710 research outputs found

    Perspectives on fundamental cosmology from Low Earth Orbit and the Moon

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    The next generation of space-based experiments will go hunting for answers to cosmology’s key open questions which revolve around inflation, dark matter and dark energy. Low earth orbit and lunar missions within the European Space Agency’s Human and Robotic Exploration programme can push our knowledge forward in all of these three fields. A radio interferometer on the Moon, a cold atom interferometer in low earth orbit and a gravitational wave interferometer on the Moon are highlighted as the most fruitful missions to plan and execute in the mid-term

    Conformal p-branes as a Source of Structure in Spacetime

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    We discuss a model of a conformal p-brane interacting with the world volume metric and connection. The purpose of the model is to suggest a mechanism by which gravity coupled to p-branes leads to the formation of structure rather than homogeneity in spacetime. Furthermore, we show that the formation of structure is accompanied by the appearance of a multivalued cosmological constant, i.e., one which may take on different values in different domains, or cells, of spacetime. The above results apply to a broad class of non linear gravitational lagrangians as long as metric and connection on the p-brane manifold are treated as independent variables.Comment: 10 pages, ReVTeX, no figure

    Distinguishing environmental effects on binary black hole gravitational waveforms

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    Future gravitational wave interferometers such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Taiji, DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory and TianQin will enable precision studies of the environment surrounding black holes. These detectors will probe the millihertz frequency range, as yet unexplored by current gravitational wave detectors. Furthermore, sources will remain in band for durations of up to years, meaning that the inspiral phase of the gravitational wave signal, which can be affected by the environment, will be observable. In this paper, we study intermediate and extreme mass ratio binary black hole inspirals, and consider three possible environments surrounding the primary black hole: accretion disks, dark matter spikes and clouds of ultra-light scalar fields, also known as gravitational atoms. We present a Bayesian analysis of the detectability and measurability of these three environments. Focusing for concreteness on the case of a detection with LISA, we show that the characteristic imprint they leave on the gravitational waveform would allow us to identify the environment that generated the signal and to accurately reconstruct its model parameters.</p

    The National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire: Experience of the ONTT

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    purpose. To describe the health-related quality of life, measured with the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI–VFQ), of patients several years after the onset of optic neuritis, according to their neurologic and visual status; to assess the relationship between the NEI–VFQ subscales and clinical measures of visual function; and to assess the internal consistency reliability of the NEI–VFQ subscales. methods. The NEI–VFQ was administered to 244 patients 5 to 8 years after treatment for an episode of acute optic neuritis as part of the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial. Visual acuity, visual field, contrast sensitivity, and color vision were measured at the same time as questionnaire completion. results. The NEI–VFQ scores generally were lower than those reported for a disease-free group. Reported dysfunction was greater when multiple sclerosis was present and when visual acuity was abnormal, supporting the construct validity of the NEI–VFQ. Rank correlations between the NEI–VFQ subscales and clinical measures of visual function were moderate at best. Internal consistency reliability was generally high for most of the NEI–VFQ subscales. conclusions. These findings add support to the use of the NEI–VFQ as a valuable measure of self-reported visual impairment

