15 research outputs found

    DSCR2, a Down syndrome critical region protein, is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells

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    We used immunocytochemical and fluorescence assays to investigate the subcellular location of the protein encoded by Down syndrome critical region gene 2 (DSCR2) in transfected cells. It was previously suggested that DSCR2 is located in the plasma membrane as an integral membrane protein. Interestingly, we observed this protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of cells.We also studied whether the truncated forms of DSCR2 showed different subcellular distributions. Our observations indicate that DSCR2 probably is not inserted into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum since the fragments lacking the predicted transmembrane (TM) helices remained associated with the ER. Our analyses suggest that, although DSCR2 is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, it is not an integral membrane protein and it is maintained on the cytoplasmic side of the ER by indirect interaction with the ER membrane or with another protein

    The proteasome maturation protein POMP facilitates major steps of 20S proteasome formation at the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The quality control of proteins mediated by the plasticity of the proteasome system is regulated by the timely and flexible formation of this multisubunit proteolytic enzyme complex. Adaptable biogenesis of the 20S proteasome core complex is therefore of vital importance for adjusting to changing proteolytic requirements. However, the molecular mechanism and the cellular sites of mammalian proteasome formation are still unresolved. By using precursor complex-specific antibodies, we now show that the main steps in 20S core complex formation take place at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Thereby, the proteasome maturation protein (POMP)—an essential factor of mammalian proteasome biogenesis—interacts with ER membranes, binds to α1–7 rings, recruits β-subunits stepwise and mediates the association of mammalian precursor complexes with the ER. Thus, POMP facilitates the main steps in 20S core complex formation at the ER to coordinate the assembly process and to provide cells with freshly formed proteasomes at their site of function

    Mutually exclusive genetic interactions and gene essentiality shape the genomic landscape of primary melanoma.

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    Melanoma is a heterogeneous malignancy with an unpredictable clinical course. Most patients who present in the clinic are diagnosed with primary melanoma, yet large-scale sequencing efforts have focused primarily on metastatic disease. In this study we sequence-profiled 524 AJCC Stage I-III primary tumours. Our analysis of these data reveals recurrent driver mutations, mutually exclusive genetic interactions, where two genes were never or rarely co-mutated, and an absence of co-occurring genetic events. Further, we intersected copy number calls from our primary melanoma data with whole-genome CRISPR screening data to identify the transcription factor IRF4 as a melanoma-associated dependency

    TOP1 modulation during melanoma progression and in adaptative resistance to BRAF and MEK inhibitors

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    In melanomas, therapy resistance can arise due to a combination of genetic, epigenetic and phenotypic mechanisms. Due to its crucial role in DNA supercoil relaxation, TOP1 is often considered an essential chemotherapeutic target in cancer. However, how TOP1 expression and activity might differ in therapy sensitive versus resistant cell types is unknown. Here we show that TOP1 expression is increased in metastatic melanoma and correlates with an invasive gene expression signature. More specifically, TOP1 expression is highest in cells with the lowest expression of MITF, a key regulator of melanoma biology. Notably, TOP1 and DNA Single-Strand Break Repair genes are downregulated in BRAFi- and BRAFi/MEKi-resistant cells and TOP1 inhibition decreases invasion markers only in BRAFi/MEKi-resistant cells. Thus, we show three different phenotypes related to TOP1 levels: i) non-malignant cells with low TOP1 levels; ii) metastatic cells with high TOP1 levels and high invasiveness; and iii) BRAFi- and BRAFi/MEKi-resistant cells with low TOP1 levels and high invasiveness. Together, these results highlight the potential role of TOP1 in melanoma progression and resistance

    Low MITF/AXL ratio predicts early resistance to multiple targeted drugs in melanoma.

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    Increased expression of the Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) contributes to melanoma progression and resistance to BRAF pathway inhibition. Here we show that the lack of MITF is associated with more severe resistance to a range of inhibitors, while its presence is required for robust drug responses. Both in primary and acquired resistance, MITF levels inversely correlate with the expression of several activated receptor tyrosine kinases, most frequently AXL. The MITF-low/AXL-high/drug-resistance phenotype is common among mutant BRAF and NRAS melanoma cell lines. The dichotomous behaviour of MITF in drug response is corroborated in vemurafenib-resistant biopsies, including MITF-high and -low clones in a relapsed patient. Furthermore, drug cocktails containing AXL inhibitor enhance melanoma cell elimination by BRAF or ERK inhibition. Our results demonstrate that a low MITF/AXL ratio predicts early resistance to multiple targeted drugs, and warrant clinical validation of AXL inhibitors to combat resistance of BRAF and NRAS mutant MITF-low melanomas