55 research outputs found

    Human impacts in pine forests: past, present, and future

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    Pines (genus Pinus) form the dominant tree cover over large parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Human activities have affected the distribution, composition, and structure of pine forests for millennia. Different human-mediated factors have affected different pine species in different ways in different regions. The most important factors affecting pine forests are altered fire regimes, altered grazing/browsing regimes, various harvesting/construction activities, land clearance and abandonment, purposeful planting and other manipulations of natural ecosystems, alteration of biotas through species reshuffling, and pollution. These changes are occurring against a backdrop of natural and anthropogenically driven climate change. We review past and current influence of humans in pine forests, seeking broad generalizations. These insights are combined with perspectives from paleoecology to suggest probable trajectories in the face of escalating human pressure. The immense scale of impacts and the complex synergies between agents of change calls for urgent and multifaceted action.Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biolog

    Canopy architecture and PAR absorption of Euphorbia cooperi in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe

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    Tree euphorbias share many traits with arborescent cacti in having tall and multi-branched forms of growth which have selective value for maximizing photosynthetic surface area andwater storage. The candelabra growth form of Euphorbia cooperi, and likely other Euphorbia species with similar canopy architecture in southern Africa, allows these plants to add photosynthetic surface area as they grow and increase in size while at the same time minimizing problems of transpirational water loss. This increase in branch surface area occurs with age and increase in size and numbers of branches at the same time that the amount of potential storage volume to support water loss from this expanded surface area is also increasing. Key to this ability is the morphological trait of a heavily suberized trunk that increases with age, providing added capacity for water storage without adding to surface area subject to transpirational water loss. This trait and the associated canopy architecture allows the development of increasing surface area with minimal self-shading as new branches develop so long as older branches are shed. Beyond the canopy architecture, the cross-sectional morphology of branches in E. cooperi with concave faces has selective value in balancing increased surface area with maintenance of adequate storage volume. Simulated patterns of branch morphology with a square cross-sectional morphology show a “safe” result in producing little change in S:V ratio as plants mature, but at the expense of limiting photosynthetic surface area. At the other extreme, a simulated cross-sectional morphology with deep concave flutes, as seen in young plants, would significantly increase photosynthetic surface area, but at a potential cost of increased sensitivity to drought stress

    Comparative patterns of phenology and growth form diversity in two winter rainfall deserts: The Succulent Karoo and Mojave Desert ecosystems

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    A comparative study of community structure and seasonal growth dynamics in the arid winter rainfall regions of the Succulent Karoo in South Africa and the Mojave Desert of the United States suggests that remarkably divergent patterns of resource use and resultant growth form diversity exist in regions with outwardly similar climatic regimes. An understanding of these divergent patterns in the two winter rainfall deserts allows predictions to be made on vegetation response to global change. Above-ground plant growth in the Succulent Karoo begins with the first significant rains in late summer and continues through winter because moderate minimum temperatures allow continued growth. These communities have low structural diversity above-ground, but also below-ground, where root systems commonly do not exceed 20 cm in depth. These shallow root systems harvest water from upper soil horizons soon after rain falls, and growth declines as rainfall decreases in late spring. In contrast, low temperatures during winter inhibit growth in the Mojave Desert until early spring at a time when a mean 74% of the hydrologic year precipitation (July-June) has already occurred. Thus species in this structurally diverse system rely on deeper stores of water for growth in spring and early summer. A global change scenario of a 2 to 4 °C increase in mean annual temperature and increased summer rainfall in the Mojave desert would be expected to produce similar conditions in the Mojave Desert to those that exist in the Succulent Karoo today. Assuming no genetic constraints on phenotypic plasticity, this would suggest increased species diversity and a decline in structural diversity in the Mojave Desert over evolutionary time. Increased summer rainfall in the Succulent Karoo would be expected to lead to invasions of grasses and thus increased competitive pressure reducing community diversity.Articl

    Carbon isotope ratios of central Mexican Crassulaceae in natural and greenhouse environments.

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    Measurements of carbon isotope ratios of central Mexican Crassulaceae collected over a broad habitat range show consistent patterns of CAM activity with no indications of substantial flexible photosynthetic pathways between C3 and CAM. The three genera studied - Echeveria, Pachyphytum, and Graptopetalum - are all closely related to Dudleya in which considerable flexible metabolic response has been demonstrated. Comparative measurements of carbon isotope ratios for field collected and greenhouse reared samples of the same taxa showed a uniform occurrence of slightly more negative δ 13C values, but no indication of substantial flexible metabolic response

    Ecological and phylogenetic patterns of carbon isotope discrimination in the winter-rainfall flora of the Richtersveld, South Africa

