135 research outputs found

    Analisis Komparasi Daya Saing Produk Ekspor Pertanian Antar Negara ASEAN Dalam Era Perdagangan Bebas AFTA

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    EnglishThe trade liberalisation under AFTA schemes commencing since 1 January 2003 would result in the more opened market in the ASEAN region and increased competition among countries in the region. The present paper aims to conduct an inter ASEAN comparative analysis on the export growth of agricultural products as well as effect of product composition, market distribution and competitiveness on export of agricultural products to the ASEAN region, using time-series data and Constant Market Share approach. The main findings of the analysis are as follows : (1) The Indonesia's export growth to the ASEAN region in the 1997-1999 period was the highest one among the ASEAN countries, even higher than the world export to the same region, while in the 1999-2001 period it decreased and became slower compared than Thailand, Filipina and world; (2) Composition of the Indonesia's export product was the best one among the ASEAN country, even though it weakened in the 1999-2001 from the previous period; (3) Market distribution of the Indonesia's export in the 1997-1999 period was worse than Singapore's only, but in the following period it weakened and became worse compared to Singapore and Vietnam; and (4) Competitiveness of the Indonesia's export in the 1997-1999 period was the best one among the ASEAN countries, but weakened in the subsequent period and became worse compared to the Philippines and Thailand. It is suggested that in the future, Indonesia needs to pay more attentions on the selection of correct product composition and country destination so as to win in the increasing competition with other ASEAN countries and even non ASEAN countries. IndonesianLiberalisasi perdagangan AFTA yang berlaku sejak 1 Januari 2003 akan menyebabkan makin terbukanya pasar di kawasan ASEAN dan makin tajamnya persaingan antar negara di kawasan ini. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis komparasi antar negara ASEAN yang menyangkut pertumbuhan ekspor produk pertanian serta efek komposisi produk, distribusi pasar dan daya saing terhadap ekspor produk pertanian ke kawasan ASEAN dengan menggunakan data sekunder deret waktu dan metode analisis Constant Market Share. Kesimpulan utama hasil analisis ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Pertumbuhan ekspor Indonesia ke kawasan ASEAN selama periode 1997-1999 adalah yang tertinggi di antara negara-negara ASEAN, bahkan lebih tinggi daripada pertumbuhan ekspor dunia ke kawasan yang sama, sedangkan pada periode 1999-2001 menurun dan lebih rendah dibanding Thailand, Filipina dan dunia; (2) Komposisi produk ekspor Indonesia adalah yang terbaik di antara negara-negara ASEAN, walaupun melemah pada periode 1999-2001 dibanding 1997-1999; (3) Distribusi pasar ekspor Indonesia pada periode 1997-1999 hanya kalah dari Singapura, tetapi pada periode 1999-2001 melemah dan kalah dari Singapura dan Vietnam; dan (4) Daya saing ekspor Indonesia pada periode 1997-1999 paling kuat di antara negara-negara ASEAN, tetapi pada periode 1999-2001 melemah dan kalah dari Filipina dan Thailand. Disarankan agar di masa datang, Indonesia lebih memperhatikan lagi pemilihan yang lebih tepat mengenai komposisi produk dan negara tujuan ekspornya agar dapat lebih memenangkan persaingan dengan sesama negara ASEAN lainnya dan bahkan negara-negara non ASEAN

    Perkembangan Dan Prospek Kemandirian Pangan Nasional

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    Dinamika Indikator Ekonomi Makro Sektor Pertanian Dan Kesejahteraan Petani

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    Pengaruh Teknologi Terhadap Perubahan Peranan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Struktur Perekonomian Indonesia

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    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the pattern of Indonesia economic structural change and the roles of agricultural technology in affecting the pattern. The economic structure is measured with GDP and employment absorption shares composition by the economic sectors (agriculture, industry, and service). The direct impact of agricultural technology on the economic structure is evaluated with the supply side approach. The analysis is conducted with an econometric model using time series data of 1971-1991 period. The study shows that the pattern of Indonesian economic structural change is abnormal in the sense completely different from the experience of most developed countries. The economic structural change have been highly unbalanced, excessively burdened the agricultural sector with labor absorption. The study also shows that agricultural technology (measured with labor productivity) and real price are positively related with agricultural GDP share, but negatively related with the agricultural employment share. This explains why the directions of GDP shares is a contradictory with employment share. Accordingly the attempt to improve the pattern of economic structural change should be conducted with a multi sectoral policy package: increasing agricultural productivity and real price while increasing labor use intensity in the industrial sector

    Gully control in SAT watersheds. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 15