    Evaluating G2G for use in Rapid Response Catchments: Final Report

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    Flood impacts can be severe for rapid response catchments (RRCs). Providing targeted flood warnings is challenging using existing methodologies and on account of the typical absence of river flow gauging. The Pitt Review of the Summer 2007 floods recognised the need for new alert procedures for RRCs able to exploit the new distributed flood forecasting capability being progressed from research into operations. Work on the G2G (Grid-to-Grid) distributed hydrological model was accelerated into operational practice to support 5-day countrywide flood outlooks, a major recommendation of the Pitt Review. The present study aims to explore the potential of G2G to support more frequent and detailed alerts relevant to flood warning in RRCs. Integral to this study is the use of emerging rainfall forecast products, in deterministic and ensemble form, which allow the lead-time of G2G flow forecasts to be extended and given an uncertainty context. This Report sets down the overall scope of the project, provides an introduction to G2G by way of background and then reports on the outcomes of the R&D study. This includes extensive preparatory work on collating historical datasets to support G2G model assessment, both relating to hydrometry and new rainfall forecast products. A framework is developed for assessing G2G in both simulation-mode and forecast-mode (as a function of lead-time) targeted at the RRC requirement. Relevant to the requirement is the RRC Register of points and areas of interest compiled by the Environment Agency, and the characteristics of RRCs (occurring in isolation or in combination): small catchment area, urban/sub-urban land-cover and steep slopes. The assessment framework is first applied assuming perfect knowledge of rainfall observations for past and future times, so as not to confound the analysis with errors from rainfall forecasts. Variability of performance measures across groups of sites is summarised through box and whisker plots, groups being differentiated on size of catchment area and nature of G2G run (simulation, and with the addition of state updating and flow insertion in turn). Skill scores judge how well the model performs in detecting a flood event exceeding a flow threshold, taken as the median annual flood (as an indicator of bankfull flow exceedance for natural channels) and fractional multipliers of it. The skill scores include POD (Probability of Detection) and FAR (False Alarm Ratio). Performance maps of R2 Efficiency, indicating the variability in the observations accounted for by the model, are used to portray the spatial variability of G2G accuracy across the country. G2G performance in small catchments, relevant to the RRC requirement, is best over South West, North East and North West regions; also median performance appears robust from one year to the next. Larger catchments benefit most in forecast-mode from flow insertion, whilst smaller headwater catchments gain particularly from ARMA (AutoRegressive Moving Average) error-prediction. An assessment is made of using deterministic rainfall forecasts from NWP UKV - the Numerical Weather Prediction UK Variable Resolution form of the Met Office Unified Model - in a full emulation of G2G in real-time, and using foreknowledge of rainfall observations as a reference baseline. Forecast quality can deteriorate strongly beyond 12 hours, especially for smaller catchments, whilst for some locations good performance is maintained even for long lead-times. Diagnostic analysis reveals that the UKV rainfall forecasts have patterns of overestimation in some lowland areas (e.g. over London) and leeward of high elevation areas (e.g. north and south Pennines). Overall performance is better in Scotland although there is evidence of UKV overestimating rainfall near the coast at Edinburgh and Elgin in the north. The assessment framework is extended to include rainfall forecast ensembles and probabilistic flood forecasting, using a combination of case-study and longer-term analyses. Blended Ensemble rainfall forecasts are assessed in two forms: forecasts out to 24 hours updated 4 times a day, and nowcasts out to 7 hours updated every 15 minutes. The 24 hour forecasts generally perform well as input to G2G in the case studies, the G2G flow forecasts typically signalling a flood peak 12 to 18 hours in advance and ahead of any observed response for small catchments. New regional summary map displays of the probability of flow threshold exceedances over a forecast horizon, and for increasing levels of severity, are developed to highlight evolving hotspots of flood risk over time. The first ever continuous assessment of G2G probability flow forecasts is reported using national maps of probabilistic skill scores - Relative Operating Characteristic (ROC) Skill Score and Brier Skill Score (BSS) - to spatially assess their performance. It is noted that the short periods available for assessment - a 7½ month period over England & Wales and 4 ½ months over Scotland - limit the analyses to low return period flow thresholds. Half the median (2-year) flood is used although a regional pooled analysis allows some assessment up to 5-year. The G2G probability forecast assessed is the probability of the chosen flow threshold being exceeded at any time over the forecast horizon (taken to be 24 hours). Comparison of these scores when applied to deterministic and probabilistic forecasts from G2G provides strong evidence of the value of G2G ensemble forecasts as an indicator of flood risk over Britain. Noticeably poorer performance indicated by the BSS across Scotland is in part attributed to the short, summer-dominated assessment period. Operational tools available to FFC and the SFFS for using G2G flow ensembles are reviewed and options for improvement identified drawing on the experience and findings of the study. This leads to identifying some work of an operational nature for consideration in Phase 3 of the project. The report closes with a summary of project achievements grouped thematically, a set of recommendations both of a general nature and specific to FFC and SFFS needs, and finally some proposals for consideration under Phase 3 of the G2G for Rapid Response Catchments project. Some key benefits arising from the project are summarised below. • Evidence has been produced that shows G2G has good skill in providing strategic forecasts for RRCs. The evidence is stratified by catchment type (area, urbanisation, headwater), form of forecast (simulation or forecast mode) and nature of rainfall input (raingauge, deterministic forecast, ensemble forecast). • Strong evidence has been presented on the advantage of using an ensemble rainfall forecast as input to G2G to obtain a probabilistic flood forecast for an RRC, relative to an approach where only a single deterministic rainfall and flood forecast is obtained. This indicates better guidance can be given on forecast flood risk for RRCs, improving the level of service provision for such catchments which are currently not well served. • An improved G2G model configuration, exploiting gauged flows from 912 sites and including new locally calibrated parameters, has been delivered and made operational for the FFC with England & Wales coverage. The benefit is improved operational flood forecast accuracy. For Scotland, an enhanced configuration will be delivered to SFFS in Spring 2014. • Detailed recommendations on how the visual presentation of G2G ensemble results could be improved are set down in this report. When further developed and implemented, these will prove of benefit to the preparation of Flood Guidance Statements issued by FFC and the SFFS across Britain

    Phonons and specific heat of linear dense phases of atoms physisorbed in the grooves of carbon nanotube bundles

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    The vibrational properties (phonons) of a one-dimensional periodic phase of atoms physisorbed in the external groove of the carbon nanotube bundle are studied. Analytical expressions for the phonon dispersion relations are derived. The derived expressions are applied to Xe, Kr and Ar adsorbates. The specific heat pertaining to dense phases of these adsorbates is calculated.Comment: 4 PS figure

    Systematic model behavior of adsorption on flat surfaces

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    A low density film on a flat surface is described by an expansion involving the first four virial coefficients. The first coefficient (alone) yields the Henry's law regime, while the next three correct for the effects of interactions. The results permit exploration of the idea of universal adsorption behavior, which is compared with experimental data for a number of systems

    Shape Invariant Potential and Semi-Unitary Transformations (SUT) for Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator in T4-Space

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    Constructing the Semi - Unitary Transformation (SUT) to obtain the supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians for a one dimensional harmonic oscillator, it has been shown that under this transformation the supersymmetric partner loses its ground state in T^{4}- space while its eigen functions constitute a complete orthonormal basis in a subspace of full Hilbert space. Keywords: Supersymmetry, Superluminal Transformations, Semi Unitary Transformations. PACS No: 14.80L

    The structure of oppositionality: Response disposition and situational aspects

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    Background: The Amsterdam Scale of Oppositionality (ASO) is a recently developed self-report instrument to measure the full range of oppositionality. It was used to test the assumption that oppositionality can best be conceptualized as a combination of emotions and behaviors varying across contexts, i.e., with parents, peers and authority figures. Method: The sample consisted of 560 boys and 598 girls, aged 8 to 12 years. The thirty items of the ASO, grouped in item parcels, were analyzed using confirmatory factor analyses. Results: Results confirmed the main hypothesis. The best fitting models contained strongly related emotional and behavioral factors and three mutually related situational factors. Oppositionality appeared to be to a large extent situation-specific. Girls are more affected by the situation than boys and show less oppositionality only outside the family context. Conclusions: Results are discussed with respect to the concept of oppositionality, varying expectations for interpersonal consequences, and implications for clinical assessment and studies of inter-informant reliability

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues
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