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    Leaf tissues of vascular plant species from the arid Richtersveld of northern Namaqualand (Succulent Karoo), South Africa, show a great range of variation in carbon isotope discrimination. Analyses of A values for species with obligate C3 metabolism demonstrated that the water use efficiency indicated by these values varies between species and within a species population both between seedlings and mature shrubs and between sites along an aridity gradient. An expected pattern of increasing water use efficiency with greater longevity in these species was not present, however. Only among ephemerals were there taxa with high Δ values associated with low water use efficiency, but these high values were balanced by other ephemeral species with low Δ values comparable to those typical of moderate to long-lived shrubs. The extent to which putative CAM species in the succulent flora rely entirely on nocturnal carbon fixation is highly variable. Species of Crassulaceae and Aloe (Asphodelaceae) relied almost exclusively on CAM photosynthesis, although Crassulaceae from more mesic environments may be CAM-flexible. Succulent-leaved species of Senecio and leaves of stem-succulent Euphorbia were CAM-flexible in their Δ values, while shrubby species of Ceraria (Portulacaceae) appeared to rely primarily on C3 photosynthesis. Variable patterns of reliance on CAM photosynthesis were present in the ecologically dominant Mesembryanthema of the Aizoaceae. Shrubby species of the subfamily Mesembryanthemoideae, although capable of CAM-flexibility in less xeric habitats, relied largely on CAM fixation of carbon in our field sites. Within the subfamily Ruschioideae, there was a wide range of A values indicating species with CAM, CAM flexibility, and primary reliance on C3 photosynthesis. Low Δ values indicative of typical CAM fixation were associated with species with greater longevity, suggesting that a positive correlation may exist between the degree of reliance on CAM photosynthesis and plant life span.Articl

    Tree invasions into treeless areas: mechanisms and ecosystem processes

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    Non-native tree invasions occur not only in woodland or forest vegetation, but also into areas with little or no native tree presence. Limiting factors for tree establishment and survival include seasonal or annual drought, low nutrient availability, cold temperature extremes, fire, and other abiotic conditions to which trees are poorly adapted as well as biotic conditions such as herbivory and lack of soil mutualist inoculum. Tree invasions of grasslands and semi-arid riparian areas in particular are now widespread and frequently result in the rapid conversion of these habitats to woodlands or forests. In some cases, these invasions are the result of a change in extrinsic conditions such as climate, fire, and/or grazing that remove what have been previous barriers to tree establishment. However, in other cases, tree species with particular life-history and dispersal traits fill open niches or outcompete native species. Significant examples of tree invasion into treeless areas can be seen with invasions of Pinus species into temperate grasslands and fynbos shrublands, Melaleuca quinquenervia and Triadica sebifera into grassy wetlands, Prosopis and Tamarix species into semi-arid riparian zones, and Acacia and Morella invasions into nutrient-poor shrublands and barrens. The establishment of trees into treeless areas may have strong impacts on ecosystem processes, influencing biogeochemical cycling, carbon sequestration and cycling, and ecohydrology, as well possible edaphic legacies that persist even if trees are removed

    Biogeography of prostrate-leaved geophytes in semi-arid South Africa: Hypotheses on functionality

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    Nowhere is the species diversity of geophytes greater than in the five mediterranean-climate ecosystems of the world. Of these, the Cape mediterranean zone of South Africa is the most speciose. While the relative diversity and importance of geophytes of all of the other four mediterranean regions of the world drops off sharply as one moves into adjacent winter-rainfall desert regions, geophytes in the semi-arid to arid Succulent Karoo (including Namaqualand) remain a very important component of the flora, both in terms of abundance and diversity (comprising 13 to 29% of the regional floras in this region). Apart from species richness, there are also a number of interesting geophyte growth forms in this region. One unusual growth form is geophytes with flattened leaves that lie prostrate on the soil surface. At least eight families (Amaryllidaceae, Colchicaceae, Eriospermaceae, Geraniaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Iridaceae, Orchidaceae and Oxalidaceae) exhibit this growth form. While this growth form is relatively common in many geophyte lineages in the Succulent Karoo biome and the Cape mediterranean zone (Fynbos biome), and occurs infrequently through the summer-rainfall temperate regions of Africa, it is virtually absent in other regions worldwide. A null hypothesis is that the prostrate leaved trait is a neutral characteristic, however biogeographical data do not support this. A neutral trait would be unlikely to show such a clear pattern of distribution. Several alternative hypotheses on the adaptive significance of this growth form are discussed. These include: avoidance of herbivory, reduction in competition from neighbors, creation of a CO2 enriched environment below the leaves, reduction of water loss around the roots, reduction of water loss through transpiration, precipitation of dew on the leaves and maintenance of optimal leaf temperatures for growth.Articl