1,413 research outputs found

    Формирование супружеской дезадаптации при сексуальном фобическом неврозе у мужа

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    Освещены причины, условия формирования и клинические проявления вторичной супружеской дезадаптации при сексуальном фобическом неврозе у мужа. Показана роль биогенных, социогенных и негативных психологических факторов в генезе связанной с рассмотренной формой сексуального расстройства супружеской дезадаптации.The causes, conditions of forming and clinical manifestations of secondary spouse deadaptation in sexual phobic neurosis in the husband are described. The role of biogenic, sociogenic and negative mental factors in the development of spouse deadaptation associated with this form of a sexual disorder is shown

    Variance based weighting of multisensory head rotation signals for verticality perception

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    We tested the hypothesis that the brain uses a variance-based weighting of multisensory cues to estimate head rotation to perceive which way is up. The hypothesis predicts that the known bias in perceived vertical, which occurs when the visual environment is rotated in a vertical-plane, will be reduced by the addition of visual noise. Ten healthy participants sat head-fixed in front of a vertical screen presenting an annulus filled with coloured dots, which could rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise at six angular velocities (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16°/s) and with six levels of noise (0, 25, 50, 60, 75, 80%). Participants were required to keep a central bar vertical by rotating a hand-held dial. Continuous adjustments of the bar were required to counteract low-amplitude low-frequency noise that was added to the bar's angular position. During visual rotation, the bias in verticality perception increased over time to reach an asymptotic value. Increases in visual rotation velocity significantly increased this bias, while the addition of visual noise significantly reduced it, but did not affect perception of visual rotation velocity. The biasing phenomena were reproduced by a model that uses a multisensory variance-weighted estimate of head rotation velocity combined with a gravito-inertial acceleration signal (GIA) from the vestibular otoliths. The time-dependent asymptotic behaviour depends on internal feedback loops that act to pull the brain's estimate of gravity direction towards the GIA signal. The model's prediction of our experimental data furthers our understanding of the neural processes underlying human verticality perception

    Совершенствование региональных целевых программ – инструмента управления социально-экономическим развитием Одесского региона и его конкурентоспособностью

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    Розглянуто регіональні цільові програми розвитку Одеського регіону; виявлено недоліки діючого підходу до розробки й оцінки програм на регіональному рівні; подано рекомендації щодо загальних підходів до програмного управління, експертизи проектів; запропоновано експертний метод оцінки ефективності цільових програм із точки зору управління процесом розробки та реалізацією програм, своєчасного прийняття рішень. Ключові слова: регіональні цільові програми, соціально-економічний розвиток, регіон, управління, конкурентоспроможність.Рассмотрены региональные целевые программы развития Одесского региона; выявлены недостатки действующего подхода к разработке и оценке программ на региональном уровне; даны рекомендации по общим подходам к программному управлению, экспертизе проектов; предложен экспертный метод оценки эффективности целевых программ с точки зрения управления процессом разработки и ходом реализации программ, своевременного принятия решений. Ключевые слова: региональные целевые программы, социально-экономическое развитие, регион, управление, конкурентоспособность.The paper considers the regional target programs of Odessa region development. Shortcomings of the present approach to the development and evaluation of programs at the regional level are shown, recommendations on common approaches to program management and project appraisal are given; expert method for evaluating target programs is proposed from the view of managing the process of development and implementation of programs, timely decisions. Keywords: regional target programs, socio-economic development, region, management, competitiveness

    Corrections to the Saffman-Delbruck mobility for membrane bound proteins

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    Recent experiments by Y. Gambin et al. [PNAS 103, 2098 (2006)] have called into question the applicability of the Saffman-Delbruck diffusivity for proteins embedded in the lipid bilayers. We present a simple argument to account for this observation that should be generically valid for a large class of transmembrane and membrane bound proteins. Whenever the protein-lipid interactions locally deform the membrane, that deformation generates new hydrodynamic stresses on the protein-membrane complex leading to a suppression of its mobility. We show that this suppression depends on the protein size in a manner consistent with the work of Y. Gambin et al.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Period- and mirror-maps for the quartic K3

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    We study in detail mirror symmetry for the quartic K3 surface in P3 and the mirror family obtained by the orbifold construction. As explained by Aspinwall and Morrison, mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces can be entirely described in terms of Hodge structures. (1) We give an explicit computation of the Hodge structures and period maps for these families of K3 surfaces. (2) We identify a mirror map, i.e. an isomorphism between the complex and symplectic deformation parameters, and explicit isomorphisms between the Hodge structures at these points. (3) We show compatibility of our mirror map with the one defined by Morrison near the point of maximal unipotent monodromy. Our results rely on earlier work by Narumiyah-Shiga, Dolgachev and Nagura-Sugiyama.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields

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    The S-matrix theory formulation of closed-orbit theory recently proposed by Granger and Greene is extended to atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields. We then present a semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed fields, which succeeds in resolving individual lines in the spectrum, but is restricted to the strongest lines of each n-manifold. By means of a detailed semiclassical analysis of the quantum spectrum, we demonstrate that it is the abundance of bifurcations of closed orbits that precludes the resolution of finer details. They necessitate the inclusion of uniform semiclassical approximations into the quantization process. Uniform approximations for the generic types of closed-orbit bifurcation are derived, and a general method for including them in a high-resolution semiclassical quantization is devised

