425 research outputs found

    Trade openness, real exchange rates and job reallocation

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    This paper investigates the impact of real exchange rate movements on job reallocation at the industry level. The analysis focuses on the manufacturing sector of Belgium, using data for 82 NACE 3-digit industries, over the time span 1996-2002. I find that real exchange rate changes do have a significant impact on job flows, and that this impact is magnified by increasing levels of trade exposure. In particular, a real appreciation is found to lower net employment growth through higher job destruction, while job creation is not significantly affected. These results are in line with previous empirical evidence on the United States, and differ from earlier findings for France and Germany, where the adjustment to real exchange rate shocks has been found to occur mainly through the job creation margin. I suggest that these differences may be explained by the fact that Belgium is a small open economy

    Leading indicators of fiscal distress: evidence from extreme bounds analysis

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    Early warning systems (EWSs) are widely used to assess a country’s vulnerability to fiscal distress. A fiscal distress episode is identified as a period when government experiences extreme funding difficulties. Most EWSs employ a specific set of only fiscal leading indicators predetermined by the researchers, which casts doubt on their robustness. We revisit this issue using extreme bounds analysis, which allows identifying robust leading indicators of fiscal distress from a large set. A robust leading indicator’s effect does not strongly depend on the model specification. Consistent with the theoretical predictions of latest generation crisis models, we find that both fiscal and non-fiscal leading indicators are robust. In addition, we find that a fiscal vulnerability indicator based on fiscal and non-fiscal leading indicators offers a 29% gain in predictive power compared to a traditional one based only on fiscal leading indicators. This suggests that both fiscal and non-fiscal leading indicators should be taken into account when assessing country’s vulnerability to fiscal distress

    Current Account Imbalances in the Euro Area: Catching Up or Competitiveness?

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    In the debate on global imbalances, the euro area countries did not receive much attention so far. While the current account is on balance for the entire area, divergences between individual member states have increased since the introduction of the common currency. In this paper, the imbalances are traced back to catching up and competitiveness factors using paneleconometric techniques. In line with the intertemporal approach to the current account, low income countries tend to run deficits, while rich countries realize surpluses. However, the effect diminishes, if early years are dropped from the sample. The competitiveness channel is more robust and shows the expected sign, i.e. a real appreciation leads to external deficits. To restore competitiveness, a reduction of unit labour costs is on the agenda. Since a deterioration of competitiveness is not a feasible strategy for the surplus countries, an asymmetric response across countries is required in order to reduce the imbalances.In der Diskussion über globale Ungleichgewichte spielen die Länder der Eurozone bisher nicht die zentrale Rolle. Während die Leistungsbilanz für die gesamte Währungsunion ausgeglichen ist, sind die Ungleichgewichte zwischen den Mitgliedsländern erheblich und haben sich seit der Einführung der gemeinsamen Währung erhöht. In diesem Papier werden die Ungleichgewichte auf ökonomische Aufholprozesse und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zurückgeführt. Dabei kommen panelökonometrische Methoden zum Einsatz. Bei Wohlfahrtunterschieden sollten Länder mit niedrigen Einkommen Defiziten, reichen Länder hingegen Überschüsse realisieren. Dieser Effekt nimmt jedoch im Zeitablauf ab. Eeine Erklärung über die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ist robuster und zeigt die erwarteten VorZeichen, d.h. eine reale Aufwertung führt zu externen Defizite. Zur Wiederherstellung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steht eine Reduzierung der Lohnstückkosten steht auf der Tagesordnung. Da eine Verschlechterung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit keine geeignete Strategie für die Überschussländer ist, scheint eine asymmetrische Reaktion in den einzelnen Ländern erforderlich zu sein, um die Ungleichgewichte in der Währungsunion zu verringern

    Sustainable Social Security: Four Options

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    This paper presents four policy options to make Social Security sustainable under the coming demographic shift: 1) increase payroll taxes by 6 percentage points, 2) reduce the replacement rates of the benefit formula by one-third, 3) raise the normal retirement age from sixty-six to seventy-three, or 4) means-test the benefits and reduce them one-to-one with income. While all four policies achieve the same goal, their economic outcomes differ significantly. Options 2 and 3 encourage own savings, and capital stock is more than 10 percent higher than in the other two options. The payroll tax increase in option 1 discourages work effort, but means-testing the benefits as outlined in option 4 yields the worst labor disincentives, especially among the elderly

    Financial Liberalization, Growth, Productivity and Capital Accumulation: The Case of European Integration

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    In the present contribution, we concentrate on the process of financial liberalization in a specific context of European economic and monetary integration. We implement de facto and de jure measures of financial liberalization and find that formal aspects of financial openness generate a strongly positive impact on economic growth and its sources, productivity growth and capital accumulation. Moreover, there is evidence of a positive contribution to the process stemming from the EU membership, while no substantial effect comes from the euro adoption. Finally, we investigate the effects from financial integration on country groups within the EU

    Social Security, Benefit Claiming and Labor Force Participation: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Approach

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    We build a general equilibrium model of overlapping generations that incorporates endogenous saving, labor force participation, work hours, and Social Security benefit claims. Using this model, we study the impact of three Social Security reforms: 1) a reduction in benefits and payroll taxes; 2) an increase in the earliest retirement age, to sixty-four from sixty-two; and 3) an increase in the normal retirement age, to sixty-eight from sixty-six. We find that a 50 percent cut in the scope of the current system significantly raises asset holdings and the labor input, primarily through higher participation of older workers, and reduces the shortfall of the Social Security budget through a reduction in early claiming. Increasing the normal retirement age also raises saving and the labor supply, but the effects are smaller. Postponing the earliest retirement age has only a negligible effect. When the projected aging of the population is taken into account, the case for a reform that encourages labor force participation of the elderly appears to be much stronger