34 research outputs found

    Toekomstbeeld broeikasgasbalans van het Nederlandse landschap

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    De mondiale emissies van CO2 zijn de afgelopen jaren substantieel gestegen. Een afbuiging van deze trend lijkt noodzakelijk, wil de concentratie in de atmosfeer niet te hoog oplopen. De internationale gemeenschap probeert die te realiseren door stevige reductiedoelstellingen vast te stellen voor de komende tien tot dertig jaar. De inspanningen zijn gericht op terugdringen van emissies, compensatie van de uitstoot door afvang en opslag van CO2 en de omschakeling naar een duurzame energievoorziening

    A comparison of some new measures of skewness

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    Summary. Asymmetry of a univariate continuous distribution is commonly described as skewness. The well-known classical skewness coefficient is based on the first three moments of the data set, and hence it is strongly affected by the presence of one or more outliers. In this paper we propose several new measures of skewness which are more robust against outlying values. Their properties are compared using both real and simulated data.

    Broeikasgasemissies uit Nederlandse landschappen

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    Dit themanummer van LANDSCHAP gaat in op de volgende vragen: • Hoe kunnen broeikasgasemissies in het landschap worden gemeten? • Wat is de variabiliteit van emissies binnen en tussen verschillende typen landgebruik en wat gebeurt er als het landgebruik verandert? • Hoe wordt de Nederlandse landgebonden broeikasgasuitstoot bepaald en hoe groot is deze? • Kan de omvang van de broeikasgasemissies beïnvloed worden door landgebruik en gebiedsinrichting

    Cephalopods habitat and trophic ecology: historical data using snares penguin as biological sampler

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    In the Southern Ocean and adjacent waters, early stages of cephalopods play an important role in food webs as prey to top predators, but few is known regarding their biology and availability. Snares Penguin, Eudyptes robustus, is a top predator endemic to Snares Islands (New Zealand) that feed on cephalopods. As historical data on diet are rare for this species, Snares Penguins were used as biological samplers to evaluate the cephalopod component of its diet, where habitat and trophic level of cephalopods around the Snares Islands was assessed through stable isotope analysis. Moreover, ontogenic changes of juvenile squid were evaluated. Data collection were carried out during the breeding season 1986–87 and its analysis revealed that penguins fed on three juvenile cephalopod species: two squids (Nototodarus sloanii and Moroteuthopsis ingens) and one octopod (Octopus campbelli). Nototodarus sloanii was the most important species in frequency of occurrence and mass, whereas M. ingens was the most important in number. Juvenile squid species showed similar δ13C values, suggesting both occupied similar habitats on the Snares shelf, whereas juvenile O. campbelli showed lower δ13C values. Moreover, O. campbelli fed on higher trophic level (δ15N) prey relative to squid species. Lower diversity and larger sizes of cephalopods were found when compared with data from 2002. This study shows that Snares Penguin can be a good local biological sampler of juvenile cephalopods during their breeding season, providing both essential biogeographic information of cephalopod diversity and relevant historical information for the conservation of this endemic penguin species

    Practice variation in the management of intrapartum fetal distress in The Netherlands and the Western world

