262 research outputs found

    Fractal Cosmology in an Open Universe

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    The clustering of galaxies is well characterized by fractal properties, with the presence of an eventual cross-over to homogeneity still a matter of considerable debate. In this letter we discuss the cosmological implications of a fractal distribution of matter, with a possible cross-over to homogeneity at an undetermined scale R_{homo}. Contrary to what is generally assumed, we show that, even when R_{homo} -> \infty, this possibility can be treated consistently within the framework of the expanding universe solutions of Friedmann. The fractal is a perturbation to an open cosmology in which the leading homogeneous component is the cosmic background radiation (CBR). This cosmology, inspired by the observed galaxy distributions, provides a simple explanation for the recent data which indicate the absence of deceleration in the expansion (q_o \approx 0). Correspondingly the `age problem' is also resolved. Further we show that the model can be extended back from the curvature dominated arbitrarily deep into the radiation dominated era, and we discuss qualitatively the modifications to the physics of the anisotropy of the CBR, nucleosynthesis and structure formation.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Universality of power law correlations in gravitational clustering

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    We present an analysis of different sets of gravitational N-body simulations, all describing the dynamics of discrete particles with a small initial velocity dispersion. They encompass very different initial particle configurations, different numerical algorithms for the computation of the force, with or without the space expansion of cosmological models. Despite these differences we find in all cases that the non-linear clustering which results is essentially the same, with a well-defined simple power-law behaviour in the two-point correlations in the range from a few times the lower cut-off in the gravitational force to the scale at which fluctuations are of order one. We argue, presenting quantitative evidence, that this apparently universal behaviour can be understood by the domination of the small scale contribution to the gravitational force, coming initially from nearest neighbor particles.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 3 postscript figures. Revised version to be published in Europhysics Letters. Contains additional analysis showing more directly the central role of nearest neighbour interactions in the development of power-law correlation

    Very large scale correlations in the galaxy distribution

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    We characterize galaxy correlations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey by measuring several moments of galaxy counts in spheres. We firstly find that the average counts grows as a power-law function of the distance with an exponent D= 2.1+- 0.05 for r in [0.5,20] Mpc/h and D = 2.8+-0.05 for r in [30,150] Mpc/h. In order to estimate the systematic errors in these measurements we consider the counts variance finding that it shows systematic finite size effects which depend on the samples sizes. We clarify, by making specific tests, that these are due to galaxy long-range correlations extending up to the largest scales of the sample. The analysis of mock galaxy catalogs, generated from cosmological N-body simulations of the standard LCDM model, shows that for r<20 Mpc/h the counts exponent is D~2.0, weakly dependent on galaxy luminosity, while D=3 at larger scales. In addition, contrary to the case of the observed galaxy samples, no systematic finite size effects in the counts variance are found at large scales, a result that agrees with the absence of large scale, r~100 Mpc/h, correlations in the mock catalogs. We thus conclude that the observed galaxy distribution is characterized by correlations, fluctuations and hence structures, which are larger, both in amplitude and in spatial extension, than those predicted by the standard model LCDM of galaxy formation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Gravitational force distribution in fractal structures

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    We study the (newtonian) gravitational force distribution arising from a fractal set of sources. We show that, in the case of real structures in finite samples, an important role is played by morphological properties and finite size effects. For dimensions smaller than d-1 (being dd the space dimension) the convergence of the net gravitational force is assured by the fast decaying of the density, while for fractal dimension D>d-1 the morphological properties of the structure determine the eventual convergence of the force as a function of distance. We clarify the role played by the cut-offs of the distribution. Some cosmological implications are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 2 postscript figures, also available at http://www.phys.uniroma1.it/DOCS/PIL/pil.html Accepted for Publication in Europhysics Letters. Minor modifications adde

    The fractal structure of the universe : a new field theory approach

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    While the universe becomes more and more homogeneous at large scales, statistical analysis of galaxy catalogs have revealed a fractal structure at small-scales (\lambda < 100 h^{-1} Mpc), with a fractal dimension D=1.5-2 (Sylos Labini et al 1996). We study the thermodynamics of a self-gravitating system with the theory of critical phenomena and finite-size scaling and show that gravity provides a dynamical mechanism to produce this fractal structure. We develop a field theoretical approach to compute the galaxy distribution, assuming them to be in quasi-isothermal equilibrium. Only a limited, (although large), range of scales is involved, between a short-distance cut-off below which other physics intervene, and a large-distance cut-off, where the thermo- dynamic equilibrium is not satisfied. The galaxy ensemble can be considered at critical conditions, with large density fluctuations developping at any scale. From the theory of critical phenomena, we derive the two independent critical exponents nu and eta and predict the fractal dimension D = 1/nu to be either 1.585 or 2, depending on whether the long-range behaviour is governed by the Ising or the mean field fixed points, respectively. Both set of values are compatible with present observations. In addition, we predict the scaling behaviour of the gravitational potential to be r^{-(1 + eta)/2}. That is, r^{-0.5} for mean field or r^{- 0.519} for the Ising fixed point. The theory allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any assumption or Ansatz. We find that the N-points density scales as r_1^{(N-1)(D-3)}, when r_1 >> r_i, 2 leq i leq N . There are no free parameters in this theory.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, no figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    The complex universe: recent observations and theoretical challenges

