28 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Berorientasi Poe (Predict, Observe, Explain) Pada Materi Pencemaran Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil prosedur pengembangan modul berorientasi POE pada materi pencemaran, kelayakan modul, efektivitas modul, dan perbedaan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah penerapan modul. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) yang mengacu pada model Borg & Gall yang telah dimodifikasi. Sampel pengembangan meliputi sampel validasi produk sejumlah 4 validator, sampel uji coba terbatas sejumlah 10 siswa, dan sampel uji coba lapangan sejumlah 32 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket untuk analisis kebutuhan, validasi ahli, dan tanggapan siswa terhadap modul; lembar observasi untuk hasil belajar psikomotorik, afektif, dan keterlaksanaan sintaks; wawancara untuk analisis kebutuhan, tanggapan siswa terhadap modul saat uji coba terbatas, dan lapangan; dan tes untuk hasil belajar kognitif. Uji coba lapangan menggunakan one group pretest-posttes design. Data hasil belajar kognitif dihitung dengan gain ternormalisasi dan diuji dengan uji t dua sampel berpasangan, sedangkan hasil belajar psikomotorik dan afektif hanya dihitung persentase ketercapaiannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) pengembangan modul berorientasi POE pada materi pencemaran menggunakan model Borg & Gall yang telah dimodifikasi melalui tahapan research and information collection, planning, develop preliminary form of products, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, dan operational product revision, 2) kelayakan modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan mendapatkan nilai 3,3 setelah dilakukan uji lapangan dan berkategori ā€œBaikā€, 3) pencapaian hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kategori ā€œSedangā€, dan 4) setelah dilakukan uji secara statistik diperoleh adanya perbedaan hasil belajar siswa, sebelum dan setelah diterapkan modul berorientasi POE

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Reciprocal Teaching Pair Share (RTPS) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Metakognisi Matakuliah Mikrobologi Mahasiswa IKIP Budi Utomo

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    One effort to improve college student metacognition through the development model of learning by constructivism approach the model of learning Reciprocal Teaching Pair Share (rtPS). RtPS learning model adopted from a blend of learning model Think Pair Share and Reciprocal teaching. The parameters for success by improving metacognition. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning model rtPS to improve student metacognition in microbiology course at the Teachers\u27 Training College Budi Utomo. The research model of development used in this research is the development model 4D of Thiagarajan (1974). The 4D model has four stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Large-scale field trials using quasi-experimental. Testing the validity of data analysis techniques using Pearson correlation method according bivarian. Assessment of the effectiveness of product development conducted field trials involving three classes for large-scale testing. Testing differences in acquisition value aspects of metacognition capability in Teachers\u27 Training College Budi Utomo Malang analyzed using General Linear Model (GLM) - Multivariate.The results showed that the development model of rtPS eligible for use in the learning activities. In large-scale trial can be concluded that the model rtPS ABILITY effect on students\u27 metacognition. Besides the development of models rtPS effective in improving metacognitive abilities of students in the course of microbiology at the Teachers\u27 Training College Budi Utomo Malan

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal Dan Rasio Profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Tekstil Dan Garment Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2011)

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    Indonesian textile and garment industry covers various kind of textile products, starting from fiber making up to ready-to-wear clothes.However, like other companies, it is undeniable that garment companties cannot stand without support from investors. Company managerial ability in managing and controlling company financial condition is the first thing to be considered by investors before investing their fund. This research focuses on how is the influence of capital structure and profitability ratio towards corporate value (research on textile and garment companies which listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia year of 2009-2011, and, what is the strongest element ā€“ between DR, LDER, NPM, ROI, and ROE - that effects company value.The result of this research shows that DR, LDER, NPM, ROI, dan ROE has a simultaneous effect on stock price. Variable LDER and NPM has a partial effect on stock price of textile and garment companies. Variable DR, ROI and ROE has no partial effect on stock price. The variable which give the strongest effect towards stock price is NPM

    Diferensial Leukosit Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus Gouramy Lac.) Dengan Perbedaan Level Suplementasi Spirulina Platensis Dalam Pakan

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    The aim of this research was to know the effect of supplemented Spirulina platensis in diet on leukocytes differential of gourami (Osphronemous gouramy Lac.) and to obtain the best dose. This research was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design (RAL), which consists of 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The fish fed with diets which contain different levels of (0, 2.4, and 6g/kg) Spirulina platensis were investigated. Sampling was done 4 times at intervals of 2 weeks of the feeding experiment, leukocyte differential (monocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophil, eosinophyl) of blood taken from fish were determined. The results showed that the highest percentage of lymphocytes was found in level of supplementation of 4 g/kg of diets, whereas the highest percentage of monocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils were found at the level suplemetation 2 g/kg of diets. Level supplementation of S. platensis 4 g/kg of diets is an efficient and effective level in stimulating immune system cells of gourami, particularly lymphocytes cell

