10 research outputs found

    The influence of Islamic tradition to teligious ethic and religious tolerance among students of Social Science Education Departement at UIN Maliki

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    ENGLISH: Educational Institution is one of environments that is needed by every human to develop their potential and knowladge. UIN (Islamic State University) as Islamic Educational Instution learn the graduation to carry out two obligations. Those are as a wise Indonesian citizen and a good Moslem. In order that, Religious Ethic and Religious Tolerance should be studied deeply and suported by every items in university both Campus and Ma’had. Especially, among Students of Social Science Education Departement 2013/2014 UIN MALIKI Malang as teacher in the future. General purposes of this research are to determain The Influence of Ma’had and Islamic Campus Tradition to Religious Ethic and Religious Tolerance in UIN MALIKI Malang. The approach used in this research is quantitative with descriptive research with type of casual correlation. The data used in this research is primary and secondary data. Data analyze that is used is Path Analyze. The result of data anayze, found that (1) Ma’had and Islamic Campus tradition in UIN MALIKI Malang is having positive effect to Religious Ethic simultanously, but Ma’had have not influenced partially. (2) Ma’had and Islamic Campus tradition in UIN MALIKI Malang is having positive effect to Religious Tolerance simultanously, but Ma’had have not influenced partially. (3) Ma’had and Islamic Campus tradition in UIN MALIKI Malang is having effect to Religious Tolerance through Religious Ethic, but Ma’had have not influenced partially. From the explanation above can be concluded that Ma’had and campus can not be separated from one another. Therefore, to realize the high religious tolerance, it is important to cultivate the religious ethic character in students of Social Science Education Departement 2013/2014 UIN MALIKI Malang. INDONESIA: Lembaga Pendidikan merupakan salah satu lingkungan yang dibutuhkan setiap manusia dalam mengembangkan potensi diri dan pengetahuan. UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) berperan dalam mendidik lulusannya untuk menjadi warga negara Indonesia sekaligus seorang Muslim yang bijaksana. Maka Etika beragama dan Toleransi beragama penting untuk dikaji dan didukung oleh unsur-unsur di dalam Kampus untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus terhadap Etika bergama dan Toleransi beragama. Khususnya pada Mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial angkatan 2013/2014 UIN MALIKI Malang sebagai calon guru di masa depan. Tujuan umum dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus terhadap Etika bergama dan Toleransi beragama di UIN MALIKI Malang. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kuantitatif dengan tipe hubungan sebab-akibat. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan Analisis Jalur. Dalam analisis data ditemukan bahwa (1) Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap etika beragama sedangkan Ma’had secara parsial tidak berpengaruh pada toleransi beragama. (2) Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap toleransi beragama sedangkan Ma’had secara parsial tidak berpengaruh pada toleransi beragama. (3) Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus secara simultan melalui etika beragama berpengaruh terhadap toleransi beragama sedangkan Ma’had secara parsial tidak berpengaruh pada toleransi beragama. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ma’had dan Tradisi Ke-Islam-an Kampus yang dilakukan di UIN MALIKI Malang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lain. Karena itu, untuk mewujudkan Toleransi beragama yang baik, maka penting untuk menumbuhkan Etika bergama yang akan membantu proses Internalisasi Islam pada mahasiswa UIN MALIKI Malang khususnya Mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial angkatan 2013/2014

    Molecular basis of barley quality

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    The quality of barley for the range of end uses from animal feed to brewing is determined by many genes, making the breeding of new barley varieties difficult. Understanding of the molecular basis of barley quality has been advanced by biochemical studies. More recently, molecular genetic tools are allowing the analysis of the biochemical factors contributing to grain quality. Many genetic loci influencing key quality attributes have been identified by gene mapping. Limited success has been reported in using this information to select for quantitative trait loci for these quality traits in plant breeding. Genomic techniques allowing more detailed analysis of variations in the barley genome in relation to quality promise to extend significantly the value of molecular genetic approaches to barley quality improvement. Definition of the genetic basis of malting quality requires the identification of the genes involved in germination and endosperm modification. Feed quality remains difficult to define. Recent advances are likely to accelerate the rate of discovery, providing new options for analysis of barley quality