    Decoherence in Disordered Conductors at Low Temperatures, the effect of Soft Local Excitations

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    The conduction electrons' dephasing rate, τϕ1\tau_{\phi}^{-1}, is expected to vanish with the temperature. A very intriguing apparent saturation of this dephasing rate in several systems was recently reported at very low temperatures. The suggestion that this represents dephasing by zero-point fluctuations has generated both theoretical and experimental controversies. We start by proving that the dephasing rate must vanish at the T0T\to 0 limit, unless a large ground state degeneracy exists. This thermodynamic proof includes most systems of relevance and it is valid for any determination of τϕ\tau_{\phi} from {\em linear} transport measurements. In fact, our experiments demonstrate unequivocally that indeed when strictly linear transport is used, the apparent low-temperature saturation of τϕ\tau_{\phi} is eliminated. However, the conditions to be in the linear transport regime are more strict than hitherto expected. Another novel result of the experiments is that introducing heavy nonmagnetic impurities (gold) in our samples produces, even in linear transport, a shoulder in the dephasing rate at very low temperatures. We then show theoretically that low-lying local defects may produce a relatively large dephasing rate at low temperatures. However, as expected, this rate in fact vanishes when T0T \to 0, in agreement with our experimental observations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Euresco Conference on Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics, Granada, September 2003, Kluwe

    Ischemic brain lesions after carotid artery stenting increase future cerebrovascular risk

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    Background Brain lesions on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) are frequently found after carotid artery stenting (CAS), but their clinical relevance remains unclear. Objectives This study sought to investigate whether periprocedural ischemic DWI lesions after CAS or carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are associated with an increased risk of recurrent cerebrovascular events. Methods In the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) substudy of ICSS (International Carotid Stenting Study), 231 patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis were randomized to undergo CAS (n = 124) or CEA (n = 107). MRIs were performed 1 to 7 days before and 1 to 3 days after treatment. The primary outcome event was stroke or transient ischemic attack in any territory occurring between the post-treatment MRI and the end of follow-up. Time to occurrence of the primary outcome event was compared between patients with (DWI+) and without (DWI-) new DWI lesions on the post-treatment scan in the CAS and CEA groups separately. Results Median time of follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range: 3.0 to 5.2). In the CAS group, recurrent stroke or transient ischemic attack occurred more often among DWI+ patients (12 of 62) than among DWI- patients (6 of 62), with a cumulative 5-year incidence of 22.8% (standard error [SE]: 7.1%) and 8.8% (SE: 3.8%), respectively (unadjusted hazard ratio: 2.85; 95% confidence interval: 1.05 to 7.72; p = 0.04). In DWI+ and DWI- patients, 8 and 2 events, respectively, occurred within 6 months after treatment. In the CEA group, there was no difference in recurrent cerebrovascular events between DWI+ and DWI- patients. Conclusions Ischemic brain lesions discovered on DWI after CAS seem to be a marker of increased risk for recurrent cerebrovascular events. Patients with periprocedural DWI lesions might benefit from more aggressive and prolonged antiplatelet therapy after CAS. (A Randomised Comparison of the Risks, Benefits and Cost Effectiveness of Primary Carotid Stenting With Carotid Endarterectomy: International Carotid Stenting Study; ISRCTN25337470

    Conductance of Mesoscopic Systems with Magnetic Impurities

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    We investigate the combined effects of magnetic impurities and applied magnetic field on the interference contribution to the conductance of disordered metals. We show that in a metal with weak spin-orbit interaction, the polarization of impurity spins reduces the rate of electron phase relaxation, thus enhancing the weak localization correction to conductivity. Magnetic field also suppresses thermal fluctuations of magnetic impurities, leading to a recovery of the conductance fluctuations. This recovery occurs regardless the strength of the spin-orbit interaction. We calculate the magnitudes of the weak localization correction and of the mesoscopic conductance fluctuations at an arbitrary level of the spin polarization induced by a magnetic field. Our analytical results for the ``h/eh/e'' Aharonov-Bohm conductance oscillations in metal rings can be used to extract spin and gyromagnetic factor of magnetic impurities from existing experimental data.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Pulsar timing arrays and the challenge of massive black hole binary astrophysics

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    Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are designed to detect gravitational waves (GWs) at nHz frequencies. The expected dominant signal is given by the superposition of all waves emitted by the cosmological population of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries. Such superposition creates an incoherent stochastic background, on top of which particularly bright or nearby sources might be individually resolved. In this contribution I describe the properties of the expected GW signal, highlighting its dependence on the overall binary population, the relation between SMBHs and their hosts, and their coupling with the stellar and gaseous environment. I describe the status of current PTA efforts, and prospect of future detection and SMBH binary astrophysics.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 2014 Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, ed. C.Sopuerta (Berlin: Springer-Verlag