    The Study Biological Aspects of Parapenaeopsis Coromandelica on Cilacap Water, Central Java

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    Kabupaten Cilacap merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang memilki potensi yang tinggi di bidang perikanan tangkap karena terletak di pesisir pantai selatan Pulau Jawa dimana terdapat pangkalan perikanan yang terbesar. Pemanfaatan udang P.coromandelica yang terus meningkat, menyebabkan tingginya intensitas penangkapan dan menurunnya daya dukung lingkungan perairan Kab. Cilacap, hal ini memungkinkan perkembangan stok dari jenis udang ini terhambat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek biologi, status pemanfaatan dan konsep pengelolaan udang P. coromandalica di perairan Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling yaitu mengambil sampel udang sekitar 10% dari total hasil tangkapan salah satu alat tangkap jaring arad pada setiap TPI. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September ā€“ Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertumbuhan udang P.coromandelica jantan dan betina memiliki nilai b 1,657 dan 2,22 ini menunjukan bahwa pertumbuhan udang bersifat allometrik negative. Sebagian besar udang P.coromandelica belum matang gonad dan belum siap memijah. faktor kondisi untuk udang P.coromandelica jantan dan betina menunjukkan 1,054 dan 1,117 bahwa tubuh udang kurus. Nisbah kelamin jantan dan betina adalah 1 : 1,545 artinya bahwa perairan Kab. Cilacap tersebut masih normal. Nilai Lm 41 mm, Lc50% 37 mm dan nilai Lāˆž jantan dan betina adalah 53,68 mm dan 64,21mm. Nilai Lc50% lebih besar dari nilai setengah Lāˆž, itu berarti udang P. coromandalica sudah layak tangkap

    Implikasi Pemenuhan Hak Ekosob Masyarakat Temajuk Terhadap Ketahanan Nasional Indonesia

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    The purpose of the research is to explain if the fulfillment of economic, social, and cultural (ecosoc) rights in Temajuk as a borderland are affecting national defense of Indonesia. In order to prove said argument, the research will describe the view of fulfillment as a reality of those rights' fulfillment explained beforehand, review efforts from the government, and finally observe the correlation between them with the conception of national defense. Temajuk has some limitations and lack of infrastructures needed to support the optimal fulfillment of economic, social, and cultural rights, specifically to the three main sectors, namely education, health, and food, despit the guarantee of those rights by Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2005 on Ratification of International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). IntisariPenelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan apakah pemenuhan hak ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya (Ekosob) masyarakat Temajuk sebagai masyarakat yang berdomisili di daerah perbatasan memberi pengaruh terhadap ketahanan nasional Indonesia. Untuk membuktikan argumen tersebut, penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan gambaran pemenuhan sebagai sebuah realita pemenuhan hak ekosob, meninjau upaya pemenuhan hak ekosob oleh Pemerintah, dan melihat korelasi kedua hal tersebut dengan konsepsi ketahanan nasional. Temajuk memiliki keterbatasan dan kekurangan infrastruktur yang mampu menunjang proses terpenuhinyahak ekosob secara optimal, spesifik terhadap tiga sektor utama, yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, dan pangan. Padahal hakĀ­hak tersebut telah dijamin dalam UndangĀ­ Undang Nomor 11 tahun 2005 Tentang Pengesahan Internasional Covenant On Economic, Social, And Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

    PRODUKTIVITAS DUA JENIS JANGKRIK LOKAL Gryillus testaceus Walk. DAN Gryllus mitratus Burn. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) YANG DIBUDIDAYAKAN

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    Study on the productivity of two species of local crickets; Gryllus testaceus Walk and Gryllus mitratus Burn which are generally found in the local market have been conducted with the main aim at obtaining information on the capability of those species in producing eggs including the length of production cycles.Three levels of box square density (50 female/box,100 female/box and 150 female/box) and two levels of additional feed (green master and papay leaves) were used as treatments.The results showed that the number of eggs produced by G.mitratus were larger with longer production cycles compared to those of G.testaceus. Species and density has highly significant effects on egg production and feed consumption, whereas,additional feed significantly influencing egg production and feed consumption of the two species.The use of green master as additional feed resulted in a higher egg production than those given papay leaves