Function by Clock Drawing in Older Adults

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    www.karger.com/dee This is an Open Access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License (www.karger.com/OA-license), applicable to the online version of the article only. Distribution for non-commercial purposes only

    A Measurement of Water Vapour amid a Largely Quiescent Environment on Europa

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    Previous investigations proved the existence of local density enhancements in Europas atmosphere, advancing the idea of a possible origination from water plumes. These measurement strategies, however, were sensitive either to total absorption or atomic emissions, which limited the ability to assess the water content. Here we present direct searches for water vapour on Europa spanning dates from February 2016 to May 2017 with the Keck Observatory. Our global survey at infrared wavelengths resulted in non-detections on 16 out of 17 dates, with upper limits below the water abundances inferred from previous estimates. On one date (26 April 2016) we measured 2,095 658 tonnes of water vapour at Europas leading hemisphere. We suggest that the outgassing ls than previously estimated, with only rare localized events of stronger activity
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