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    Gully erosion is geographically a widespread problem. It is common in the semi-arid region, characterized by denuded landscape and flash floods. An estimated 4 million ha land in India and 29 million ha of land in Africa are affected by severe gully erosion. Gully erosion is more difficult and expensive to control than other types of soil erosion. A full understanding of erosion processes at various stages of gully development is essential to achieve gully stabilization. Without proper understanding often the measures taken for controlling gully were found unnecessary or ineffective. This report provides the basic knowledge of gully formation and its causes. The classification of gullies and the basic principles of its control are explained. Drawing primarily the experiences from the several on-farm watershed projects implemented by ICRISAT, the report provides the practical approach for gully control in the context of overall watershed development and management. The basic considerations and the design details of various gully control structures, viz, loose rock dam, double-row post-brush dam, double-row post-stone dam, single-row post-stone dam, stone wall dam, masonry check-dam, earthen check-dam and gabion structures are covered in detail. The key hydrological data, ie, runoff volume and peak runoffrate measured at the watershed scale along with design peak runoff rate for the various locations in India are given. These data will greatly assist the watershed implementing agencies in the selection, design, construction and maintenance of gully control structures

    Gully Control in SAT Watersheds

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    Gully erosion is geographically a widespread problem. It is common in the semi-arid region, characterized by denuded landscape and flash floods. An estimated 4 million ha of land in India and 29 million ha of land in Africa are affected by severe gully erosion. Gully erosion is more difficult and expensive to control than other types of soil erosion. A full understanding of erosion processes at various stages of gully development is essential to achieve gully stabilization. Without proper understanding often the measures taken for controlling gully were found unnecessary or ineffective. This report provides the basic knowledge of gully formation and its causes. The classification of gullies and the basic principles of its control are explained. Drawing primarily the experiences from the several on-farm watershed projects implemented by ICRISAT, the report provides the practical approach for gully control in the context of overall watershed development and management. The basic considerations and the design details of various gully control structures, viz., loose rock dam, double-row post-brush dam, double-row post-stone dam, single-row post-stone dam, stone wall dam, masonry check-dam, earthen check-dam and gabion structures are covered in detail. The key hydrological data, i.e., runoff volume and peak runoff rate measured at the watershed scale along with design peak runoff rate for the various locations in India are given. These data will greatly assist the watershed implementing agencies in the selection, design, construction and maintenance of gully control structure

    New Tools for Monitoring and Modeling Hydrological Processes in Small Agricultural Watersheds

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    Integrated watershed management is regarded as the most appropriatestrategy to rehabilitate fragile ecosystems and improve the livelihoods ofpeople living in rain-fed areas. The rural people living in such areas areunder constant threat of low yields, unemployment and consequentlypoor living conditions. Effective watershed management can substantiallyreduce risks, make water for drinking and cultivation available in anequitable manner, increase farm productivity and raise income through..........

    Long-term effects of management systems on crop yield and soil physical properties of semi-arid tropics of Vertisols

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    Long-term experiments can be used to assess management induced changes in soil properties and sustainability of the management system in terms of the productivity. Such data are scanty, especially in the semi-arid tropics (SAT) region. A long-term experiment established in 1976 at ICRISAT in India on Vertisols with two management treatments; improved management (IM), comprising semi-permanent broadbed and furrow (BBF) landform with minimum tillage and improved cropping practices; and traditional management (TM) system comprising keeping the land fallow during the rainy season and sowing on flat landform during post-rainy season with traditional cropping practices, was sampled after 24 and 34 years for soil physical and hydrological properties. Results showed that both in short-and long-term the management systems had profound effect on crop yields. Also in the long-term IM and TM management systems had significant effect on several soil physical and hydrological properties. Throughout the soil profile IM systems had significantly lower bulk density, significantly higher porosity, substantially lower penetration resistance both at 5 cm (1 and 8 MPa) and 15 cm depths (8 and 15 MPa), significantly higher infiltration and sorptivity and significantly larger mean weight diameter of 4.3 mm compared to 2.8 mm for soils under TM. However, management systems had no significant effect on moisture holding capacities both at 0.033 and 1.5 MPa. Significant differences between the improved and traditional systems were observed in the size and pattern of soil surface cracks. Over the long-term, the improved management systems has very favorable effects on soil physical and hydrological properties and on the soil surface cracking and its patterns, thereby contributing to higher productivit

    Soil And Water Management Alternatives For Increased Productivity On SAT Alfisols

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    Alfisols are agriculturally important soils throughout much of the semi-arid tropics (SAT) in spite of serious physical and chemical limitations. They are the t h i r d most important soil order in the world, covering 13.1% of the world area (Buringh, 1982) and a r e the most abundant s o i l s i n t h e SAT, cover nearly 16% of the tropics and 33% of the SAT region
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