26,836 research outputs found

    Recent developments in Vorton Theory

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    This article provides a concise overview of recent theoretical results concerning the theory of vortons, which are defined to be (centrifugally supported) equilibrium configurations of (current carrying) cosmic string loops. Following a presentation of the results of work on the dynamical evolution of small circular string loops, whose minimum energy states are the simplest examples of vortons, recent order of magnitude estimates of the cosmological density of vortons produced in various kinds of theoretical scenario are briefly summarised.Comment: 6 pages Latex. Contribution to 1996 Cosmology Meeting, Peyresq, Franc

    Inclusion Polymerization and Doping in Zeolite Channels. Polyaniline

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    Aniline has been polymerized in the three-dimensional channel system of zeolite Y. The monomer was diffused into zeolites with different levels of acidity from hexane solution. Subsequent admission of peroxydisulfate or iodate from aqueous solution yielded the intrazeolite polymers, as demonstrated by FT-IR, electronic absorption data and recovery of the included polymer. With S2O82-, the intrazeolite products are a function of the proton content of the zeolite. Polymer is only formed when a sufficient supply of protons is present in the zeolite host. When neutral iodate solution is used, no polymer is formed in NaY and acid zeolites, but at low pH aniline polymerizes in all zeolites. The open pore system of the zeolite host can be accessed by base such that the intrazeolite protonated polymer is transformed into the corresponding neutral polymer. The polymer chains encapsulated in zeolite hosts represent a new class of low- dimensional electronic materials

    On higher dimensional black holes with abelian isometry group

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    We consider (n+1)--dimensional, stationary, asymptotically flat, or Kaluza-Klein asymptotically flat black holes, with an abelian ss--dimensional subgroup of the isometry group satisfying an orthogonal integrability condition. Under suitable regularity conditions we prove that the area of the group orbits is positive on the domain of outer communications, vanishing only on its boundary and on the "symmetry axis". We further show that the orbits of the connected component of the isometry group are timelike throughout the domain of outer communications. Those results provide a starting point for the classification of such black holes. Finally, we show non-existence of zeros of static Killing vectors on degenerate Killing horizons, as needed for the generalisation of the static no-hair theorem to higher dimensions

    KIC 2856960: the impossible triple star

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    KIC 2856960 is a star in the Kepler field which was observed by Kepler for 4 years. It shows the primary and secondary eclipses of a close binary of 0.258d as well as complex dipping events that last for about 1.5d at a time and recur on a 204d period. The dips are thought to result when the close binary passes across the face of a third star. In this paper we present an attempt to model the dips. Despite the apparent simplicity of the system and strenuous efforts to find a solution, we find that we cannot match the dips with a triple star while satisfying Kepler's laws. The problem is that to match the dips the separation of the close binary has to be larger than possible relative to the outer orbit given the orbital periods. Quadruple star models can get round this problem but require the addition of a so-far undetected intermediate period of order 5 -- 20d that has be a near-perfect integer divisor of the outer 204d period. Although we have no good explanation for KIC 2856960, using the full set of Kepler data we are able to update several of its parameters. We also present a spectrum showing that KIC 2856960 is dominated by light from a K3- or K4-type star.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS August 21, 201

    Transonic Elastic Model for Wiggly Goto-Nambu String

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    The hitherto controversial proposition that a ``wiggly" Goto-Nambu cosmic string can be effectively represented by an elastic string model of exactly transonic type (with energy density UU inversely proportional to its tension TT) is shown to have a firm mathematical basis.Comment: 8 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    Three approaches to the classification of inland wetlands

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    In the Dismal Swamp project, seasonal, color-infrared aerial photographs and LANDSAT digital data were interpreted for a detailed analysis of the vegetative communities in a large, highly altered wetland. In Western Tennessee, seasonal high altitude color-infrared aerial photographs provided the hydrologic and vegetative information needed to map inland wetlands, using a classification system developed for the Tennessee Valley Region. In Florida, color-infrared aerial photographs were analyzed to produce wetland maps using three existing classification systems to evaluate the information content and mappability of each system. The methods used in each of the three projects can be extended or modified for use in the mapping of inland wetlands in other parts of the United States

    Dynamical Stability of Witten Rings

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    The dynamical stability of cosmic rings, or vortons, is investigated for the particular equation of state given by the Witten bosonic model. It is found that there exists a finite range of the state parameter for which the vorton states are actually stable against dynamical perturbations. Inclusion of the electromagnetic self action into the equation of state slightly shrinks the stability region but otherwise yields no qualitative difference. If the Witten bosonic model represents a good approximation for more realistic string models, then the cosmological vorton excess problem can only be solved by assuming either that strings are formed at low energy scales or that some quantum instability may develop at a sufficient rate.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX-ReVTeX (v.3), 2 figures available upon request, DAMTP R-94/1

    Hidden Symmetries of Higher Dimensional Black Holes and Uniqueness of the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetime

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    We prove that the most general solution of the Einstein equations with the cosmological constant which admits a principal conformal Killing-Yano tensor is the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS metric. Even when the Einstein equations are not imposed, any spacetime admitting such hidden symmetry can be written in a canonical form which guarantees the following properties: it is of the Petrov type D, it allows the separation of variables for the Hamilton-Jacobi, Klein-Gordon, and Dirac equations, the geodesic motion in such a spacetime is completely integrable. These results naturally generalize the results obtained earlier in four dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Investigation of ground effects on large and small scale models of a three fan V/STOL aircraft configuration

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    Induced lift of a subsonic, three fan, lift/cruise, V/STOL aircraft configuration was investigated using scale modes of a multimission aircraft whose design incorporates a nose mounted lift fan and two lift/cruise units located over the wing. Configuration effects were assessed for lift improvement devices, lift/cruise nozzle rails, nozzle perimeter plates, and alternate nose fan exit hubs. Tests were conducted at four model heights (H/D = 0.95, 1.53, 3.06 and 6.45, where D is the average nozzle exit diameter equal to 0.997 m.) Results are presented and discussed

    Spinning BTZ Black Hole versus Kerr Black Hole : A Closer Look

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    By applying Newman's algorithm, the AdS_3 rotating black hole solution is ``derived'' from the nonrotating black hole solution of Banados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli (BTZ). The rotating BTZ solution derived in this fashion is given in ``Boyer-Lindquist-type'' coordinates whereas the form of the solution originally given by BTZ is given in a kind of an ``unfamiliar'' coordinates which are related to each other by a transformation of time coordinate alone. The relative physical meaning between these two time coordinates is carefully studied. Since the Kerr-type and Boyer-Lindquist-type coordinates for rotating BTZ solution are newly found via Newman's algorithm, next, the transformation to Kerr-Schild-type coordinates is looked for. Indeed, such transformation is found to exist. And in this Kerr-Schild-type coordinates, truely maximal extension of its global structure by analytically continuing to ``antigravity universe'' region is carried out.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, Revtex, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.