1,164 research outputs found

    Apparent Seasonal Cycle in Isotopic Discrimination of Carbon in the Atmosphere and Biosphere Due to Vapor Pressure Deficit

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    We explore seasonal variability in isotopic fractionation by analyzing observational data from the atmosphere and the biosphere, as well as simulated data from a global model. Using simulated values of atmospheric CO2 and its carbon isotopic composition, we evaluated different methods for specifying background concentrations when calculating the isotopic signature of source CO2 (δs) to the atmosphere. Based on this evaluation, we determined that free troposphere measurements should be used when available as a background reference when calculating δs from boundary layer observations. We then estimate the seasonal distribution of δs from monthly climatologies derived from several atmospheric sampling sites. This approach yields significant seasonal variations in δs with more enriched values during the summer months that exceed the uncertainty of δs estimated for any given month. Intra-annual measurements of δ13C in the cellulose of Pinus taeda growing in the southeastern U.S. also reveal seasonal isotopic variations that are consistent in phase but not necessarily amplitude with atmospherically derived estimates of δs. Coherent seasonal patterns in δs inferred from the atmosphere and observed in the biosphere were not consistent with the seasonal isotopic discrimination simulated by a commonly used biosphere model. However, δs seasonality consistent with observations from the atmosphere and biosphere was retrieved with a revised biosphere model when stomatal conductance, and thus isotopic discrimination, was allowed to vary in response to vapor pressure deficit rather than relative humidity. Therefore, in regions where vapor pressure deficit and relative humidity are positively covariant over the growth season, such as the sub-tropics, different stomatal conductance models may yield very different estimates of CO2 and H2O exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere

    Stable isotopic analysis of atmospheric methane by infrared spectroscopy by use of diode laser difference-frequency generation

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    An infrared absorption spectrometer has been constructed to measure the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric methane samples. The spectrometer employs periodically poled lithium niobate to generate 15 μW of tunable difference-frequency radiation from two near-infrared diode lasers that probe the ν3 rotational-vibrational band of methane at 3.4 μm. To enhance the signal, methane is extracted from 25 l of air by use of a cryogenic chromatographic column and is expanded into the multipass cell for analysis. A measurement precision of 12‰ is demonstrated for both δ13C and δD

    Effects of magnetic field and disorder on electronic properties of Carbon Nanotubes

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    Electronic properties of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes are investigated in presence of magnetic field perpendicular to the CN-axis, and disorder introduced through energy site randomness. The magnetic field field is shown to induce a metal-insulator transition (MIT) in absence of disorder, and surprisingly disorder does not affect significantly the MIT. These results may find confirmation through tunneling experimentsComment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Spatial and temporal resolution of carbon flux estimates for 1983?2002

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    International audienceWe discuss the spatial and temporal resolution of monthly carbon flux estimates for the period 1983?2002 using a fixed-lag Kalman Smoother technique with a global chemical transport model, and the GLOBALVIEW data product. The observational network has expanded substantially over this period, and we the improvement in the constraints provided flux estimates by observations for the 1990's in comparison to the 1980's. The estimated uncertainties also decrease as observational coverage expands. In this study, we use the Globalview data product for a network that changes every 5 y, rather than using a small number of continually-operating sites (fewer observational constraints) or a large number of sites, some of which may consist almost entirely of extrapolated data. We show that the discontinuities resulting from network changes reflect uncertainty due to a sparse and variable network. This uncertainty effectively limits the resolution of trends in carbon fluxes. The ability of the inversion to distinguish, or resolve, carbon fluxes at various spatial scales is examined using a diagnostic known as the resolution kernel. We find that the global partition between land and ocean fluxes is well-resolved even for the very sparse network of the 1980's, although prior information makes a significant contribution to the resolution. The ability to distinguish zonal average fluxes has improved significantly since the 1980's, especially for the tropics, where the zonal ocean and land biosphere fluxes can be distinguished. Care must be taken when interpreting zonal average fluxes, however, since the lack of air samples for some regions in a zone may result in a large influence from prior flux estimates for these regions. We show that many of the TransCom 3 source regions are distinguishable throughout the period over which estimates are produced. Examples are Boreal and Temperate North America. The resolution of fluxes from Europe and Australia has greatly improved since the 1990's. Other regions, notably Tropical South America and the Equatorial Atlantic remain practically unresolved. Comparisons of the average seasonal cycle of the estimated carbon fluxes with the seasonal cycle of the prior flux estimates reveals a large adjustment of the summertime uptake of carbon for Boreal Eurasia, and an earlier onset of springtime uptake for Temperate North America. In addition, significantly larger seasonal cycles are obtained for some ocean regions, such as the Northern Ocean, North Pacific, North Atlantic and Western Equatorial Pacific, regions that appear to be well-resolved by the inversion

    Universality of electron correlations in conducting carbon nanotubes

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    Effective low-energy Hamiltonian of interacting electrons in conducting single-wall carbon nanotubes with arbitrary chirality is derived from the microscopic lattice model. The parameters of the Hamiltonian show very weak dependence on the chiral angle, which makes the low energy properties of conducting chiral nanotubes universal. The strongest Mott-like electron instability at half filling is investigated within the self-consistent harmonic approximation. The energy gaps occur in all modes of elementary excitations and estimate at eV.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Colin Haslam, Nick Tsitsianis, Glen Lehman, Tord Andersson, and John Malamatenios, ‘Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500’, Accounting Forum, Vol. 42 91): 119-129, March 2018. Under embargo until 7 August 2019. The final, definitive version is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accfor.2018.01.004.This article accounts for carbon emissions in the S&P 500 and explores the extent to which capital is at risk from decarbonising value chains. At a global level it is proving difficult to decouple carbon emissions from GDP growth. Top-down legal and regulatory arrangements envisaged by the Kyoto Protocol are practically redundant given inconsistent political commitment to mitigating global climate change and promoting sustainability. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and European Commission (EC) are promoting the role of financial markets and financial institutions as drivers of behavioural change mobilising capital allocations to decarbonise corporate activity.Peer reviewe

    Spin configurations of carbon nanotube in a nonuniform external potential

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    We study, theoretically, the ground state spin of a carbon nanotube in the presence of an external potential. We find that when the external potential is applied to a part of the nanotube, its variation changes the single electron spectrum significantly. This, in combination with Coulomb repulsion and the symmetry properties of a finite length armchair nanotube induces spin flips in the ground state when the external potential is varied. We discuss the possible application of our theory to recent measurements of Coulomb blocked peaks and their dependence on a weak magnetic field in armchair carbon nanotubes.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages + two figure

    What atmospheric oxygen measurements can tell us about the global carbon cycle

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    This paper explores the role that measurements of changes in atmospheric oxygen, detected through changes in the O2/N2 ratio of air, can play in improving our understanding of the global carbon cycle. Simple conceptual models are presented in order to clarify the biological and physical controls on the exchanges of O2, CO2, N2, and Ar across the air‐sea interface and in order to clarify the relationships between biologically mediated fluxes of oxygen across the air‐sea interface and the cycles of organic carbon in the ocean. Predictions of large‐scale seasonal variations and gradients in atmospheric oxygen are presented. A two‐dimensional model is used to relate changes in the O2/N2 ratio of air to the sources of oxygen from terrestrial and marine ecosystems, the thermal ingassing and outgassing of seawater, and the burning of fossil fuel. The analysis indicates that measurements of seasonal variations in atmospheric oxygen can place new constraints on the large‐scale marine biological productivity. Measurements of the north‐south gradient and depletion rate of atmospheric oxygen can help determine the rates and geographical distribution of the net storage of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems

    Current carrying capacity of carbon nanotubes

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    The current carrying capacity of ballistic electrons in carbon nanotubes that are coupled to ideal contacts is analyzed. At small applied voltages, where electrons are injected only into crossing subbands, the differential conductance is 4e2/h4e^2/h. At applied voltages larger than ΔENC/2e\Delta E_{NC}/2e (ΔENC\Delta E_{NC} is the energy level spacing of first non crossing subbands), electrons are injected into non crossing subbands. The contribution of these electrons to current is determined by the competing processes of Bragg reflection and Zener type inter subband tunneling. In small diameter nanotubes, Bragg reflection dominates, and the maximum differential conductance is comparable to 4e2/h4e^2/h. Inter subband Zener tunneling can be non negligible as the nanotube diameter increases because ΔENC\Delta E_{NC} is inversely proportional to the diameter. As a result, with increasing nanotube diameter, the differential conductance becomes larger than 4e2/h4e^2/h, though not comparable to the large number of subbands into which electrons are injected from the contacts. These results may be relevant to recent experiments in large diameter multi-wall nanotubes that observed conductances larger than 4e2/h4e^2/h.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Strategies for measurement of atmospheric column means of carbon dioxide from aircraft using discrete sampling

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    [1] Automated flask sampling aboard small charter aircraft has been proposed as a low-cost, reliable method to greatly increase the density of measurements of CO2 mixing ratios in continental regions in order to provide data for assessment of global and regional CO2 budgets. We use data from the CO2 Budget and Rectification-Airborne 2000 campaign over North America to study the feasibility of using discrete ( flask) sampling to determine column mean CO2 in the lowest 4 km of the atmosphere. To simulate flask sampling, data were selected from profiles of CO2 measured continuously with an onboard ( in situ) analyzer. We find that midday column means can be determined without bias relative to true column means measured by the in situ analyzer to within 0.15 and better than 0.10 ppm by using 10 and 20 instantaneously collected flask samples, respectively. More precise results can be obtained by using a flask sampling strategy that linearly integrates over portions of the air column. Using less than 8 - 10 flasks can lead to significant sampling bias for some common profile shapes. Sampling prior to the breakup of the nocturnal stable layer will generally lead to large sampling bias because of the inability of aircraft to probe large CO2 gradients that often exist very close to the ground at night and during the early morning