1,527 research outputs found

    Updated tests of scaling and universality for the spin-spin correlations in the 2D and 3D spin-S Ising models using high-temperature expansions

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    We have extended, from order 12 through order 25, the high-temperature series expansions (in zero magnetic field) for the spin-spin correlations of the spin-S Ising models on the square, simple-cubic and body-centered-cubic lattices. On the basis of this large set of data, we confirm accurately the validity of the scaling and universality hypotheses by resuming several tests which involve the correlation function, its moments and the exponential or the second-moment correlation-lengths.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Status of inshore demersal scalefish stocks on the south coast of Western Australia. NRM Project 12034 Final Report

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    Inshore demersal scalefish in waters of 20-250 m depth in the South Coast Bioregion (SCB) are an important resource targeted by commercial, recreational and charter fishing sectors

    Test of Replica Theory: Thermodynamics of 2D Model Systems with Quenched Disorder

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    We study the statistics of thermodynamic quantities in two related systems with quenched disorder: A (1+1)-dimensional planar lattice of elastic lines in a random potential and the 2-dimensional random bond dimer model. The first system is examined by a replica-symmetric Bethe ansatz (RBA) while the latter is studied numerically by a polynomial algorithm which circumvents slow glassy dynamics. We establish a mapping of the two models which allows for a detailed comparison of RBA predictions and simulations. Over a wide range of disorder strength, the effective lattice stiffness and cumulants of various thermodynamic quantities in both approaches are found to agree excellently. Our comparison provides, for the first time, a detailed quantitative confirmation of the replica approach and renders the planar line lattice a unique testing ground for concepts in random systems.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Superconducting ``metals'' and ``insulators''

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    We propose a characterization of zero temperature phases in disordered superconductors on the basis of the nature of quasiparticle transport. In three dimensional systems, there are two distinct phases in close analogy to the distinction between normal metals and insulators: the superconducting "metal" with delocalized quasiparticle excitations and the superconducting "insulator" with localized quasiparticles. We describe experimental realizations of either phase, and study their general properties theoretically. We suggest experiments where it should be possible to tune from one superconducting phase to the other, thereby probing a novel "metal-insulator" transition inside a superconductor. We point out various implications of our results for the phase transitions where the superconductor is destroyed at zero temperature to form either a normal metal or a normal insulator.Comment: 18 page

    Quantum superconductor-metal transition

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    We consider a system of superconducting grains embedded in a normal metal. At zero temperature this system exhibits a quantum superconductor-normal metal phase transition. This transition can take place at arbitrarily large conductance of the normal metal.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure include

    The depinning transition of a driven interface in the random-field Ising model around the upper critical dimension

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    We investigate the depinning transition for driven interfaces in the random-field Ising model for various dimensions. We consider the order parameter as a function of the control parameter (driving field) and examine the effect of thermal fluctuations. Although thermal fluctuations drive the system away from criticality the order parameter obeys a certain scaling law for sufficiently low temperatures and the corresponding exponents are determined. Our results suggest that the so-called upper critical dimension of the depinning transition is five and that the systems belongs to the universality class of the quenched Edward-Wilkinson equation.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Unusual giant magnetostriction in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3

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    We report an unusual giant linear magnetostrictive effect in the ferrimagnet Gd2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_3 (TcT_{c} \approx80 K). Remarkably, the magnetostriction, negative at high temperature (TTcT \approx T_{c}), becomes positive below 15 K when the magnetization of the Gd sublattice overcomes the magnetization of the Mn sublattice. A rather simple model where the magnetic energy competes against the elastic energy gives a good account of the observed results and confirms that Gd plays a crucial role in this unusual observation. Unlike previous works in manganites where only striction associated with 3dd Mn orbitals is considered, our results show that the lanthanide 4ff orbitals related striction can be very important too and it cannot be disregarded.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    On the origin of the zero-resistance anomaly in heavy fermion superconducting Ir: a clue from magnetic field and Rh-doping studies

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    We present the results of the specific heat and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements of CeIr1xRhxIn5CeIr_{1-x}Rh_xIn_5 for x from 0 to 0.5. As x is increased from 0 both quantities reflect the competition between two effects. The first is a suppression of superconductivity below the bulk transition temperature of Tc=0.4_c = 0.4 K, which is due to the pair breaking effect of Rh impurities. The second is an increase in the volume fraction of the superconducting regions above Tc_c, which we attribute to defect-induced strain. Analysis of the H-T phase diagram for CeIrIn5_5obtained from the bulk probes and resistance measurements points to the filamentary origin of the inhomogeneous superconductivity at Tρ1.2_\rho \approx 1.2 K, where the resistance drops to zero. The identical anisotropies in the magnetic field dependence of the specific heat and the resistance anomalies in CeIrIn5_5 indicate that the filamentary superconductivity is intrinsic, involving electrons from the part of the Fermi surface responsible for bulk superconductivity.Comment: 4 page

    Heat capacity studies of Ce and Rh site substitution in the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn_5;: Short-range magnetic interactions and non-Fermi-liquid behavior

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    In heavy fermion materials superconductivity tends to appear when long range magnetic order is suppressed by chemical doping or applying pressure. Here we report heat capacity measurements on diluted alloyes of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn_5;. Heat capacity measurements have been performed on CeRh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (y <= 0.10) and Ce_{1-x}La_{x}Rh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (x <= 0.50) in applied fields up to 90 kOe to study the affect of doping and magnetic field on the magnetic ground state. The magnetic phase diagram of CeRh_{0.9}Ir_{0.1}In_5; is consistent with the magnetic structure of CeRhIn_5; being unchanged by Ir doping. Doping of Ir in small concentrations is shown to slightly increase the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T_{N} (T_{N}=3.8 K in the undoped sample). La doping which causes disorder on the Ce sublattice is shown to lower T_{N} with no long range order observed above 0.34 K for Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5;. Measurements on Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5; show a coexistence of short range magnetic order and non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This dual nature of the Ce 4f-electrons is very similar to the observed results on CeRhIn_5; when long range magnetic order is suppressed at high pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Frustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction array near incommensurability

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    To study the properties of frustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays near incommensurability, we examine the current-voltage characteristics of a square proximity-coupled Josephson junction array at a sequence of frustrations f=3/8, 8/21, 0.382 ((35)/2)(\approx (3-\sqrt{5})/2), 2/5, and 5/12. Detailed scaling analyses of the current-voltage characteristics reveal approximately universal scaling behaviors for f=3/8, 8/21, 0.382, and 2/5. The approximately universal scaling behaviors and high superconducting transition temperatures indicate that both the nature of the superconducting transition and the vortex configuration near the transition at the high-order rational frustrations f=3/8, 8/21, and 0.382 are similar to those at the nearby simple frustration f=2/5. This finding suggests that the behaviors of Josephson junction arrays in the wide range of frustrations might be understood from those of a few simple rational frustrations.Comment: RevTex4, 4 pages, 4 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.