4,506 research outputs found

    Polarisation dependence of magnetic Bragg scattering in YMn2_2O5_5

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    The polarisation dependence of the intensity of elastic magnetic scattering from \ymno\ single crystals has been measured at 25 K in magnetic fields between 1 and 9 T. A significant polarisation dependence was observed in the intensities of magnetic satellite reflections, propagation vector \pv=0.5,0,0.25 measured with both the [100] and [010] axes parallel to the common polarisation and applied field direction. The intensity asymmetries AA observed in sets of orthorhombicly equivalent reflections show systematic relationships which allow the phase relationship between different components of their magnetic interaction vectors to be determined. They fix the orientation relationships between the small yy and zz moments on the \mnfp\ and \mntp\ sub-lattices and lend support to the structure reported by Kim et al. It was found that that A(hkl)≠A(hˉkˉlˉ)A(hkl)\ne A(\bar h\bar k\bar l) which suggests that there is a small modulation of the nuclear structure which has the same wave-vector as the magnetic modulation leading to a small nuclear structure factor for the satellite reflections. The differences A(hkl)−A(hˉkˉlˉ)A(hkl)- A(\bar h\bar k\bar l) observed indicate shifts in the atomic positions of order 0.005 \AA

    Cooperative Dynamics in Unentangled Polymer Fluids

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    We present a Generalized Langevin Equation for the dynamics of interacting semiflexible polymer chains, undergoing slow cooperative dynamics. The calculated Gaussian intermolecular center-of-mass and monomer potentials, wich enter the GLE, are in quantitative agreement with computer simulation data. The experimentally observed, short-time subdiffusive regime of the polymer mean-square displacements, emerges here from the competition between the intramolecular and the intermolecular mean-force potentials.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Inter-molecular structure factors of macromolecules in solution: integral equation results

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    The inter-molecular structure of semidilute polymer solutions is studied theoretically. The low density limit of a generalized Ornstein-Zernicke integral equation approach to polymeric liquids is considered. Scaling laws for the dilute-to-semidilute crossover of random phase (RPA) like structure are derived for the inter-molecular structure factor on large distances when inter-molecular excluded volume is incorporated at the microscopic level. This leads to a non-linear equation for the excluded volume interaction parameter. For macromolecular size-mass scaling exponents, ν\nu, above a spatial-dimension dependent value, νc=2/d\nu_c=2/d, mean field like density scaling is recovered, but for ν<νc\nu<\nu_c the density scaling becomes non-trivial in agreement with field theoretic results and justifying phenomenological extensions of RPA. The structure of the polymer mesh in semidilute solutions is discussed in detail and comparisons with large scale Monte Carlo simulations are added. Finally a new possibility to determine the correction to scaling exponent ω12\omega_{12} is suggested.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. E (1999

    Surface topology assisted alignment of Min protein waves

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    Self-organization of proteins into large-scale structures is of pivotal importance for the organization of cells. The Min protein system of the bacterium Escherichia coil is a prime example of how pattern formation occurs via reaction-diffusion. We have previously demonstrated how Min protein patterns are influenced by compartment geometry. Here we probe the influence of membrane surface topology, as an additional regulatory element. Using microstructured membrane-clad soft polymer substrates, Min protein patterns can be aligned. We demonstrate that Min pattern alignment starts early during pattern formation and show that macroscopic millimeter-sized areas of protein patterns of well-defined orientation can be generated. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    Artificial Brains and Hybrid Minds

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    The paper develops two related thought experiments exploring variations on an ‘animat’ theme. Animats are hybrid devices with both artificial and biological components. Traditionally, ‘components’ have been construed in concrete terms, as physical parts or constituent material structures. Many fascinating issues arise within this context of hybrid physical organization. However, within the context of functional/computational theories of mentality, demarcations based purely on material structure are unduly narrow. It is abstract functional structure which does the key work in characterizing the respective ‘components’ of thinking systems, while the ‘stuff’ of material implementation is of secondary importance. Thus the paper extends the received animat paradigm, and investigates some intriguing consequences of expanding the conception of bio-machine hybrids to include abstract functional and semantic structure. In particular, the thought experiments consider cases of mind-machine merger where there is no physical Brain-Machine Interface: indeed, the material human body and brain have been removed from the picture altogether. The first experiment illustrates some intrinsic theoretical difficulties in attempting to replicate the human mind in an alternative material medium, while the second reveals some deep conceptual problems in attempting to create a form of truly Artificial General Intelligence

    Structure of Colloid-Polymer Suspensions

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    We discuss structural correlations in mixtures of free polymer and colloidal particles based on a microscopic, 2-component liquid state integral equation theory. Whereas in the case of polymers much smaller than the spherical particles the relevant polymer degree of freedom is the center of mass, for polymers larger than the (nano-) particles conformational rearrangements need to be considered. They have the important consequence that the polymer depletion layer exhibits two widely different length scales, one of the order of the particle radius, the other of the order of the polymer radius or the polymer density screening length in dilute or semidilute concentrations, respectively. Their consequences on phase stability and structural correlations are discussed extensively.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figures; topical feature articl

    Computation in Physical Systems: A Normative Mapping Account

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    The relationship between abstract formal procedures and the activities of actual physical systems has proved to be surprisingly subtle and controversial, and there are a number of competing accounts of when a physical system can be properly said to implement a mathematical formalism and hence perform a computation. I defend an account wherein computational descriptions of physical systems are high-level normative interpretations motivated by our pragmatic concerns. Furthermore, the criteria of utility and success vary according to our diverse purposes and pragmatic goals. Hence there is no independent or uniform fact to the matter, and I advance the ‘anti-realist’ conclusion that computational descriptions of physical systems are not founded upon deep ontological distinctions, but rather upon interest-relative human conventions. Hence physical computation is a ‘conventional’ rather than a ‘natural’ kind

    An integral equation approach to effective interactions between polymers in solution

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    We use the thread model for linear chains of interacting monomers, and the ``polymer reference interaction site model'' (PRISM) formalism to determine the monomer-monomer pair correlation function hmm(r)h_{mm}(r) for dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions, over a range of temperatures from very high (where the chains behave as self-avoiding walks) to below the θ\theta temperature, where phase separation sets in. An inversion procedure, based on the HNC integral equation, is used to extract the effective pair potential between ``average'' monomers on different chains. An accurate relation between hmm(r)h_{mm}(r), hcc(r)h_{cc}(r) [the pair correlation function between the polymer centers of mass (c.m.)], and the intramolecular form factors is then used to determine hcc(r)h_{cc}(r), and subsequently extract the effective c.m.-c.m. pair potential vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) by a similar inversion procedure. vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) depends on temperature and polymer concentration, and the predicted variations are in reasonable agreement with recent simulation data, except at very high temperatures, and below the θ\theta temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, revtex ; revised versio
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