11 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis ALF4

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    Sugarcane Genome Sequencing By Methylation Filtration Provides Tools For Genomic Research In The Genus Saccharum

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    Many economically important crops have large and complex genomes that hamper their sequencing by standard methods such as whole genome shotgun (WGS). Large tracts of methylated repeats occur in plant genomes that are interspersed by hypomethylated gene-rich regions. Gene-enrichment strategies based on methylation profiles offer an alternative to sequencing repetitive genomes. Here, we have applied methyl filtration with McrBC endonuclease digestion to enrich for euchromatic regions in the sugarcane genome. To verify the efficiency of methylation filtration and the assembly quality of sequences submitted to gene-enrichment strategy, we have compared assemblies using methyl-filtered (MF) and unfiltered (UF) libraries. The use of methy filtration allowed a better assembly by filtering out 35% of the sugarcane genome and by producing 1.5× more scaffolds and 1.7× more assembled Mb in length compared with unfiltered dataset. The coverage of sorghum coding sequences (CDS) by MF scaffolds was at least 36% higher than by the use of UF scaffolds. Using MF technology, we increased by 134× the coverage of gene regions of the monoploid sugarcane genome. The MF reads assembled into scaffolds that covered all genes of the sugarcane bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), 97.2% of sugarcane expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 92.7% of sugarcane RNA-seq reads and 98.4% of sorghum protein sequences. Analysis of MF scaffolds from encoded enzymes of the sucrose/starch pathway discovered 291 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the wild sugarcane species, S. spontaneum and S. officinarum. A large number of microRNA genes was also identified in the MF scaffolds. The information achieved by the MF dataset provides a valuable tool for genomic research in the genus Saccharum and for improvement of sugarcane as a biofuel crop. © 2014 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.791162172Bartel, D.P., MicroRNAs: Genomics, biogenesis, mechanism, and function (2004) Cell, 116, pp. 281-297Bedell, J.A., Budiman, M.A., Nunberg, A., Sorghum genome sequencing by methylation filtration (2005) PLoS Biol., 3, pp. e13Boetzer, M., Henkel, C.V., Jansen, H.J., Butler, D., Pirovano, W., Scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using SSPACE (2011) Bioinformatics, 27, pp. 578-579Bologna, N.G., Schapire, A.L., Palatnik, J.F., Processing of plant microRNA precursors (2013) Brief. Funct. Genomics, 12, pp. 37-45Bombarely, A., Rosli, H.G., Vrebalov, J., Moffett, P., Mueller, L.A., Martin, G.B., A draft genome sequence of Nicotiana benthamiana to enhance molecular plant-microbe biology research (2012) Mol. 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    Teste da convergência do PIB per capita da agropecuária no brasil entre 1980 e 2004

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    Este estudo testa as hipóteses das convergências absoluta, condicional e sigma, para o PIB agropecuário per capita (PIBAGpc). Nas simulações com a convergência-&#946; absoluta, os parâmetros foram significativos (&#945; =1%) e sinais desses estão em consonância com a teoria econômica. Esses resultados sustentam a convergência do PIBAGpc de cada UF para o estado estacionário. A convergência-&#946; condicional revelou a significância (&#945; =1%) dos parâmetros estimados e os seus sinais coerentes teoricamente. Portanto, PIBAGpc de cada UF converge para seu próprio estado estacionário, quando considerado o desempenho ativo do capital humano. Contudo, os resultados da convergência-&#963; não sustentaram a hipótese de convergência do PIBAGpc brasileiro.<br>This study tests the absolute, conditional and sigma convergence hypothesis, for the agricultural GDP per capita (GDPAGpc). In the simulations with the absolute &#946;-convergence, parameters were significant (&#945; =1%) and signs of these theoretically consistent. These results support the convergence of GDPAGpc for each state of the country to a steady state condition. The conditional &#946;-convergence revealed significant (&#945; =1%) of the estimated parameters and their signals theoretically consistent. Therefore, the GDPAGpc of each state of the country converges to its own steady state when the active performance of the human capital is considered. However, the results of &#963;-convergence did not support the Brazilian GDPpc convergence hypothesis