36 research outputs found

    Structure and composition of the incisor enamel of extant and fossil mammals with tooth pigmentation

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    The inclusion of iron compounds in teeth, which impart a red to orange colour to them, is a phenomenon shown by several groups of vertebrates in different periods of their evolution. Incisors from fossil and extant shrews and from extant rodents were sectioned and studied with the techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to compare their structure and the distribution of Fe. The enamel in white- and red-toothed soricids has three layers; two of them are divided into two zones in the red-toothed species. However, the most external layer varies among taxa; it is well defined in Sorex but difficult to identify in the Early Pleistocene genera Beremendia or Dolinasorex. In the arvicoline rodent Terricola, only two layers can be defined, the outer of which is divided into two zones depending on the presence or absence of Fe. The Fe proportions in the larger soricids reach up to 45%, but in rodents only up to 10% (weight % with respect to Fe + Ca + P). The STEM study shows that in a fossil soricid the Fe phases form clusters of nanometric particles of very poor crystalline oxides or hydroxides surrounding the apatite crystals that form the enamel

    Wear facets and enamel spalling in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs

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    Numerous paleontologists have noted wear facets on tyrannosaurid lateral teeth over the past century. While several workers have proposed explanations for these features, there remains to this day no consensus concerning their etiology. Here we report on an examination of wear surfaces on these teeth from the Upper Cretaceous (mid−Campanian) Judith River Group of southern Alberta, Canada. This study reveals two distinct types of wear features on the labial and lingual sides of tyrannosaurid lateral teeth: irregular “spalled” surfaces and wear facets. The irregular spalled surfaces typically extend to the apex of the tooth, which evidently reflects flaking of enamel resulting from forces produced during contact between tooth and food. These surfaces are often rounded, presumably from antemortem wear following spalling. Wear striations on these surfaces are oriented heterogeneously. The wear facets, in contrast, occur on only one side of the tooth and are typically elliptical in outline and evince parallel wear striations. Similar patterns of parallel wear striations in extant mammals reflect tooth−tooth contact. We therefore propose that wear facets in tyrannosaurids were formed by repeated tooth−tooth contact between the lingual side of maxillary teeth and labial side of dentary teeth. It remains unclear whether this contact was serendipitous or adaptive, though it appears to be unusual for reptiles, as we have found no evidence for wear facets in extant varanids and crocodilians

    A dental microwear texture analysis of the Mio-Pliocene hyaenids from Langebaanweg, South Africa

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    Hyaenids reached their peak diversity during the Mio−Pliocene, when an array of carnivorous species emerged alongside dwindling civet−like and mongoose−like insectivorous/omnivorous taxa. Significantly, bone−cracking morphological adaptations were poorly developed in these newly−emerged species. This, their general canid−like morphology, and the absence/rarity of canids in Eurasia and Africa at the time, has led researchers to hypothesise that these carnivorous Mio−Pliocene hyaenas were ecological vicars to modern canids. To shed further light on their diets and foraging strategies, we examine and compare the dental microwear textures of Hyaenictitherium namaquensis, Ikelohyaena abronia, Chasmaporthetes australis, and Hyaenictis hendeyi from the South African Mio−Pliocene site of Langebaanweg with those of the extant feliforms Crocuta crocuta, Acinonyx jubatus, and Panthera leo (caniforms are not included because homologous wear facets are not directly comparable between the suborders). Sample sizes for individual fossil species are small, which limits confidence in assessments of variation between the extinct taxa; however, these Mio−Pliocene hyaenas exhibit surface complexity and textural fill volume values that are considerably lower than those exhibited by the living hyaena, Crocuta crocuta. Dental microwear texture analysis thus supports interpretations of craniodental evidence suggesting low bone consumption in carnivorous Mio−Pliocene hyaenas

    Dental development and microstructure of bamboo rat incisors

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    Bone adapts to habitual loads by remodeling to resist stresses that would otherwise break it. The question of whether the same holds for teeth, however, remains unanswered. We might expect species with ever-growing dentitions to alter enamel histology in response to diet. In this study we fed bamboo rats (Rhizomys sinensis) different foods to assess effects on enamel microstructure. Results indicate that gnawing fracture-resistant items (i.e., bamboo) produces substantively different dental microstructures than does eating less mechanically-challenging ones (i.e., potato). Bamboo induces a structured, anisotropic pattern of rods that strengthens incisor enamel, whereas potato produces less structured, weaker enamel. Blood tests suggest that these differences are not related to nutrient variation. Rather, these ever-growing teeth evidently require a specific mechanical environment to develop normal dental microstructure