    A novel thermostable dextranase from a Thermoanaerobacter species cultured from the geothermal waters of the great Artesian Basin of Australia

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    A Gram-negative sporulating thermophilic anaerobe, designated AB11Ad, was isolated from the heated waters of the Great Artesian Basin of Australia. It grew on a variety of carbohydrates including glucose, starch, and dextran and produced a thermostable and thermoactive extracellular endo-dextranase. The enzyme was produced more actively under pH controlled continuous culture conditions than under batch conditions. Ammonium sulfate precipitated crude dextranase exhibited a temperature optimum of 70 °C and a pH optimum between 5 and 6. The half life was ~ 6.5 h at 75 °C and 2 h at 80 °C at pH 5.0 and in the absence of added dextran. 16S rRNA sequence analysis indicated that isolate AB1 lAd was a member of the genus Thermoanaerobacter

    Isolation and characterization of a thermostable dextranase

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    A thermostable dextranase has been isolated from an anaerobic thermophilic bacterium, Rt364, collected from a New Zealand thermal spring. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and successive ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and size exclusion chromatographies. The enzyme exhibited an apparent molecular weight of ~ 140 kDa, a temperature optimum of 80°C, and a pH optimum of ~ 5.5. The enzyme was extremely stable. No activity was lost over 12 h at 75°C. It is more thermostable than the dextranase from Chaetomium gracile, the most thermostable dextranase previously characterized; however, the Rt364 dextranase has a much lower specific activity, 10 U mg, compared to 2,750 U mg for the fungal enzyme at their respective temperature optima. The enzyme from Rt364 hydrolyzes dextran, starch, amylose, and amylopectin with approximately the same catalytic efficiencies but does not hydrolyze pullulan. It has therefore been designated an amylodextranase which is analogous to the recently characterized amylopullulanase

    Mapping and QTL analysis of the barley population Chebec x Harrington

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    A doubled haploid population of 120 individuals was produced from the parents Chebec, an Australian 2-row barley of feed quality with resistance to the cereal cyst nematode, and Harrington, a 2-rowed, Canadian variety of premium malting quality. This paper describes 18 field and laboratory experiments conducted with the population and summarises the traits mapped and analysed. The genomic location of 25 traits and genes is described and marker–trait associations for 5 traits (malt extract, diastatic power, resistance to cereal cyst nematode, early flowering, resistance to pre-harvest sprouting) important to Australian efforts to improve malting barley varieties have been used in practical breeding programs. Detailed maps for these populations are shown in this paper, while a consensus map incorporating these maps and further experiments on the populations are described elsewhere in this issue

    Mapping and QTL analysis of the barley population Chebec x Harrington

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    A doubled haploid population of 120 individuals was produced from the parents Chebec, an Australian 2-row barley of feed quality with resistance to the cereal cyst nematode, and Harrington, a 2-rowed, Canadian variety of premium malting quality. This paper describes 18 field and laboratory experiments conducted with the population and summarises the traits mapped and analysed. The genomic location of 25 traits and genes is described and marker–trait associations for 5 traits (malt extract, diastatic power, resistance to cereal cyst nematode, early flowering, resistance to pre-harvest sprouting) important to Australian efforts to improve malting barley varieties have been used in practical breeding programs. Detailed maps for these populations are shown in this paper, while a consensus map incorporating these maps and further experiments on the populations are described elsewhere in this issue

    Mapping and QTL analysis of the barley population Chebec × Harrington

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    A doubled haploid population of 120 individuals was produced from the parents Chebec, an Australian 2-row barley of feed quality with resistance to the cereal cyst nematode, and Harrington, a 2-rowed, Canadian variety of premium malting quality. This paper describes 18 field and laboratory experiments conducted with the population and summarises the traits mapped and analysed. The genomic location of 25 traits and genes is described and marker–trait associations for 5 traits (malt extract, diastatic power, resistance to cereal cyst nematode, early flowering, resistance to pre-harvest sprouting) important to Australian efforts to improve malting barley varieties have been used in practical breeding programs. Detailed maps for these populations are shown in this paper, while a consensus map incorporating these maps and further experiments on the populations are described elsewhere in this issue