51 research outputs found

    Key policy questions for ex-ante impact assessment of European agricultural and rural policies

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    Policies in the agricultural and rural sectors are of key importance in shaping their sustainable development. These policies are changing from market-based policies to policies that aim to influence farmers' decision-making. Thus, the scientific literature supporting evidence-based policy-making must develop models that simulate individual decision-making (IDM) by farmers. This study aims to understand key policy objectives, related policy questions and benchmark scenarios relevant to the European agricultural sector to define the research agenda for a suite of IDM models. This research goal has been addressed following a five-step process that involved different research tools and heterogeneous actors, including key stakeholders. Results suggest that environmental policy objectives are the most relevant for European agriculture in the coming decades. Thus, the scenario modelling exercise should focus mainly on the agri-environmental policies' impacts while properly considering the potential trade-offs between economic and environmental objectives

    Multiset Bisimulations as a Common Framework for Ordinary and Probabilistic Bisimulations

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    Our concrete objective is to present both ordinary bisimulations and probabilistic bisimulations in a common coalgebraic framework based on multiset bisimulations. For that we show how to relate the underlying powerset and probabilistic distributions functors with the multiset functor by means of adequate natural transformations. This leads us to the general topic that we investigate in the paper: a natural transformation from a functor F to another G transforms F-bisimulations into G-bisimulations but, in general, it is not possible to express G-bisimulations in terms of F-bisimulations. However, they can be characterized by considering Hughes and Jacobs’ notion of simulation, taking as the order on the functor F the equivalence induced by the epi-mono decomposition of the natural transformation relating F and G. We also consider the case of alternating probabilistic systems where non-deterministic and probabilistic choices are mixed, although only in a partial way, and extend all these results to categorical simulations

    La segmentazione del settore. Approccio tradizionale e nuovi criteri.

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    I criteri di segmentazione nel settore orafo, i tradizionali e i nuovi approcci

    Il processo produttivo e lo sviluppo nuovi prodotti.

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    Nel capitolo si analizza lo sviluppo dei nuovi prodotti nel settore e i ruoli coinvolti nel processo

    Il settore orafo in Italia.

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    Il capitolo descrive la rete del valore nel settore, i tipi di concorrenti e i canali distributivi

    Il rapporto stile-industria: l’esperienza italiana nell’abbigliamento formale femminile di fascia alta

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    L'articolo riporta i risultati di uno studio comparato di casi su strutture e meccanismi di gestione dell'innovazione nel settore della moda

    Le strategie competitive

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    Si applica una metodologia per clusterizzare i concorrenti produttori di apparecchi di illuminazione

    Il prodotto e la sua creazione

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    L'ideazione di prodotti di successo è il motore di sviluppo per tutti i settori basati sulla creatività, sulle valenze estetiche del prodotto. Come si sviluppano idee vicenti? qual è il ruolo del designer in questo settore? è possibile difendersi dall'imitazione? è utile proporre un approccio manageriale al processo di sviluppo prodotto

    The variety and the evolution of business models and organizational forms in the italian fashion industry

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    Thousands of Italian companies are involved in vertical chains involving textiles and apparel and shoes and leather goods, respectively. These industries have varied business and company models, partly linked to their fragmentation in product categories, prices, customers, channels, and styles. In both domestic and global markets, international competition and the evolution of customers forced those companies to redesign strategies and organizational structures to maintain and reinforce the success attained in the 1980s. We describe the variables of greatest importance in explaining diversity: core businesses and segments, brand portfolio, degree of vertical integration and expertise, internationalization, design, ownership, and growth. We use these variables to analyze strategic models for the twenty-two most important (by revenue) Italian fashion groups and discuss their evolution. Identifying strategic models in fashion/luxury is not easy; competing companies/groups differ in many ways, including differences related to country of origin, even in a continuously globalizing industry

    The acquisition performance of italian fashion companies: the interacting effects of brands and diversification

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    We investigate the acquisition performance of fashion companies, which have competencies that are highly abstract and intangible, and therefore difficult to transfer. Basing on the literature on the transfer of knowledge assets, we argue that there is variance among the players of this industry in terms of types of competencies (more abstract and intangible or less abstract and intangible) and that this variance explains differences in post-acquisition performance. We focus in particular on the moderating effects of the degree of diversification involved in the acquisition. Our empirical study, on a sample of 115 acquisitions made by fashion companies in Italy, brings empirical support to our hypotheses
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