9 research outputs found

    Identification of functional candidate variants and genes for feed efficiency in Holstein and Jersey cattle breeds using RNA-sequencing

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    peer-reviewedThe identification of functional genetic variants and associated candidate genes linked to feed efficiency may help improve selection for feed efficiency in dairy cattle, providing economic and environmental benefits for the dairy industry. This study used RNA-sequencing data obtained from liver tissue from 9 Holstein cows [n = 5 low residual feed intake (RFI), n = 4 high RFI] and 10 Jersey cows (n = 5 low RFI, n = 5 high RFI), which were selected from a single population of 200 animals. Using RNA-sequencing, 3 analyses were performed to identify: (1) variants within low or high RFI Holstein cattle; (2) variants within low or high RFI Jersey cattle; and (3) variants within low or high RFI groups, which are common across both Holstein and Jersey cattle breeds. From each analysis, all variants were filtered for moderate, modifier, or high functional effect, and co-localized quantitative trait loci (QTL) classes, enriched biological processes, and co-localized genes related to these variants, were identified. The overlapping of the resulting genes co-localized with functional SNP from each analysis in both breeds for low or high RFI groups were compared. For the first two analyses, the total number of candidate genes associated with moderate, modifier, or high functional effect variants fixed within low or high RFI groups were 2,810 and 3,390 for Holstein and Jersey breeds, respectively. The major QTL classes co-localized with these variants included milk and reproduction QTL for the Holstein breed, and milk, production, and reproduction QTL for the Jersey breed. For the third analysis, the common variants across both Holstein and Jersey breeds, uniquely fixed within low or high RFI groups were identified, revealing a total of 86,209 and 111,126 functional variants in low and high RFI groups, respectively. Across all 3 analyses for low and high RFI cattle, 12 and 31 co-localized genes were overlapping, respectively. Among the overlapping genes across breeds, 9 were commonly detected in both the low and high RFI groups (INSRR, CSK, DYNC1H1, GAB1, KAT2B, RXRA, SHC1, TRRAP, PIK3CB), which are known to play a key role in the regulation of biological processes that have high metabolic demand and are related to cell growth and regeneration, metabolism, and immune function. The genes identified and their associated functional variants may serve as candidate genetic markers and can be implemented into breeding programs to help improve the selection for feed efficiency in dairy cattle

    Influência do aporte térmico sobre a morfologia da austenita e na quantidade das fases em chapas soldadas de aço inoxidável duplex SAF2205

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    Os aços inoxidáveis duplex possuem uma microestrutura na qual a composição de ferrita e austenita, tem frações volumétricas próximas a 50 %. Esses são utilizados na fabricação de diversos componentes e produtos, principalmente para aplicações na indústria petrolífera. Nestas aplicações muitas vezes são utilizados processos de soldagem. Para mitigar as alterações provocadas por esse processo nas propriedades do material é necessária uma escolha adequada dos parâmetros de soldagem. Neste contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o efeito do aporte térmico sobre a morfologia da austenita e na quantidade das fases, além de identificar qual condição de soldagem proporciona um equilíbrio das frações volumétricas de ferrita e austenita. Os materiais analisados são chapas de aço inoxidável duplex SAF2205, soldadas pelo processo de soldagem GMAW, na ESAB, variando-se o aporte térmico em 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5 kJ/mm. Após a soldagem, as chapas foram cortadas, preparadas para a análise metalográfica da morfologia de austenita formada e para a quantificação das fases. Os resultados mostraram a presença da austenita alotriomórfica de contorno de grão, a austenita de Widmanstätten e a austenita intragranular. Foi verificado que o aporte térmico que menos alterou o balanceamento das fases ferrita e austenita foi o de 1,5 kJ/mm, concluindo que se deve utilizá-lo quando o objetivo for manter a proporção volumétrica das fases no aço duplex SAF2205

    Anticoagulant activity of a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from the green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate certain molecular characteristics of a sulfated polysaccharide (SPs) with anticoagulant properties, isolated from Caulerpa cupressoides (Chlorophyta). Crude SPs were extracted by proteolytic digestion (papain), followed by ion-exchange chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. The fractions obtained were analyzed for molecular mass, 0.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and chemical composition. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) test was applied using normal human plasma and standard heparin (HEP) (193 IU mg-1). The yield was ~ 3%, and the chromatography procedure separated the material into three different SP fractions (F I, F II and F III), eluted at the concentrations of 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 M of NaCl, respectively. Only fraction F II was active (24.62 IU mg-1), with high sulfate content (23.79%) and number of molecular mass peaks. Therefore, the APTT of a fraction isolated from C. cupressoides was less potent than HEP

    Testing Syndromes of Psychopathology in Parent and Youth Ratings Across Societies

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    As societies become increasingly diverse, mental health professionals need instruments for assessing emotional, behavioral, and social problems in terms of constructs that are supported within and across societies. Building on decades of research findings, multisample alignment confirmatory factor analyses tested an empirically based 8-syndrome model on parent ratings across 30 societies and youth self-ratings across 19 societies. The Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6–18 and Youth Self-Report for Ages 11–18 were used to measure syndromes descriptively designated as Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Social Problems, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, Rule-Breaking Behavior, and Aggressive Behavior. For both parent ratings (N = 61,703) and self-ratings (N = 29,486), results supported aggregation of problem items into 8 first-order syndromes for all societies (configural invariance), plus the invariance of item loadings (metric invariance) across the majority of societies. Supported across many societies in both parent and self-ratings, the 8 syndromes offer a parsimonious phenotypic taxonomy with clearly operationalized assessment criteria. Mental health professionals in many societies can use the 8 syndromes to assess children and youths for clinical, training, and scientific purposes. © 2018, Copyright © Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

    Testing Syndromes of Psychopathology in Parent and Youth Ratings Across Societies

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    As societies become increasingly diverse, mental health professionals need instruments for assessing emotional, behavioral, and social problems in terms of constructs that are supported within and across societies. Building on decades of research findings, multisample alignment confirmatory factor analyses tested an empirically based 8-syndrome model on parent ratings across 30 societies and youth self-ratings across 19 societies. The Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6–18 and Youth Self-Report for Ages 11–18 were used to measure syndromes descriptively designated as Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Social Problems, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, Rule-Breaking Behavior, and Aggressive Behavior. For both parent ratings (N = 61,703) and self-ratings (N = 29,486), results supported aggregation of problem items into 8 first-order syndromes for all societies (configural invariance), plus the invariance of item loadings (metric invariance) across the majority of societies. Supported across many societies in both parent and self-ratings, the 8 syndromes offer a parsimonious phenotypic taxonomy with clearly operationalized assessment criteria. Mental health professionals in many societies can use the 8 syndromes to assess children and youths for clinical, training, and scientific purposes. © 2018, Copyright © Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology