182 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning dental trauma among parents of children attending primary school

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic dental injuries occur frequently in children and adolescents. The purpose of the present study is to examine the levels of knowledge and behaviors regarding dental trauma among parents of children attending primary schools in the Apulia region of Italy. METHODS: The study was carried out using an anonymous questionnaire with closed answers distributed to 2,775 parents who were enrolled based on the entire regional school population. Analyses were conducted using the PROC CORRESP (procedure to perform multiple correspondence analysis) and PROC FASTCLUS (procedure to perform cluster analysis). Statistical significance was set at p-value <0.05. RESULTS: A total 15.5% of the sample reported that their children had experienced dental trauma. Overall, 53.8% of respondents stated that they knew what to do in cases of dental injury. Regarding the time limit within which it is possible to usefully intervene for dental trauma, 56.8% of respondents indicated "within 30 minutes". Of the total sample, 56.5% knew how to preserve a displaced tooth. A total 62.9% of parents felt it was appropriate for their children to use dental guards during sports activities. The multivariate analysis showed that wrong knowledge are distributed among all kinds of subject. Parents with previous experience of dental trauma referred right behaviours, instead weak knowledge and wrong behaviours are associated with parents that easily worried for dental events. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that most parents reported no experience of dental trauma in their children, and half of them did not know what to do in case of traumatic dental injury and they would intervene within 30 minutes, suggesting that dental trauma may trigger panic. However, they did not have the information needed to best assist the affected child. Motivating parents to assume a preventive approach towards dental trauma may produce positive changes that would result an increase of long-term health benefits among both parents and children

    A survey on methodological issues of clinical research studies reviewed by independent ethic committees during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

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    The struggle for information and the hasty search for answers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic threatened the possibility of lowering study quality, as well as ethical committees’ review standards during the outbreak. Our investigation aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the quality of clinical research studies submitted to Italian Ethics Committees in the period between April and July 2020. All 91 Italian ethics committees were contacted via email in order to collect anonymized information on the type and quality of COVID-19-related studies submitted to each committee during the study period. The present study summarizes the characteristics of the 184 study applications collected, pointing out, especially, how the quality of the study population and statistical analysis are crucial variables in determining the study approval. Nevertheless, despite the need for high-quality and open scientific information, especially exacerbated by this particular historical period, only a minority of the ethics committees (20.9%) agreed to share their data; such scarce participation, beyond biasing the representativeness of the results obtained by the present study, more importantly, hinders the broader goal of creating trust between researchers and the general public

    Hospitalisation for COPD in Puglia: the role of hospital discharge database to estimate prevalence and incidence

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    Background and aim. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), although largely preventable, is a great health burden in all the countries worldwide. Statistics of morbidity and mortality of COPD show the need for correct management of the disease. Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Diseases (DRG 88) are in 9th place for discharge in in-patient hospital admission. It is necessary to establish specific indicators which are efficacious and relevant for the patient, the doctor and the health manager. This study will analyse the information in respect of hospital admissions (Hospital discharge database) in Puglia for the period 2000-2005. Methods. The analysis was carried out utilising the Puglia Region hospital patient discharge database, selecting those patients with admission for chronic respiratory disease as principal or secondary diagnosis. Results. Chronic respiratory diseases are more frequent in males and in people over 45 years old with frequency increasing with age. Geographical distribution shows that there are greater rates of hospitalisation in big cities and in the neighbourhood of industrial areas. Although the trend over time is slight. A higher percentage of re-admission has been found for patients with COPD, and the interval between the two admissions occurs within one or two months; the diagnosis at the second admission is the same as for the first. 10.6% of discharge forms report one diagnosis, especially in patients older than 65 years of age. Little could be said about diagnostic procedures because these are not reported on the discharge form. Conclusion. Hospitalisation data confirms expectations regarding age and sex of patients. The high hospitalisation rates indicate that in-patients care still remains the only viable treatment for COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases. The high number of exacerbations reflect the absence of out-patients service or community care, and the same diagnosis in more than one episode shows the lack of efficiency of health services and disease management. This data is necessary to understand disease distribution and the modification of disease management in order to reduce health care costs, to increase efficacy in disease control and to limit repeated exacerbation and so to obtain the maximum benefit for the patients

    Survey of Low Birthweight and Extremely Low Birthweight Events in a High Environmental Risk Area of Apulia, Italy

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    The association between environmental conditions and pregnancy outcome has been under investigation for a long time, but results appear to be inconclusive regarding damage to either the newborn or the mother. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of hospitalization of newborns with low birthweight (&lt; 2500&nbsp;g) and extremely low birthweight (&lt; 1000&nbsp;g) in the geographical area of Taranto, Italy, which is characterized by high environmental risk because of industrial pollution. We analyzed the database of hospital discharge forms for the years 2001–2013 regarding hospital admission of newborns in the region of Apulia. The relative risk (RR) of hospitalization, adjusted for the deprivation index, was estimated using the Besag–York–Molliè Bayesian model. The city of Taranto, which has the highest environmental risk, had the highest RR for newborns with low birthweight (1.47, 95% uncertainty interval 1.38–1.56). Other geographical areas with high environmental pollution had higher RRs for low birth weight compared with the regional average. We found no geographical distribution pattern of extremely low birthweight that would suggest an association with environmental pollution

    Legionella detection in water networks as per iso 11731:2017: Can different filter pore sizes and direct placement on culture media influence laboratory results?

