10 research outputs found

    Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Penambahan Disturbance Body Terhadap Karakteristik Aliran Yang Melintasi Sebuah Silinder Sirkular Yang Tersusun Secara Tandem Dalam Saluran Sempit ”Studi Kasus Untuk Disturbance Body Berulir Dan Polos Dengan Rasio Diameter D

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari aliran yang melintasi silinder sirkular yang tersusun tandem yang ditempatkan pada saluran sempit. Adapun penelitian ini juga berusaha untuk mereduksi gaya hambat yang terjadi dengan menggunakan sebuah disturbance body yang memiliki rasio yang d/D=0.1dengan kondisi permukaan polos dan berulir dengan rasio jarap gap L/D = 2.0. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan cara meletakkan silinder sirkular (D= 37.5mm) dalam sebuah terowongan udara saluran sempit berpenampang bujur sangkar (h=125mm) dengan bilangan Reynolds sebesar 1.16x102 (berdasarkan diameter hidrolis saluran dan kecepatan freestream). Tekanan diukur dengan pressure tap yang terpasang pada permukaan silinder sirkular dan pada test section terowongan angin (inlet dan outlet). Sedangkan profil kecepatan aliran didapatkan dengan menggunakan pitot static tube yang dipasang dibelakang silinder sirkular

    The Use of Lurnbricus Rubellus as Bioremidiation Agent of Vermicomposting of City Organic Waste Polluted by Lead Metal (Pb).

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    Landfill (TPA) is a place where waste reaches the last stage in its management since the nascent in its source, collection, transfer / conveyance, treatment and disposal. TPA is a place where trash is isolated safely so as not to cause disturbance to the surrounding environment. Therefore required the provision of facilities and the correct treatment so that security can be achieved well. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of Lumbricus rubellus as bioremidiation agent of vermicomposting of city organic waste polluted by lead metal (Pb). This research was compiled using a completely randomized design (RAL), with four treatments and replications of three (3) times. Treatment (1) in the form of organic waste + Pb metal as a control (S), treatment (2) organic waste + Pb metal is added by manure (SK), treatment (3) organic waste + Pb metal is added bio-activator (SA), treatment (4 ) organic waste + Pb metal is added by manure and bio-activator (SKA). Observations were made on days 3, 10, 20 and 30 days after inoculation of earthworms. that the provision of metallic lead (Pb) in an organic medium which has been provided treatment gives effect as follows: (1) Treatment by the addition of amendments material and activators in organic media will provide an increase in the percentage of the death of earthworms, over time the observations were conducted. SKA provides the highest mortality percentage. (2) earthworm Lumbricus rubellus have the ability to accumulate Pb metal. Ability to accumulate the lowest Pb metal in the control treatment (29.73 mg kg) and the highest contained in the 1 treatment of SKA (33.13 mg kg). (3) The results of the analysis of C organic, N-total and P-available on 1 kascing in all treatments do not provide a real difference. While on the Pb metal content contained real differences in treatment SA the lowest content (20.43 mg kg) and highest in the treatment of S (32.05 mg 1 kg )