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    The large scale distribution of galaxies in the universe displays a complex pattern of clusters, super-clusters, filaments and voids with sizes limited only by the boundaries of the available samples. A quantitative statistical characterization of these structures shows that galaxy distribution is inhomogeneous in these samples, being characterized by large-amplitude fluctuations of large spatial extension. Over a large range of scales, both the average conditional density and its variance show a nontrivial scaling behavior: at small scales, r<20 Mpc/h, the average (conditional) density scales as 1/r. At larger scales, the density depends only weakly (logarithmically) on the system size and density fluctuations follow the Gumbel distribution of extreme value statistics. These complex behaviors are different from what is expected in a homogeneous distribution with Gaussian fluctuations. The observed density inhomogeneities pose a fundamental challenge to the standard picture of cosmology but it also represent an important opportunity which points to new directions with respect to many cosmological puzzles. Indeed, the fact that matter distribution is not uniform, in the limited range of scales sampled by observations, rises the question of understanding how inhomogeneities affect the large-scale dynamics of the universe. We discuss several attempts which try to model inhomogeneities in cosmology, considering their effects with respect to the role and abundance of dark energy and dark matter.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Spinal motoneurons of the human newborn are highly synchronized during leg movements

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    Motoneurons of neonatal rodents show synchronous activity that modulates the development of the neuromuscular system. However, the characteristics of the activity of human neonatal motoneurons are largely unknown. Using a noninvasive neural interface, we identified the discharge timings of individual spinal motoneurons in human newborns. We found highly synchronized activities of motoneurons of the tibialis anterior muscle, which were associated with fast leg movements. Although neonates' motor units exhibited discharge rates similar to those of adults, their synchronization was significantly greater than in adults. Moreover, neonatal motor units showed coherent oscillations in the delta band, which is directly translated into force generation. These results suggest that motoneuron synchronization in human neonates might be an important mechanism for controlling fast limb movements, such as those of primitive reflexes. In addition to help revealing mechanisms of development, the proposed neural interface might monitor children at risk of developing motor disorders

    Tapping into rhythm generation circuitry in humans during simulated weightlessness conditions

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    An ability to produce rhythmic activity is ubiquitous for locomotor pattern generation and modulation. The role that the rhythmogenesis capacity of the spinal cord plays in injured populations has become an area of interest and systematic investigation among researchers in recent years, despite its importance being long recognized by neurophysiologists and clinicians. Given that each individual interneuron, as a rule, receives a broad convergence of various supraspinal and sensory inputs and may contribute to a vast repertoire of motor actions, the importance of assessing the functional state of the spinal locomotor circuits becomes increasingly evident. Air-stepping can be used as a unique and important model for investigating human rhythmogenesis since its manifestation is largely facilitated by a reduction of external resistance. This article aims to provide a review on current issues related to the ‘locomotor’ state and interactions between spinal and supraspinal influences on the central pattern generator circuitry in humans, which may be important for developing gait rehabilitation strategies in individuals with spinal cord and brain injuries

    Gravitational evolution of a perturbed lattice and its fluid limit

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    We apply a simple linearization, well known in solid state physics, to approximate the evolution at early times of cosmological N-body simulations of gravity. In the limit that the initial perturbations, applied to an infinite perfect lattice, are at wavelengths much greater than the lattice spacing ll the evolution is exactly that of a pressureless self-gravitating fluid treated in the analagous (Lagrangian) linearization, with the Zeldovich approximation as a sub-class of asymptotic solutions. Our less restricted approximation allows one to trace the evolution of the discrete distribution until the time when particles approach one another (i.e. ``shell crossing''). We calculate modifications of the fluid evolution, explicitly dependent on ll i.e. discreteness effects in the N body simulations. We note that these effects become increasingly important as the initial red-shift is increased at fixed ll. The possible advantages of using a body centred cubic, rather than simple cubic, lattice are pointed out.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, version with minor modifications, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
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