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    Determination of Legionella concentrations in water networks is useful for predicting legionellosis risks. The standard culture technique using concentration with membranes filters is the most commonly used method for environmental surveillance of Legionella. The aim of this study was to verify whether filtration with different filter pore sizes (0.2 and 0.45 \ub5m) according to (ISO) 11731:2017, followed by directly placing them on culture media, can influence Legionella detection. Three laboratories participated in an experimental study that tested a known suspension of Legionella pneumophila (Lpn) serogroup 1 (ATCC 33152) (approximate final cell density of 15 CFU/mL). E. coli (ATCC 11775) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 25668) were included as control tests. The average (95% CI) percentage of recovery of Lpn was 65% using 0.45-\ub5m filters and 15% using 0.2-\ub5m filters (p &lt; 0.0001). For control tests, the average (95% CI) percentage of recovery was higher with 0.45 vs. 0.2 \ub5m filters: 97% vs. 64% for Escherichia coli (p &lt; 0.00001) and 105% vs. 97% (p = 0.0244) for P. aeruginosa. Our results showed that the 0.45-\ub5m filters provided the greatest detection of Legionella. Because the current national guidelines leave the choice of membrane porosity to the operator, experimental studies are important for directing operators towards a conscious choice to standardize Legionella environmental surveillance methods

    COVID19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: An analysis on the short-term relationship between air pollution, climatic factors and the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Short-term exposure to air pollution, as well as to climate variables have been linked to a higher incidence of respiratory viral diseases. The study aims to assess the short-term influence of air pollution and climate on COVID19 incidence in Lombardy (Italy), during the early stage of the outbreak, before the implementation of the lockdown measures. The daily number of COVID19 cases in Lombardy from February 25th to March 10th, 2020, and the daily average concentrations up to 15 days before the study period of particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), O3, SO2, and NO2 together with climate variables (temperature, relative humidity – RH%, wind speed, precipitation), were analyzed. A univariable mixed model with a logarithm transformation as link function was applied for each day, from 15 days (lag15) to one day (lag1) before the day of detected cases, to evaluate the effect of each variable. Additionally, change points (Break Points-BP) in the relationship between incident cases and air pollution or climatic factors were estimated. The results did not show a univocal relationship between air quality or climate factors and COVID19 incidence. PM10, PM2.5 and O3 concentrations in the last lags seem to be related to an increased COVID19 incidence, probably due to an increased susceptibility of the host. In addition, low temperature and low wind speed in some lags resulted associated with increased daily COVID19 incidence. The findings observed suggest that these factors, in particular conditions and lags, may increase individual susceptibility to the development of viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2

    Chemical signature of colorectal cancer: case–control study for profiling the breath print

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    Background: Effective screening for colorectal cancer can reduce mortality by early detection of tumours and colonic polyps. An altered pattern of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath has been proposed as a potential non-invasive diagnostic tool for detection of cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of breath-testing for colorectal cancer screening and early diagnosis using an advanced breath sampler. Methods: The exhaled breath of patients with colorectal cancer and non-cancer controls with negative findings on colonoscopy was collected using the ReCIVA® Breath Sampler. This portable device is able to capture the alveolar breath fraction without environmental contamination. VOCs were desorbed thermally and analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The discriminatory ability of VOCs in detecting colorectal cancer was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for each VOC, followed by cross-validation by the leave-one-out method, and by applying stepwise logistic regression analysis. Results: The study included 83 patients with colorectal cancer and 90 non-cancer controls. Fourteen VOCs were found to have significant discriminatory ability in detecting patients with colorectal cancer. The model with the diagnosis of cancer versus no cancer resulted in a statistically significant likelihood of discrimination of 173⋅45 (P &lt;0⋅001), with an area under the ROC curve of 0⋅979. Cross-validation of the model resulted in a true predictive value for colorectal cancer of 93 per cent overall. Reliability of the breath analysis was maintained irrespective of cancer stage. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that analysis of exhaled VOCs can discriminate patients with colorectal cancer from those without. This finding may eventually lead to the creation of a smart online sensory device, capable of providing a binary answer (cancer/no cancer) and directing to further screening

    Coexistence of an imbalance of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors serum levels and symptoms of fatigue and pain in long-term breast cancer survivors.

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    Background: Fatigue, pain and depression are common problems among long-term cancer survivors (BCS) which in some patients may persist for many years after healing and the completion of treatment. Several studies have reported that increased serum levels of chemokines and growth factors are particularly significantly correlated with the coexistence of these disorders in cancer survivors. The aim of this study was to assess whether the altered imbalance of pro-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and chemokine serum levels are associated to presence of fatigue and pain in long-term breast cancer survivors . Methods: Ninety-three BCS were enrolled in this study and blood samples taken from each. Serum levels of 25 analytes including cytokines, growth factors and chemokines were tested by enzyme immunoassay using the flexible Bio-Plex System. Participants also completed a questionnaire measuring demographic, clinical and behavioral variables. Results: Non-parametric discriminant analysis showed that fatigued BCS had significantly higher serum levels of FGF and lower IL-4 and IL-8 compared to the non-fatigued group, while BCS with pain had an increase in eotaxin serum levels and lower IL-4 and Il-7 compared to the group without pain. Univariate analysis showed a statistically significant difference in both mental and physical qol, with levels lower in the subgroup who presented pain than in those without: p = 0.0003 and p < 0.0001 respectively. A lower value of Rantes (p = 0.0131) in breast cancer survivors with pain compared to the group without pain, and a higher median value of TNF-α (p = 0.054) in the pain group than in those without pain was observed. The level of depression was higher than the score of 50 on the Zung scale in fatigued survivors compared to non-fatigued survivors (p = 0.0006). Conclusions: Our results suggest that an altered balance of chemokines, cytokines and growth factors serum levels may be associated to presence of symptoms such as fatigue and pain in breast cancer survivors at an average of 5 years after diagnosis
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