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    OBJECTIVE: Solid evidence on the effect of intrauterine resuscitation on neonatal outcome is limited, and superiority of one intervention over the others is not clear. We therefore surveyed the clinical practice variation in fetal monitoring and the management of fetal distress during labor, in Dutch labor wards. In addition, we have compared recommendations from international guidelines. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a survey among all 86 Dutch hospitals, using a questionnaire on fetal monitoring and management of fetal distress. In addition, we requested international guidelines of 28 Western countries to study international recommendations regarding labor management. RESULTS: The response rate of the national survey was 100%. Labor wards of all hospitals use CTG for fetal monitoring, 98% use additional fetal scalp blood sampling, and 23% use ST-analysis. When fetal distress is suspected, oxytocin is discontinued and tocolytic drugs are applied in all hospitals. Nearly all hospitals (98%) use maternal reposition for fetal resuscitation, 33% use amnioinfusion, and 58% provide maternal hyperoxygenation. Management is mainly based on the Dutch national guideline (58%) or on local guidelines (26%). Eight international guidelines on fetal monitoring were obtained for analysis. Fetal scalp blood sampling facilities are recommended in all the obtained guidelines. Use of ST-analysis is recommended in three guidelines and advised against in three guidelines. Five guidelines also advised on intrauterine resuscitation: discontinuation of oxytocin and use of tocolytic drugs was advised in all guidelines, amnioinfusion was recommended in two guidelines and advised against in two guidelines, whereas maternal hyperoxygenation was recommended in two guidelines and advised against in one guideline. CONCLUSION: Nationwide clinical practice, and recommendations from international guidelines agree on the use of fetal scalp blood sampling in addition to cardiotocography during labor. The opinion on the use of ST-analysis differs per clinic and per guideline. Discontinuation of oxytocin, administration of tocolytic drugs and maternal repositioning are rather uniform, on national and international level. However, there is a large variation in the use of amnioinfusion and maternal hyperoxygenation, which may be explained by the contradictory recommendations of the different guidelines

    Practice variation in the management of intrapartum fetal distress in The Netherlands and the Western world

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    OBJECTIVE: Solid evidence on the effect of intrauterine resuscitation on neonatal outcome is limited, and superiority of one intervention over the others is not clear. We therefore surveyed the clinical practice variation in fetal monitoring and the management of fetal distress during labor, in Dutch labor wards. In addition, we have compared recommendations from international guidelines.STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a survey among all 86 Dutch hospitals, using a questionnaire on fetal monitoring and management of fetal distress. In addition, we requested international guidelines of 28 Western countries to study international recommendations regarding labor management.RESULTS: The response rate of the national survey was 100%. Labor wards of all hospitals use CTG for fetal monitoring, 98% use additional fetal scalp blood sampling, and 23% use ST-analysis. When fetal distress is suspected, oxytocin is discontinued and tocolytic drugs are applied in all hospitals. Nearly all hospitals (98%) use maternal reposition for fetal resuscitation, 33% use amnioinfusion, and 58% provide maternal hyperoxygenation. Management is mainly based on the Dutch national guideline (58%) or on local guidelines (26%). Eight international guidelines on fetal monitoring were obtained for analysis. Fetal scalp blood sampling facilities are recommended in all the obtained guidelines. Use of ST-analysis is recommended in three guidelines and advised against in three guidelines. Five guidelines also advised on intrauterine resuscitation: discontinuation of oxytocin and use of tocolytic drugs was advised in all guidelines, amnioinfusion was recommended in two guidelines and advised against in two guidelines, whereas maternal hyperoxygenation was recommended in two guidelines and advised against in one guideline.CONCLUSION: Nationwide clinical practice, and recommendations from international guidelines agree on the use of fetal scalp blood sampling in addition to cardiotocography during labor. The opinion on the use of ST-analysis differs per clinic and per guideline. Discontinuation of oxytocin, administration of tocolytic drugs and maternal repositioning are rather uniform, on national and international level. However, there is a large variation in the use of amnioinfusion and maternal hyperoxygenation, which may be explained by the contradictory recommendations of the different guidelines.</p

    Opinions and attitudes on the population issue 1983

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    Investigation of knowledge and attitudes of the Dutch adult population regarding the population issue, attitudes towards government policy towards people with children and acceptance and possible effects of possible future policy measures in this area. Priority of social problems / knowledge of demographic data / reasons for declining birth rate / evaluation of: declining birth rate, unequal geographic distribution, increasing foreign population / government role in population issues / knowledge of existing facilities for people with children: family allowance, pregnancy and maternity leave, day nurseries and creches / preferences regarding alternative implementations of these facilities / evaluation of possible future facilities: family formation loan, child-rearing benefit, one year unpaid parental leave, short paternity leave, leave for illness of children, part-time jobs and flexible working hours, day-mothers, child care for school going children / intrinsic value of children scale / general values scale / intentions of having a ( another ) child / influence of having a ( another ) child on realization of personal values / effects of pronate government policy measures / information network regarding having ( more ) children. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religio