16 research outputs found

    The beauty in product-service systems

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    Aesthetic appreciation affects the success of products in a number of areas, such as user satisfaction and usability. Hence, designers apply aesthetic principles to create more successful products. However, it is still unclear how such principles apply to the services and systems that products are often part of. In this paper, we explore how two aesthetic principles, which are known to influence product aesthetics, can be extended to product-service systems. These principles are Unity-in-Variety and Maximum-Effect-for-Minimum-Means. According to the former principle, aesthetic pleasure can be attained from perceiving as much variety as possible within a unified whole; according to the latter, it can be attained from perceiving efficiency. With the qualitative study here presented, we showed how the principles could also describe product-service systems in terms of their sensory properties, underlying mechanism and human interaction. We thereby offer a basis to further investigate and enhance the aesthetics of product-service systems.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Long-term assessment of a modified tibial tuberosity advancement technique in dogs

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to assess long-term clinical and radiographic aspects of dogs’ stifle joints which had undergone a modified tibial tuberosity advancement technique (mTTA). A total of 15 stifles that had undergone mTTA for CCL disease of 11 patients were included in this study. Assessments involved patient’s gait analysis, cranial drawer and tibial compression tests, stifle goniometry range of articular motion, thigh and leg girth and radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthrosis. Variables were compared between operated and healthy limbs and among moments (M0) on the early postop; (M1) 120 days postop; and (M2) approximately 5 years following surgery. A questionnaire regarding owner’s perceptions after approximately 5 years of surgery was assessed. Most dogs presented positive response to cranial drawer and tibial compression tests on operated knees. There was also decrease on goniometry and thigh girth and increase in leg girth. Radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthritis was seen especially on the long-term follow-up (M2). On gait analysis, most animals presented some degree of lameness in different conditions, in contrast to owners’ perceptions. Osteoarthritis still develops in dogs following mTTA surgery for CCL disease. However, owners were overall satisfied with their recovery and would be willing to accept indication of mTTA for dogs with ruptured CCL

    Effects of timolol maleate, levobunolol and apraclonidine on intraocular pressure, pupil size, blood pressure and heart rate in beagles

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in intraocular pressure (IOP), pupil size (PS), blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and ECG variables (Pms wave PmV, PR interval, QRS complex, RMV wave and QT intervals) over time during the instillation of 0.5% timolol, 0.5% levobunolol and 0.5% apraclonidine in clinically normal dogs. Ten adult beagles were used. Baseline values were measured at 8a.m., 2p.m. and 8p.m., for three consecutive days. A waiting period of 10 days between the administrations of each drug was established. For 15 consecutive days, the drug being tested was instilled in one eye of each dog twice a day (7a.m. and 7p.m.). The parameters were evaluated at the aforementioned times on days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Data were statistically compared using the Bonferroni test and one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (P<0.05). The Pearson test was used to evaluate any correlation between QT interval, HR and BP. The tested drugs did not find a decrease in IOP. A significant decreased in PS was observed in almost all dogs following levobunolol administration, relative to the control eye. A significant decrease in HR was observed on day 3 following levobunolol treatment, while apraclonidine induced an increase on day 15. Blood pressure was reduced in all measurement time points following apraclonidine treatment. A negative correlation between QT interval and HR was only observed in dogs treated with timolol. In conclusion, levobunolol was the only drug that induced significant alterations in PS. Apraclonidine was the only drug that induced systemic hypotension. Timolol was the only drug to that induced a negative correlation between QT and HR

    ADAPT(tm) trocar use for laparoscopic procedures in equidea

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever o uso do trocater modelo Adapt(tm) no acesso laparoscópico em animais da família dos equídeos. O procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado em 15 equídeos (quatro jumentas, seis cavalos e cinco éguas), com peso médio de 320kg (290kg e 450kg, pesos máximo e mínimo, respectivamente). Os pacientes foram mantidos em posição quadrupedal, sob sedação e bloqueio local. Primeiramente, realizou-se o preparo asséptico, e o acesso foi feito pelo flanco direito ou pelo esquerdo, dependendo da estrutura a ser visualizada. Em todos os procedimentos, foi utilizado o trocater modelo Seal AdaptTM Ports (Teleflex Medical Introduces TautTM, USA), com diâmetro de 12mm. Inicialmente se fez uma incisão de pele de aproximadamente 15mm para inserção da ponta do trocater. Este foi inserido na ferida cirúrgica, realizando-se movimentos de 180º em sentido horário e anti-horário, até atingir a cavidade abdominal. Após esta etapa, o obturador do trocater foi retirado, e a ótica inserida para confirmar o acesso à cavidade abdominal. A síntese das camadas superficiais da muscular foi realizada com fio nylon nº 0, em um padrão Sultan, e posteriormente a dermorrafia, também com nylon nº 0, no padrão de Wolf. O equipamento apresentou eficiência nos procedimentos de dissecação das camadas subcutânea, musculares e peritônio, não ocorrendo significativa hemorragia nessas camadas. Em um paciente muar, ocorreu afastamento do peritônio parietal, e em alguns casos (40%) ocorreu pequeno enfisema subcutâneo no pós-cirúrgico. Todos os pacientes apresentaram boa cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica. O trocater modelo AdaptTM mostrou-se eficiente na abordagem laparoscópica em equinos, apresentando segurança em se estabelecer o acesso e versatilidade no emprego de diversos instrumentais

    Long-term assessment of a modified tibial tuberosity advancement technique in dogs

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to assess long-term clinical and radiographic aspects of dogs’ stifle joints which had undergone a modified tibial tuberosity advancement technique (mTTA). A total of 15 stifles that had undergone mTTA for CCL disease of 11 patients were included in this study. Assessments involved patient’s gait analysis, cranial drawer and tibial compression tests, stifle goniometry range of articular motion, thigh and leg girth and radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthrosis. Variables were compared between operated and healthy limbs and among moments (M0) on the early postop; (M1) 120 days postop; and (M2) approximately 5 years following surgery. A questionnaire regarding owner’s perceptions after approximately 5 years of surgery was assessed. Most dogs presented positive response to cranial drawer and tibial compression tests on operated knees. There was also decrease on goniometry and thigh girth and increase in leg girth. Radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthritis was seen especially on the long-term follow-up (M2). On gait analysis, most animals presented some degree of lameness in different conditions, in contrast to owners’ perceptions. Osteoarthritis still develops in dogs following mTTA surgery for CCL disease. However, owners were overall satisfied with their recovery and would be willing to accept indication of mTTA for dogs with ruptured CCL.</p></div