25 research outputs found

    The crystal counter : A new apparatus in nuclear physics for the investigation of β- and γ-rays. Part II

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    AgCl crystals were irradiated with monochromatic β-rays in a magnetic β-ray spectrograph. The results show that under suitable experimental conditions in the crystal all β-rays of a certain energy cause ionisation pulses of the same value within the errors of measurement. The magnitude of an ionisation pulse is proportional to the energy of the β-particle. This means that the amount of energy necessary for the formation of one conduction electron is independent of the energy of the β-rays. This amount was found to be 7,6 eV. The measurements of the ionization pulses caused in AgCl by α-rays showed that many of the α-particles caused an ionization pulse smaller than normal. We ascribed this effect to a thin irregular surface layer which is less effective than the crystal's interior. Many of the crystals we investigated showed a thicker surface layer. This layer also influenced the ionization by β-particles, which then showed the same effect as the α-rays. The nature and the circumstances under which this hypothetical surface layer appears or can be removed are not yet clear and still form a point of investigation

    The nutritional composition of South African eggs

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    Satnples of hens' eggs produced throughout South Africa during the winter and summer of 1990 were analysed for nutrient content to obtain representative values for inclusion in food tables intended for local use. Proximate analyses and vitamin, mineral, fatty acid and amino acid determinations were carried out on all the samples. When the analysed values obtained for whole eggs, egg yolks and egg whites were compared with values listed in the Research Institute for Nutritional Diseases food tables, a number of differences were found. With regard to the inclusion of eggs in diets in general, the cholesterol content of whole eggs was found to be 23,5% lower and the total fat and saturated fatty acid contents 9% and 10% lower, respectively, than the listed values.The eggs were found to be rich sources of protein of animal origin, all the essential amino acids, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, vitamin B12 , biotin, vitamin D1, vitamin E and phosphorus. Eggs are readily available and inexpensive and should be included in the diets of young children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, adults, the elderly and particularly those ofall ages who are undernourished

    Proposing a Holistic Physical Asset Management Strategy to Implement in Food and Beverage Industries in South Africa

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    Due to the increased demand for high-quality products, quality has been identified as the key to success in many food and beverage manufacturing organizations. In order to fulfil the customer’s/consumer’s demand for high-quality products, not only quality, but delivery time and cost need to be considered as the production process of the food industry requires continuous operation of production line equipment. Thus, a good asset management system is important for a manufacturing organization to enhance its competitiveness. For this reason, ISO 55000 series of international standards are advised to provide a standardized framework for an asset management system. Although many food and beverage industries strive to continuously improve operations, external factors are outing the industry under pressure to maximize production capacity, improve product quality, and better align assets to market dynamics. Thus, responding to this pressure, a holistic asset management strategy that focus on asset care is suggested to the food and beverage industry, hence this study investigates this statement. In attempt of implementing ISO 55000 alongside total quality management (TQM), this study propose that a holistic physical asset management strategy will be achieved. This would enable the organizations to develop and sustain within this competitive environment by aiming to earn the status Best-in-Class. A business case for the holistic approach was developed, engaging the examination of the requirements, objectives, organization alignment, financial benefits and the impact that this approach will generate. This study therefore endeavour to improve overall organization excellence in developing countries as well as aims to inform relevant South African food and beverage organizations on the topic of the need and importance to implementing a holistic asset management strategy as it represents a potential source of improvement. Keywords: Holistic strategy, physical asset management, TQM, food, beverage

    Genetic differentiation in Horus Chamberlin (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Olpiidae) as indicated by mitochondrial DNA analysis

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    Horus is an olpiid pseudoscorpion of which nine species have been described from southern Africa; a tenth, debatable species was described from the Ivory Coast. The two most widely distributed species are H. granulatus and H. obscurus, the former occurring especially in the west and the other in the east, but their distributions overlap; in two instances they have been recorded from the same site. All species have a preference for rock outcrops, which are largely disjunct, and their regular prey comprises small ant species. Fieldwork over a period of 15 years indicated a very low dispersal rate; therefore one would expect localized ‘island’ populations rather than widely dispersed species. This means that the current species delimitations which lump geographically widespread populations may be incorrect. Mitochondrial DNA of specimens from each of 20 different localities across South Africa were analysed to test the hypothesis. Five of these localities did not yield results, but 14 yielded DNA from specimens which proved to belong to Horus and a fifteenth turned out to be a misidentified pseudoscorpion unrelated to Horus. The results were unequivocal: populations from each locality or group of closely-spaced localities were genetically distinct from any other one tested, and the greater the distance between localities, the greater the genetic differences (i.e. significant isolation by distance). This means that the current species delimitations for Horus are incorrect. It will require detailed micro-anatomical study to identify new characteristics on which species delimitations can be based in future

    The crystal counter : A new apparatus in nuclear physics for the investigation of β- and γ-rays. Part II

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    AgCl crystals were irradiated with monochromatic β-rays in a magnetic β-ray spectrograph. The results show that under suitable experimental conditions in the crystal all β-rays of a certain energy cause ionisation pulses of the same value within the errors of measurement. The magnitude of an ionisation pulse is proportional to the energy of the β-particle. This means that the amount of energy necessary for the formation of one conduction electron is independent of the energy of the β-rays. This amount was found to be 7,6 eV. The measurements of the ionization pulses caused in AgCl by α-rays showed that many of the α-particles caused an ionization pulse smaller than normal. We ascribed this effect to a thin irregular surface layer which is less effective than the crystal's interior. Many of the crystals we investigated showed a thicker surface layer. This layer also influenced the ionization by β-particles, which then showed the same effect as the α-rays. The nature and the circumstances under which this hypothetical surface layer appears or can be removed are not yet clear and still form a point of investigation

    The objectives set by South African sponsors for sport

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    Sport sponsorship expenditure has grown substantially since the early 1990s, largely due to South Africa’s re-admission to international sport and an increase in television coverage of major sporting events. International experts conclude that five main categories of sport sponsorship objectives exist, and the opinions of South African sport sponsors on these were analysed. An indication was found that local sport sponsors focus heavily on media coverage objectives; and that they set objectives to suit the measurement of the effectiveness of the sponsorship through media coverage and awareness measurement tools. AFRIKAANS: Die groei in besteding aan sportborgskappe sedert die vroeë 1990s is hoofsaaklik te danke aan Suid-Afrika se hertoelating tot internasionale sport en 'n toename in televisiedekking van belangrike sportbyeenkomste. Die opinies van internasionale kundiges stel dat vyf hoofkategorieë sportborgskapdoelwitte geïdentifiseer kan word, en die opinies van Suid-Afrikaanse sportborge oor hierdie kategorieë is ontleed. Dit wil voorkom asof plaaslike sportborge sterk klem plaas op mediadekkingsdoelwitte; en dat hul doelwitte aanpas by die gebruik van mediadekking as 'n meting van borgskapeffektiwiteit

    An analysis of sport sponsorship management in South Africa - implications for Africa

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    The aim of this paper is to establish a framework that may contribute to African sport manager's understanding of sport sponsorship management and decision-making. In this paper a number of focus areas, that outline the sport sponsorship management and decision-making process, are proposed. These focus areas are: · Sport sponsorship management principles · Management tasks · Budgeting · Sport sponsorship objectives · Sponsored property analysis · Sport sponsorship audiences · The use of marketing and communication mix variables · Cross-impact, tie-ins and leverage · Sport sponsorship evaluation A survey among main South African sponsors analysed their decision-making approach within each of the focus areas. The findings are analysed and possible applications to the rest of Africa are proposed

    The objectives set by South African sponsors for sport

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